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Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:41 am
by joygasm
longlostposter wrote:
Wow, I'm think I'm starting to talk myself into thinking Jonas is a good guy.

I knew you would come around eventually!
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:46 am
by amybagofdonuts
"did you?"
"wha? did i wha?"
"i hate you"
hahahah AMAZING!
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:47 am
by longlostposter
megs229 wrote:Longlostposter, I'm liking you alot!!

Strictly in a lg15 awesome person kind of way of course

Cool. I like your posts too.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:48 am
by longlostposter
Kasdeja wrote:heyyy...I didn't write that...
Oops, sorry. Let me try and correct it.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:51 am
by Kasdeja
Nah, the quoting thingy does weird things sometimes.
I wanted to add to some of the issues with it being Alex in the pic. It may not be her,'s a pic of Lucy in the home of one of Alex's friends, right? That still poses the same sort of problem, regardless of if it's Alex with her or not...obviously Alex is friends with the person in the pic...
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:52 am
by love_leslie
Just my perception of the party:
My guess is Jonas used to hang out with a lot of these people (especially the guys). Otherwise they wouldn't know him.
Probably, they drink a lot. Jonas knows this, and has (maybe) gotten out of the drinking/partying scene.
As for the argument, I think it is genuine. My initial reaction was that the guy in the argument is Alex's ex-husband (named Dan), although after watching it again, I doubt it. I do think he is an ex, though, and is arguing with Alex about obviously being interested in a 19 year old.
As for the guy at the end starting crap with the guys, I have a completely random and unsupported idea of what was going on. I think that he's a drug dealer. Honestly! He saw that Daniel was drunk, and was going to offer him something. Jonas knows of him from his old circle of friends, and was trying to get him to leave Daniel alone. (Don't ask me why I thought this, for some reason it's just what popped into my head while watching it!)
Other than that, I would love for Jonas to share more of what happens with the cute blonde's room key. The picture of what seems to be Lucy is mysterious... Loved the gay guy hitting on Daniel... And I don't blame Jonas for being so upset. It'd be like if Daniel was hitting on his sister, after he asked him not to. Not cool!
Great vid!!
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:56 am
by longlostposter
Kasdeja wrote:Nah, the quoting thingy does weird things sometimes.
I wanted to add to some of the issues with it being Alex in the pic. It may not be her,'s a pic of Lucy in the home of one of Alex's friends, right? That still poses the same sort of problem, regardless of if it's Alex with her or not...obviously Alex is friends with the person in the pic...
Yeah, I don't get why some people are asking why Alex and Lucy's pic would be at a random house. THAT'S THE POINT...we are thinking it's not a random house or party, but a get-together of the Orderites. If Alex is Order, and Lucy is Order, and the house is an Orderite's house, then it makes perfect sense.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:56 am
by joygasm
You know... the one point in the video that gets me rolling each time I watch it is when Daniel leans in really close to Alex and Jonas goes, "Yeaeaeaaaa" and pulls his face away from hers... I don't know why it is so funny to me... but it cracks me up!
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:07 pm
by megs229
love_leslie wrote:
My initial reaction was that the guy in the argument is Alex's ex-husband (named Dan), although after watching it again, I doubt it.
Other than that, I would love for Jonas to share more of what happens with the cute blonde's room key.
Okay first off, the ex is probably not named Dan, that would just be kinda weird. The title of the vid is refered to Beast being Jonas's uncle, like he was joking about in the end. Well actually I think Daniel was serious, but then again he was drunk.
And to the hot blonde thing. I don't see how everyone is calling her a blonde, maybe, just maybe lighter brown but I really wouldn't consider her a blonde.
Anyways, didn't want to seem rude or anything like that, just little details like that tend to bug me, and it would continue to if I didn't say something to get it off my back. I like everyone here, and I don't want anyone to think different

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:08 pm
by megs229
joygasm wrote:You know... the one point in the video that gets me rolling each time I watch it is when Daniel leans in really close to Alex and Jonas goes, "Yeaeaeaaaa" and pulls his face away from hers... I don't know why it is so funny to me... but it cracks me up!
Me too!!! lmao It is like Beast goes to whisper something or kiss her or something and Jonas is like, nnoooo way! lol
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:16 pm
by raptattention
Weird, weird vibe.
My thoughts:
That was not a "fashion party." The fashion industry isn't that casual. A striped sweater? Even an editor/photographer would be trendier than that, I imagine.
That bald musician is def. with the Order. They wanted us to see that.
This is the first video that makes me think Jonas is bad. He knew those people. I thought his face looked guilty when that guy nodded to him--he looked at the camera right after to see if Daniel caught him-- and then he mouthed "Help me"--it wasn't to Daniel, he wasn't looking at the camera. Also, that guy in the white shirt said, "look, i'm gonna let you catch up with everybody--really good to see you." Why was Jonas pretending not to know anyone? And the "good to see you" was intense, as if it had been a long time but they did know each other. Also, someone was looking for Jonas...
It was also weird that Jonas was standing in a corner by himself. If you go to a party and only know one person, don't you usually stick with them? It's like he needed to separate himself for some reason.
Anyway, I don't know what's going on, but that was some sort of Order party (at least some of the people.)
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:23 pm
by suze900
Yes, and maybe the guy (David?) who got in the fight with Alex was mad because he thought Daniel was too young for the Order to be going after. Just a thought.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:35 pm
by longlostposter
suze900 wrote:Yes, and maybe the guy (David?) who got in the fight with Alex was mad because he thought Daniel was too young for the Order to be going after. Just a thought.
I still think that fight was staged. At first the guy is genuinely pissed at Alex, and calls her on the side. They aren't too loud to begin with, but then she grabs him and pulls him toward her. She then says something to him we can't hear (possibly about who Daniel is); and then suddenly they are fighting loud enough for everyone to hear, then she throws the drink in his face. Everytime I look at it, I become more and more convinced that it was staged for the camera, or someone else's benefit.
ETA: Oh, and Joy, I'm not totally in Jonas's camp just yet. However, I am rethinking my position some. Man, oh man, is that guy ambiguous. Kudos to Jackson; he's an amazing actor.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:40 pm
by raptattention
Everytime I look at it, I become more and more convinced that it was staged for the camera, or someone else's benefit.
I think it was just unconvincing acting. That throwing the drink is so cliche--and was badly done. (Although now you have me thinking. Maybe it was an act and was supposed to look staged...)
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:42 pm
by Chelseyrl
longlostposter wrote:
Man, oh man, is that guy ambiguous. Kudos to Jackson; he's an amazing actor.
Hear Hear!... (or is it, here here!:?:)