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Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 3:06 pm
by curiousGeorge
Danielle wrote:Bree's disregard for Jonas' feelings in this case doesn't make us mad at Bree's character, but mad at her writers. Too much assumptious writing has taken place, and I'm not just saying recently. I just think that now the months of sloppy charactization is now finally starting to be glaringly apparent.
We know the the c's have never written a long, serialized, drama before. It shows...

The lack of realistic character development has been evident for a long time. We all change in reaction to the daily goings on of our lives. Do I wish that Bree had never had to leave her room? Yes, but that was why it was kinda compelling when she did...

These characters have been subjected to some fairly heady experiences, which would naturally mean that they should develop accordingly. Instead we get bizarre characterizations that just don't seem natural. I admit I find the Order plot hokey, but I find the character changes egregious.

I think the actors have done a good job with the material, especially Jackson. I think this is because the writers have done a more realistic job of developing his character than Bree and DB.

As for the "girls": Taylor seems to have gone from tom-boy soccer girl to dominatrix in sixty seconds flat. Weird, especially given that the actress appears to be fairly talented.

Sarah's character is just a cliche and the worst offender in Taig's original premise to this thread. Alex seems talented, but the writers are portraying her as the one-dimensional sex kitten with only a glimpse of "humanity". Yes, she is attractive so the actress pulls this off easily. But, I suspect she could develop the character if given the correct material.

Gemma was a nightmare of a character, though no fault of Jackie's. Nuff said.

So now we have young Spencer. Great start! I hope that Mesh has this opportunity to concentrate on a logical and meaningful development for him.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 3:14 pm
by longlostposter
curiousGeorge wrote:So now we have young Spencer.
Yeah, and he's a cutie. I love him already, but then I have a soft spot for sensitive dorks.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 3:46 pm
by suze900
What strikes me is the sharp decline in the number of posts in the recent video threads compared with the turnout for a good vs. evil dramatization or the old school silly Bree vids. Are folks just speechless at the recent stream of blatant sexuality?
Just to respond to this part of the commentary; one reason I think the forum posts may have gone down is that the video posting schedule has gotten so predictable.

Putting on my mental health hat for a moment to give the Creators some behavioral advice: once a behavior (watching videos, posting on the forums) is well-established, a variable, unpredictable schedule of rewards for the behavior (new videos/information/etc.) will produce much higher levels of activity and interest than a predictable reinforcement schedule.

I think that in some areas they are doing this: sometimes the characters are in the forums, sometimes they're in chat, it's hard to predict, and it keeps people coming back. But the video schedule is getting very predictable; 4 days a week, never on weekends. I would mix it up a bit in that area if I were the Cs.

I have no comment on the "blatant sexuality" issue except to say that it seems pretty mild and PG-13 to me. I would have let my kids watch it at 14 and up.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:27 pm
by longlostposter
suze900 wrote:I have no comment on the "blatant sexuality" issue except to say that it seems pretty mild and PG-13 to me. I would have let my kids watch it at 14 and up.
I agree, suze. There is nothing here that should be even remotely offensive, IMO.

As for what you are saying about mixing the schedule up, I think you may be right on, suze.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:28 pm
by Danielle
longlostposter wrote:
suze900 wrote:I have no comment on the "blatant sexuality" issue except to say that it seems pretty mild and PG-13 to me. I would have let my kids watch it at 14 and up.
I agree, suze. There is nothing here that should be even remotely offensive, IMO.

I'm not saying the sex is like OMGZ NSFW LOLZ.

Its just random, and at this point in the storyline its use is desperate and cheap feeling.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:37 pm
by longlostposter
Danielle wrote:Its just random, and at this point in the storyline its use is desperate and cheap feeling.
I think the problem is they waited too long to bring it into the storyline, Danielle, and what you said about B&D makes perfect sense. This should have been done way sooner. Perhaps the delay was because of the very vocal "no couples" forumites. Personally, I thought it was strange that none of them seemed to have a sexual bone in their body. Daniel and Jonas are 19 year-old boys (men?), for heaven's sakes.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:46 pm
by Rekidk
milowent wrote:if you don't like trolls, you have no soul.
I laughed out loud when I read this. Milowent, you are awesome. :D
curiousGeorge wrote: Gemma was a nightmare of a character, though no fault of Jackie's. Nuff said.
I think I'm the only person who ever liked Gemma.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:49 pm
by suze900
I think the problem is they waited too long to bring it into the storyline
Well, it seems to have come at a pretty good point in the story to me. I saw the Jonas-Bree thing building way ahead of time, and Bree never seemed to me like she was all that into Daniel, except as a friend.

The way they're all getting into the Love Boat now seems normal for a bunch of 19-year-olds <searches brain for distant memories of 19-24 . . . :oops: . . . nevermind>

Why I'm getting into all this I don't know; I don't even read novels for pete's sake! The Cs must be doing something right, for me anyway.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:52 pm
by Danielle
I think that if they were going to have their characters have sex, they should have done a bit more seguing into it.

Bree skipped all the bases and went straight to home!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:08 pm
by suze900
Well, as Daniel said in his first video ever, we only see a tiny bit of what's going on :wink: Who's to say how many bases they really skipped?

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:57 pm
by Rekidk
suze900 wrote:Well, as Daniel said in his first video ever, we only see a tiny bit of what's going on :wink: Who's to say how many bases they really skipped?
Remember Sarah's "WTF" vid? I don't think any bases were skipped--Bree just runs really really fast. ;)

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:25 pm
by suze900

You're funny, Kid.

Bread and circuses

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 10:35 pm
by Kimmy
I don't like to even comment anymore. But I'll express my support for the thread-I disagree with the casual sex, without strictures or rules or any kind or reality surrounding it.
But once the lions, slaves and virgins are all out in the arena and the bloodshed is on, how do you get them back in the cage? The Romans kept increasing their slaughter to satisfy the people and nothing has changed since then. Once you begin to show salacious material it requires discipline for one to turn away-some call it a natural instinct to watch others engage in this kind of inappropriate sexual activity or play games with it. I find it prurient. It may be because they have refrained from pushing past a PG-13 limit the creators feel comfortable. I prefer to stay within the limits I set for myself, for my own dignity and privacy. And for my own ability to feel real love for those around me. I believe that this type of entertainment coarsens real feelings.
Like all before me I kept hoping,foolishly that it might reverse course and change? But a moments clear reflection reminded me that I have yet to see a reversal of this nature in any kind of medium.
I will miss reading all of the fascinating posts dissecting LG15, the discourse that grew up around the story had some fascinating insight. Thank you to all who contributed to my moments of enjoyment during these last few months.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:02 am
by longlostposter
Are you leaving Kimmy?

*thinking I might not get an answer to this*

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:07 am
by Taig

I am not sure my position is all that clear on this issue so for what it is worth I'd like to provide same.

I certainly have no objection at all to including adult situations in this story. I'm the sort that would much rather see people making love (not explicitly or pornographically) than beating, maiming, kidnapping, torturing, killing or otherwise just being mean.

I lost my virginity at a fairly early age to a girl of an even more tender age and frankly it remains among the most treasured memories of my lifetime.

My problem with the recent "lovefest" - LG15 style - is that it has been fairly crude and poorly presented. I note with some optimism that regardless of the position people have taken in this discussion there is some consensus.

I think it was Danielle who pointed out that they "spent" the opportunity poorly. Better yet, here is another quote from her (Danille - I am quickly becoming a fan)
I'm not saying the sex is like OMGZ NSFW LOLZ.

Its just random, and at this point in the storyline its use is desperate and cheap feeling.