And Jonas couldn't, he'd be all "I broke a nail :O"
Not that I don't like Jonas the character, or the actor who plays him, but...yeah. I actually like everyone in LG15. I even liked Gemma. Not as much as the others, there was a slight distaste in my moth when I watched her vids, but, eh, not the "KILLKILLKILL" vibe most people seemed to have
"You guys stuck a fish in the face"
Daniel speak good English lots
"Hi! We're here to take you to Six Flags, little girl. But first we wanna tie you up".
~Jonas [My Lover]
Yeah, Daniel, you're the bomb ! You sir, have got some major cojones . Great video--suspense, plot momentum, new info, all there. I don't have the time right now to go through the previous twenty pages, but I'll do it when I get back from vacation next week.
kristenjane wrote:god. Another LG15 dream.
About this thread this time.
I am not sure if it is off topic. Hate me if you want but I am going to tell.
In the dream:
I woke up and got online to check this thread, there were 99 pages and I was freaking out because in the past 10 hours I havent been on here, there was 86 more pages to read.
Anyways, I clicked on a random page and started reading, alysaface was talking about how she thought it was a product code and that it was a dollar twenty-five to buy. After feuding with herself for a few posts she finally posts that she bought it and it had something to do with the ARG and she was mad? because she wasnt into that side of the story.
Is it weird for someone you dont know dream about you?
Yeah. And then someone, I think ericski, said he thought they were times. but they would be 2:20, 2:19, and 5:19
Which wouldnt make sense so my dreams suck. No offense meant to the people in the dreams. They just were the last posts I paid attention to. : D
WHAT THA HECK?! lololololol
i can't believe you seriously had a dream about ME of all people!!! =) i feel sorta special.
but your dream was inaccurate, i <3 teh oppy side of the show. =)
You bought like a purse or something. It was so strange because I was half awake... I think.
I dont know if it was discussed but epogen is a BIG counterfit drug. in fact, I think its illegal to have a stock of drugs without registering with the FDA.
also, epogen needs to be stored under refridgeration. was that storage bay cold?
Katie wrote:I dont know if it was discussed but epogen is a BIG counterfit drug. in fact, I think its illegal to have a stock of drugs without registering with the FDA.
also, epogen needs to be stored under refridgeration. was that storage bay cold?
Dan would have said. Or shivered, or his breath would come out in little puffs, or he'd rub his arms, or there would have been a sign on the door he could have read, or the light would have been slightly blueish, or there's be a thin coating of ice over everything
"You guys stuck a fish in the face"
Daniel speak good English lots
"Hi! We're here to take you to Six Flags, little girl. But first we wanna tie you up".
~Jonas [My Lover]
i also noticed that the numbers were the same ammount of numbers there are in listings, but i'm not really good at searching craislist aparantally.
Luv2Skydive wrote:I found something odd with the numbers on the door....
I have a thread in the Plots talking about Daniel's line from the movie Alien and the planet in the movie was called Zeta which brought me to the Illuminati (read it there to see how)
Anyway, I thought maybe the numbers were coordinates so I searched Zeta and "200 219 195" and got this:
Takes a while to load but it was worth it. Very weird. Keywords I found are cells, RNA, fetal, clone, Human, DNA-damage-inducible protein, Homo sapiens get the idea.
Lol, I was thinking before about how if lonelygirl hadn't been proven fake yet if the cops would look for Dans whereabouts, scouring the vids and analysing, much like we do now
"You guys stuck a fish in the face"
Daniel speak good English lots
"Hi! We're here to take you to Six Flags, little girl. But first we wanna tie you up".
~Jonas [My Lover]