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Post by voyboy »

...His father died not too long ago, he's probably just getting over it, and now this?
Not to be too off topic but people seem to forget Bree is going through the same thing ....x 1000.
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Post by voyboy »

For whatever its worth - I sent this message to Spence.
I know you have been bombarded with email and messages to contact Daniel or Jonas in regards to a really serious matter. One that involves your fathers death.
I still can't believe you haven't contacted him. Why would so many people be doing this if it were not serious? Take a look at the locations of all the people who are trying to get your attention. They are from all over. This isn't just some local college prank.

There are lives at stake - We already know of 2 that have been taken. And your father was one of them.

Time is running out contact:

Daniel -
Jonas -
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Post by RedRevolver »

staticmorning wrote:im sure it wont be too easy to track someone down via myspace (no matter what they try to scare us into thinking..)
but maybe that 'mistress' could help you find him.. he looks like he could be of assistance.
I've tracked people down using myspace.
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Post by mugglemagsUK »

Absynth wrote:OK I sent his Myspace an email. I told him we need his help. I gave him a tiny snippet of the story, mentioned his father to let him know its serious, and sent him links to tell him what to do to catch up on the story. Even detailed instructions on how to register and post here, so we'll see what happens.
I'll post anything relevant if i get a response.

I've also messaged him to say that he needs to listen to DJST and to see if he can think of anywhere his Dad may have hidden away any notes. I also reminded him that his Dad may have mentioned Bree before and their parents wanted them to meet up as they both loved Science.

Fingers crossed!

PS: Where does it get the SUSPICIOUSLY ABSENT bit from? How do I change it please? Could someone message me if possible! Thanks!
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Post by megs229 »

mugglemagsUK wrote:
PS: Where does it get the SUSPICIOUSLY ABSENT bit from? How do I change it please? Could someone message me if possible! Thanks!
Your status changes as you reach certain milestones in post numbers. The ranks are as follows:
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Post by mugglemagsUK »

megs229 wrote:
mugglemagsUK wrote:
PS: Where does it get the SUSPICIOUSLY ABSENT bit from? How do I change it please? Could someone message me if possible! Thanks!
Your status changes as you reach certain milestones in post numbers. The ranks are as follows:
brokenkid wrote: Forum ranks
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Hope that helps :D
Aw, thanks! That's brilliant.
I really don't have a clue what I'm doing, so please bear with me!
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Post by megs229 »

mugglemagsUK wrote:
Aw, thanks! That's brilliant.

No problem :-D Any other questions just ask! We are all pretty nice around here, for the most part anyways lol
You can call me Meg, Megan or Megs :) Or whatever you feel like lol
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Post by New voice of reason »

Hi, Daniel,

I know sometimes, you need a little time-out when things get too tough, but I guess, it is not too good to take too much of it.

Well, I know you are just a human being and you had a difficult time to go through with Bree, especially because you loved her and she just saw you as a good friend (Yes, I know you denied loving her for a long time, but Daniel, Ì am not a fool;-) - I recognize a man being unluckily in love when I see one;-)) and always running after her...

But now, you should go back to normal. Don`t let Sarah get you away from the main focus, and that is: To save Bree. After all, you still see her somehow as "your best friend", even "tough you seem to be together with Sarah now (By the way, is that true or am I deceived by the look of you both in the video? If it is true, then: Congratulations to both of you, you form a sweet and nice couple).

So, maybe you all should try to find out where that Spencer-guy lives and meet him personally. Sometimes, personal meetings can trigger something that the net cannot.

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Neutrogena Corp

Post by modelmotion »

Here is the conact info for :

Neutrogena Corp
5760 W 96th St
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Why don't you go over there at 5pm today and look for Spencer leaving the building? ... LG5AQ&cd=1
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Post by modelmotion »

Some info from Frank

Spencer as Neutrogena Employee of the Month for July
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Re: spencer

Post by QUEEN_AKASHA2004 »

modelmotion wrote:Some info from Frank

Spencer as Neutrogena Employee of the Month for July
i love how u are always pushing them..U should be in the series and get shit done!
Proud Member of the Spencer Gillman Fan Club
"go dad" just kidding
Mr. Scarrrrrr, Theres a candy Barrrrr in the Poooolllllllllll

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