Whew, a flurry of great posts whilst I slept. I awake bright-eyed and prehensile tailed, ready for more serious research!
robtomorrow wrote:They are probably sipping Margaritas, basking in south of the boarder sun on a perfect beach by day and having sex in the shower, in the laundry room, on the kitchen table, on the living room floor, EVERYWHERE, by night.
This is indeed entirely possible Rob, I had limited my theories to a PG-13 scope but the recent LG plot direction may have indeed been an inspiration for our missing duo. One shudders to think at the mental picture you have proposed though. Disturbing...
milowent wrote:
sounds about right. who's on first? what's on second?
Imagine CassieisWatching never happened. would the fan base of lg15 be radically different today? I think so. And CiW inspired OpAphid, which eventually and through a circuituous path, spawned the HymnofOne.
And if all that didn't happen, would the two CG seeks still not be here, or would they never have arrived?

Ahhh, our Sage weighs in. I don't think the influence of CiW can be understated when examining the possible reasons for the appearance and mysterious disappearance of these phorumites... More on this later.
Luminous wrote:

I've been ignoring them so much I hadn't realized they were gone
Suicide pact. *knocks on wood*
Or maybe they were kidnapped by the order whilst in Mexico

Yes, the Hymm of Juan influence is very strong and the ZZ Top Orderite obviously has connections in Texas. I think the Cowboy angle is worth exploring as a tangential connection. Excellent Work!
aideen wrote:
How could you possibly say that!
I completely choked on my Apple and Cinnamon muffin.
That is sick, twisted, and messed up.
I can't believe you wrote that down.
Did it hurt you at least?
It must be pretty illegal for you to even think that.
See below for my influences, they are arguably not the most conventional... This is indeed an area of research requiring a strong stomach and the ability to grasp the unthinkable. We are dealing with characters with seriously damaged psyches, and the investigator must try to come as close to these conditions as possible without actually giving in to them. It's a tough job but...
Killthesmiley wrote:this whole thread makes me laugh.
I'm just sitting here picturing us all passing around a *cigarette* and colt 45's having this discussion...
Yes, the influence of drugs is indeed something to be considered in all of this. Perhaps the crushing of egos has resulted in our posters giving into the temptations of substance abuse. This would not be the first time the rough and tumble doing of the phorum have driven folks over the edge...
As for the Colt-45, I much prefer Belgian Ales but I appreciate you bringing up my favorite research tool. Yeah Beer!
Killthesmiley wrote:
it's like aliens abducted them all
Hmmmm, if ever there was a post that was like the ball being teed up, this would be it. I will leave this one for one who has yet to weigh in. I fear this may lead us down a path that is so twisted and perverse that our younger phorumites may not be able to handle it though...