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Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:25 pm
by LesterG
Lurker wrote:megs229 wrote:Jonas,
I just saw Beast's most recent video. I don't agree with him at all. I don't think you are taking advantage of her at all. (at least that is as long as you aren't doing anything farther than we are seeing on film).
Keep in mind, Jonas, that taking advantage of someone doesn't require a conscious decision to do so. Be careful that your emotions don't take advantage of both of you.
And like tigerlilylynn said, be sure that your emotions don't leave you open to manipulation by Bree either.
I agree with Lurker and Tigerlilylynn,
here's what I said in another thread..
LesterG wrote:I understand your stressed and everything sucks right now... but you need to get a clear mind otherwise you really ARE just taking advantage of your good feelings with Bree and wanting everything to ''be the way it was'' fantasy whether or not she's being a vegetable as long as she smiles... It's good your there for her, you're probably the only one who can be... understand that...
Just don't accuse Daniel (Her Best Friend) of not caring for her... think of it this way... would you rather have Daniel doing what he's doing now or have to possibly risk leaving Bree in the house alone to go find him after he goes and gets himself smashed again right?
Don't be going all Mutiny..
just like Capt. Norrington told Will Turner in Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl...
Do not make the mistake in believing you are the only man here who cares for Bree...
all I'm saying is... Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 2:48 pm
by Neonsmiles
I'm not sure if anyone has said this yet, but maybe a couple of old videos? ... Just a thought.
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:08 pm
by BrightSilence
Neonsmiles wrote:I'm not sure if anyone has said this yet, but maybe a couple of old videos? ... Just a thought.
yes, it's been mentioned a couple of thousand times

Showing her stuff won't work according to jonas. He said she doesn't pay attention to anything. I'm sticking with the telling her about the vids/collage/letter etc. when she is feeling a bit better and just ask her if she wants to look at them.
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:50 pm
by Neonsmiles
BrightSilence wrote:Neonsmiles wrote:I'm not sure if anyone has said this yet, but maybe a couple of old videos? ... Just a thought.
yes, it's been mentioned a couple of thousand times

Showing her stuff won't work according to jonas. He said she doesn't pay attention to anything. I'm sticking with the telling her about the vids/collage/letter etc. when she is feeling a bit better and just ask her if she wants to look at them.
Good idea, she might get curious.
Other than that... I'm all out of suggestions.
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:21 pm
by meggamoo1
So, we're trying to get Bree out of this cult-like organization and she's having a hard time. Here's why:
Why it's hard to leave.
1. Deception in the recruitment process and throughout membership
2. Debilitation, because of the hours, the degree if commitment, the psychological pressures, and the inner constriction and strife.
3. Dependency, as a result of being cut off from the outside world in many ways
4. Dread, because of beliefs instilled by the cult that a person who leaves will find no real life on the outside
5. Desensitization, so that things that once have troubled them no longer do (for example, learning that money collected from fund-raising is supporting the leader's lavish lifestyle rather than the cause for which it was given, or seeing children badly abused or even killed.)
Psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychiatric social workers dealing with cult members suggested behavioral changes they labeled the cult indoctrinee syndrome. These changes included:
* Sudden, drastic alteration of the individual's value hierarchy, including abandonment of previous academic and career goals. These changes are sudden and catastrophic, rather than the gradual ones that result form maturation or education.
* Reduction of cognitive flexibility and adaptability. The cult member substitutes stereotyped cult responses for her or his own.
* Narrowing and blunting of affect. Love feelings are repressed. The cult member appears emotionally flatter and less vital than before.
* Regression of behavior to childlike levels. The follower becomes dependent on the cult leader and accepts the leader's decisions uncritically.
* Physical changes. These changes often include weight loss and deterioration in physical appearance and expression.
* Possible pathological symptoms. Such symptoms can include altered states of consciousness.
Now, let me find ways to help.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:44 pm
by BrightSilence
Meggamoo1, that's some good info, but it looks to me that most of those points are only valid for someone being exposed to the ideas of a cult for a long time.
Something just doesn't fit. I've already discussed drug use as something to speed up the process of brainwashing, but wasn't convinced that would really speed it up that much, seeing as how soon after Bree was taken she posted her first vid.
Jonas, be aware that there might be other things involved here, and Bree can maybe not be trusted. I suggest you keep some distance. And for gods sake talk to Daniel about things, get Sarah involved aswell and gety on one page. You really need to work together on this one!
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:46 pm
by meggamoo1
Deprogramming - that is, providing members with information about the cult and showing them how their own decision-making power had been taken away from them.
Exit counseling identifies the educational process that takes place in efforts to get cult members to reevaluate their membership. In fact "deprogramming" is in many ways a more accurate description of the process, but since that word is now tinged with memories of the early snatchings and restraint, most people are reluctant to use it.
Does that help?
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:48 pm
by meggamoo1
BrightSilence wrote:
Jonas, be aware that there might be other things involved here, and Bree can maybe not be trusted. I suggest you keep some distance. And for gods sake talk to Daniel about things, get Sarah involved aswell and gety on one page. You really need to work together on this one!
I completely agree, they need to work as one and not be throwing three different types of tactics at her all at once. She'll just crawl in her shelter and that'll make it even harder to get through to her.
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:02 pm
by BrightSilence
meggamoo1 wrote:Deprogramming - that is, providing members with information about the cult and showing them how their own decision-making power had been taken away from them.
Exit counseling identifies the educational process that takes place in efforts to get cult members to reevaluate their membership. In fact "deprogramming" is in many ways a more accurate description of the process, but since that word is now tinged with memories of the early snatchings and restraint, most people are reluctant to use it.
Does that help?
I think it does, as long as it's not done in the way Daniel tried(by screaming at her). Explain it to her when she's open to it and this might actually do the trick.
I think this is the most convincing method suggested as of now. And it all sounds so simple...
Re: your suggestions
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:21 am
by CaptainAwesome
jonastko wrote:i've read through your posts and suggestions - food, drugs, music, videos, etc. thank you so much for doing this research. it really helps.
so, i came up with a plan for today (remember, i'm in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. my resources are limited)
food - pancakes
drugs - vitamin c
music - beastie boys
videos - the little mermaid

1. pancakes suck. that wench needs grits
2. i think shes had enough drugs. id think your "love" is an unecessary drug in and of itself, wanker
3. music? eminem, sucka. slimm shadddyyy
4. videos? dont you think sarah is hotter than bree?
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:30 am
by sack36
1. Deception in the recruitment process and throughout membership
2. Debilitation, because of the hours, the degree if commitment, the psychological pressures, and the inner constriction and strife.
3. Dependency, as a result of being cut off from the outside world in many ways
4. Dread, because of beliefs instilled by the cult that a person who leaves will find no real life on the outside
5. Desensitization, so that things that once have troubled them no longer do (for example, learning that money collected from fund-raising is supporting the leader's lavish lifestyle rather than the cause for which it was given, or seeing children badly abused or even killed.)

Oh no! Your videos are turning into a cult!!! eeeek!
SSJF Shhhh!!!!