0145 - Proving Bree Wrong - [3/4/07]

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Post by ohgollygeedamn »

He was able to post the video so I'm assuming that either Daniel let him in without telling Bree, or they're both giving him a chance to prove himself. I hope it's the second.
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Post by Chlowee »

Daniel: Jonaaasssss my mannnn. where ya been dude!? what the hell have you been eating?? *sniff* dudeee you stink!!

well anyways, im thinking right now that only Daniel knows hes in the house, since it was the wee hours in the morning. I totally wouldn't forgive Bree, whatta batch!
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Post by kassiaL »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I'm pretty sure I can't distinguish a single recognizable object in those pictures. WHERE'S THE NEXT VIDEOOOOOOOO?
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Post by janesalteredstates »

kassiaL wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I'm pretty sure I can't distinguish a single recognizable object in those pictures. WHERE'S THE NEXT VIDEOOOOOOOO?
I am going to go on the record as saying that this is the worst video of the entire series.

It would be one thing if the abrupt ending made any sense storytelling-wise, but it just doesn't.
I get cliff hangers, but this was just laziness. And I am frigging bored :lol:
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Post by kassiaL »

janesalteredstates wrote:
kassiaL wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I'm pretty sure I can't distinguish a single recognizable object in those pictures. WHERE'S THE NEXT VIDEOOOOOOOO?
I am going to go on the record as saying that this is the worst video of the entire series.

It would be one thing if the abrupt ending made any sense storytelling-wise, but it just doesn't.
I get cliff hangers, but this was just laziness. And I am frigging bored :lol:
I'm not sure it's the worst video of the entire series, but I think that the creators just wanted us to get worked up about the cliff hanger. I think jonas was just so freaked out that Daniel was coming to get him that he just shut the camera off and focused only on getting away. So in that sense, it does make sense storytelling-wise.
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Post by MintyBeast »

mellie3204 wrote:
Ok...I'm sooo gonna hate myself for posting this. a) because I think we are looking waaay to hard into this, and b) because I was all like "nah, no way that's a picture", until it kind of jumped out at me...


the originalish pic posted early on...


with my sucky drawing over the top...

It does kind of look like a portrait... I can see head, hair, ears, and either a tie/jacket/necklace or medal thing around it's neck. It's looking slightly to the left (my left)

Yep - totally hate myself. But I still see it and now I can't stop! :lol:

Urgh... need new video! Now!
Your outline reminds me of the ORly Owls. :smt042
(to be on topic) People also see two figures which I can see, but they did point them out to me.
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Post by sweetie55 »

Those boxes look like someone drew that design with sharpie pen.
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Post by joygasm »

Oh, it's eating at me!!! I am so ready for a new video! I hate when they keep us in suspense like this. Thank goodness it is my spring break this time, so I am not neglecting my schoolwork while I stay stuck to the LG15 forums waiting for something new.
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Post by MintyBeast »

joygasm wrote:Oh, it's eating at me!!! I am so ready for a new video! I hate when they keep us in suspense like this. Thank goodness it is my spring break this time, so I am not neglecting my schoolwork while I stay stuck to the LG15 forums waiting for something new.

:oops: *is at school*
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Post by joygasm »

MintyBeast wrote:
joygasm wrote:Oh, it's eating at me!!! I am so ready for a new video! I hate when they keep us in suspense like this. Thank goodness it is my spring break this time, so I am not neglecting my schoolwork while I stay stuck to the LG15 forums waiting for something new.

:oops: *is at school*
I :smt049 Lurker!! He is my King. :smt029 I bow to no other.

You other girls better back it up! He is mine! Just ask him!!
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Post by Languorous Lass »

joygasm wrote:Most likely he was staying up in the attic and Danny B has been helping him hide up there.
Languorous Lass wrote:I see nothing in this vid that would lead to this conclusion. Daniel seems completely surprised to discover Jonas in the house. And Bree's been so hypervigilant that I'm sure she would have heard any sound that might have indicated that he was there.
joygasm wrote:I came to that conclusion because it appears that Daniel is filming his last video in Jonas's video... We are all pretty sure that Jonas was caught by Daniel... why was Daniel's video posted a couple of days ago, and Jonas's early yesterday morning? The time lapse between the two videos which appear to be filmed at the same time is what leads me to the conclusion that Jonas is hiding in the attic and Daniel is helping him hide.

Like I said before... many videos have been posted with the intended purpose to throw someone off... I think in this case, Daniel's was to throw Bree off, so that Jonas had a little time to find what he needed to find.
Ah, I getcha. Interesting theory.
joygasm wrote: I have never once said that this theory was proven... it is a theory... a hypothesis... we all have ours here, and really NO ONE has any proof that their theory is right... but most of us are sticking to ours until we are proven wrong/right.
Well, I hope I'm not sticking to my theories if someone offers a more plausible explanation for what we've seen in the vids. But you certainly have a right to your opinion.
joygasm wrote: I really have a hard time swallowing the whole "random guy gives home to two teenagers running from a cult, and when people start being kidnapped and killed, random guy joins the fight against this cult he has never had any involvement with" theory. To me, they are both a little out there. A lot of things have come up so far that are a little hard to bite... after all... this is fiction! I think, once again, that Jonas knows something... he may not know much... but he knows something. Something made him get involved in all this...
Well, that's certainly a logical explanation.
joygasm wrote:As, I said earlier, it is very possible that my work is influencing what I see... I won't deny that!

I do agree that we should just wait and see though!
Let's hope that we don't have much longer to wait.
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Post by mrsmoose »

oooh i managed to semi-hack the computer at work to get onto the forum - techinically could mean being fired as it doesn't constitute as "medical" but i can pretend to look up epogen...

anywho when is this new vid coming, i'm up to my eyes in theories - bow i know why i didn't post before - because i end up, for example, taking a history from a patient and something they say will spark off my imagination about something else.

like easrlier today I was thinking about what we can expect from the next vid, and get a feeling that it might not give that many answers. I think we will learn a)where jonas has been and where he now is and who with OR b)from Bree flipping out and leaving... but my money (all £2.50 i have on me) is on it being posted by daniel. I just get the feeling that this next vid isn't going to answer many of our questions about what we saw - more of they'll say something like, "i found somethings that I need to llok into further" yada yada yada

sorry if that doesn't make sense, i've been at work for 8 hours and I have another five to go...my brain is a bit fried!
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Post by Kasdeja »

I have this bad thought in my head. He at least WANTED B&D to think he had been picked up at the road. He made sure his tracks stopped there. Granted, could have just been a trick...but I have a hard time believing he's been sleeping in the cold woods without so much as a blanket or water. I keep thinking...he was picked up at the road. And now he's dropped off again. Or...there's somewhere else up there for him to stay.
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Post by Languorous Lass »

Kasdeja wrote:I have this bad thought in my head. He at least WANTED B&D to think he had been picked up at the road. He made sure his tracks stopped there. Granted, could have just been a trick...but I have a hard time believing he's been sleeping in the cold woods without so much as a blanket or water. I keep thinking...he was picked up at the road. And now he's dropped off again. Or...there's somewhere else up there for him to stay.
I like the last theory. Remember, there was (apparently) someone close enough nearby to come turn the heat on. Maybe he just hiked up to the next house over and gave them some sob story about locking himself out or running out of fuel and being cold.

(Yeah, I know that I said I thought Jonas was a bad guy. For right now, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.) 8-[
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Post by R1kk1 »

mrsmoose wrote:oooh i managed to semi-hack the computer at work to get onto the forum - techinically could mean being fired as it doesn't constitute as "medical" but i can pretend to look up epogen...

anywho when is this new vid coming, i'm up to my eyes in theories - bow i know why i didn't post before - because i end up, for example, taking a history from a patient and something they say will spark off my imagination about something else.

like easrlier today I was thinking about what we can expect from the next vid, and get a feeling that it might not give that many answers. I think we will learn a)where jonas has been and where he now is and who with OR b)from Bree flipping out and leaving... but my money (all £2.50 i have on me) is on it being posted by daniel. I just get the feeling that this next vid isn't going to answer many of our questions about what we saw - more of they'll say something like, "i found somethings that I need to llok into further" yada yada yada

sorry if that doesn't make sense, i've been at work for 8 hours and I have another five to go...my brain is a bit fried!
I totally agree with this. It will probably be Daniel saying that they found loadsa stuff in that place and they are going through it all now, and they will tell us what they find.

I think Jonas has been accepted as it says 'Things have been a little crazy here.' in the description, and Jonas posted it. So maybe they have been through all the stuff and found some things. I dunno, but I'm getting annoyed noones posted a vid...

*kicks the trio* get your video making bee-hind in gear!
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