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Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:11 am
by MintyBeast
Okay I'm only on page 4, but just want to throw this out there.
A few were thinking before that what if Bree/Order had put the messages in the videos on purpose? What if Bree needed to actually have sex (IF that is what is insuinated in the vid) for the ceremony (not likely b/c this is suppose to be a pg thing right?) b/c Crowley's crazy self was into the freak, no?
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:12 am
by longlostposter
Mystico wrote:I normally wait to read all the posts before I say anything but what I am about to say goes no matter what anyone else says.
Jonas is a fucking idiot.
She had another shirt
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:14 am
by Claupis
The notes of the video page from lgpedia points at the shirt but it's pink and if you look the kiss escene when jonas hold her is clearly seemed that Brees shirt is red with withe dots (points, moles.. i dont know how do you call it). I hope they didn't sleep together but there are a lot of hits
PD: sorry for the english.. Saludos de Sonora Mexico
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:16 am
by Mireille
Teh Freaky, I can't tell you how much I like the expression "perma-mindfucked."
Reading the board for this vid was quite the déjà vu experience. I remember the whole "This was faked to confuse the Order!" point from Daniel's morning after video.
I like Bree a lot. Through it all, she's been my favourite character. But... if she's run back to the Order, I really REALLY hope we get to see the ceremony this time. REALLY.
edited for spelling
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:18 am
by kassie337
I couldn't of said it better myself, Teh Freaky. Jonas got pwnd. Hardcore.
Boys will be boys, I guess. They fall for sex everytime... um,um,um. But zombie Bree really played him like a guitar... or piano... or some other musical instrument that you can... play, I guess? I dunno, anyway, I'm confusing myself over here, so let me just move on... ok, what was I saying?

Oh, yeah, musical instruments... she really played him...
P.s. Jonas/Jackson is hot... I mean really REALLY hot! hehehe

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:42 am
by redbear
Ugh, I'm glad all of your posts calmed me down. It somehow didn't immediately occur to me that she ran away, the way he shouted "NO!" I somehow immediately pictured her laying in the tub with her wrists slit or something, b/c she's all fucked fromt he brainwashing, all worried about being impure. It was in the way that you couldn't see all the way into the tub, and the tone in his voice. Scared the shit out of me.
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:43 am
by MintyBeast
Yes Jonas is a fucking idiot, but he is drunk on love and a little microscopic piece of me feels bad for him.
But . . . It's what he gets for trusting Bree.
She's a maneater!
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:35 am
by RedRevolver
Oh yes. The Creators answered our pleas for topless Jonas.
Get in.
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:48 am
by Aithne
MintyBeast wrote:Yes Jonas is a fucking idiot, but he is drunk on love and a little microscopic piece of me feels bad for him.
But . . . It's what he gets for trusting Bree.
She's a maneater!
I could not agree more
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:19 am
by longlostposter
Aithne wrote:MintyBeast wrote:Yes Jonas is a fucking idiot, but he is drunk on love and a little microscopic piece of me feels bad for him.
But . . . It's what he gets for trusting Bree.
She's a maneater!
I could not agree more

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:30 am
by Sonia
Is it just me, or did anyone else TOTALLY SEE THIS COMING?
I couldn't help but let a little, sarcastic, "I told you do" smirk come across my face as he was knocking on the bathroom door.
I love Jonas to death, and I really do feel for him...but come on!
Love is blind...but not THAT blind.
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:39 am
by Charles Phoenix
okay so heres the thing to me... (when i finally get in from the world outside my laptop and the forum)... theory and point wise to be adressed in multiple
its not a "throw the order off cause you dont see other characters in the vids" thing... DBJ have never been that crafty
the pink shirt is a tank or cami... Bree is a girl... she obviously changed into PJs inbetween porch snogging and bed shagging...
jonas phrases everything involving her at the tail end of coming out of her brainwashing... this dosent mean shes all the way out... during her shower that coincided with jonas leaving for coffee she had some flashback/relapse and freaked that shes not w/e for the order and ran off ...
we never got confirmation that shes completely back mentally so im still considering her still a bit two sided with the mental conflict... which still puts bree as not evil or controlling jonas just conflicted with herself... and if we couldent tell by " i hate these people" when shes got personal conflict she dosent do well running off into the wilderness goes with that one, yea?...
also as far as i know my states laws... if hes over 22 its statutory rape no matter what... if shes over 16 and hes under 22 its age of consent by guardian... but you see bree is orphaned therefore she is her own guardian... therefore she consented herself... so the normal bree is totally fine with the shag but order washed bree is sick with herself... and when the bloody hell did we hear that the cabin is in arizona... i read that a while back and that came from nowhere
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:45 am
by MintyBeast
Well Juli, I do believe you gave me my first clapping.
[gangstamusic] Today was a good day [/endgangstamusic]
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:52 am
by gigglingmonk
*barely got the email for this video*
Anyway, so I finally watched it and at first I was like "Oh god..don't...dude, thats really messed up.." because she isn't in her right mind. Anyone can see that, and even if he didn't, the creators didn't post a "shes back, mentally!" video, so obviously, she isn't. All I could think about is how he should have realized that he shouldn't be all "MMMMmmmm, I'm so happy right now. Shes totally the old bree, yay!" and stuff. Anyway, this is wrong, and I totally saw the "OMG, shes gone" thing coming...although, where the hell did she go? And did she just run away, cause I think they would have noticed the car driving away..unless DB is all cuddled up with Sarah, but it doesn't sound like it from what Jonas said in the beginning of the video about him being in the kitchen all angry. Gosh, I'm just going on and on..I'll stop.
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:16 am
by Particular
I only just saw this and there are already 20 pages! *breaks down and cries*
Okay then, moving on...
I don't think Jonas and Bree got it on, probably a bit of snuggling, but this is PG13, right? I think its a bit early in the piece for that. Plus the creators won't want us all to completely hate Jonas after going to all the trouble of establishing him as the "nice guy." The last thing they need is constant bitching about Jonas being a dickhead for the rest of the series because he's a major part of the storyline now.
I think Jonas could have been in his room at the beginning when he was lying in bed, and then went to Bree/Sarah's room (maybe Bree's room didn't have an en suite, plus it would explain the pink shirt - probably sarah's.) to tell Bree to get out of the shower.
As much as I think Jonas was an idiot on the whole hitting on Bree while she's HoO-ish, I feel for the guy. I totally agree with Longlostposter's avatar. Bree can be a bit selfish/heartless, we've seen it before. Massive burn for Jonas, I just hope Daniel doesn't gloat too much and actually helps look for her.
Anyway, that's basically it. Now swear you undying fealty to me and all shall be forgiven.