0127 "Miss Me?" (OpAphid) [02/04/07]

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Re: Zombie B

Post by chershaytoute »

DeemedNecessary wrote:Just a thought here, although maybe someone else thought of this in the previous 15 pages. Anyway, as noted by others, Daniel had a zombie theme on his YT page. Now in the latest video, through drug or whatever, he mentions Cassie -- or Op through D mentions Cassie. I watched the swimming video again and noted the joke about being hacked up and left in the woods. So my thought is this, ----- a bit of a stretch here ------- but I wonder if the zombie theme is significant in that maybe this is not the first time Daniel has been 'controlled' by the Order. Perhaps he had a whole relationship with Cassie under some control of the Order and doesn't remember or the memory is vague. Not sure why the order would employ such 'zombies', but all I can guess is as some sort of insider who can be closer than 'parents' and watchers -- but not as close as toy animals. Errr. Anyway, if this were to be the plot line, then obviously with Bree something went wrong -- Daniel as the zombie 'glitches' and in stead of delivering Bree, tries to save. I skipped ahead to the video "ends justifies the means" and think Op Aphid's quote about things not going according to plan perhaps supports this?????
In the Op area, when folks come in with their first post and put up an astounding theory, sometimes it's mentioned that they're a wee bit more than just a "suspiciously absent" poster... Well, maybe leave off the (ly absent) part anyway...for just "suspicious"...

This post from DeemedNecessary came right after one from Emilya90 (about the times of the Braille-y bits). Another first timer (above) alpha incipiens, posted about eye rolling - trainer101 pointed us to discussion in the Op area on the last two...but I'm thinking there's nothing going over there on the DeemedNecessary thing to point to... And I'm also wondering/thinking that these first time/maybe only time posters are shoving us at things we're supposed to be looking at about now?

I dunno. It's 3am, and I could well be seeing zombies behind trees here.

(there are a lot of trees here)
<looking carefully out the window>
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

WWggD - let's make the Breeniverse a better place to live...

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Post by onsweetavenue »

Something about the "spin art" reminded me of mushrooms and LSD. I dunno, he struck me as completely drugged out, and LSD and colors seem to go hand in hand.
The self-experiment showed Dr Hofmann "that LSD-25 behaved as a psychoactive substance with extraordinary properties and potency. There was to my knowledge no other known substance that evoked such profound psychic effects in such extremely low doses, that caused such dramatic changes in human consciousness and our experience of the inner and outer world." Dosage for LSD is measured in micrograms (millionths of a gram). Even these minute doses cause massive effects. LSD tends to lodge in the liver, spleen and kidneys. Only 0.1% of the dose enters the brain and even that remains for only 20 minutes. Thus its powerful effects can be caused by less than 100 nanograms (billionths of a gram) of the substance reaching the brain and these effects continue long after there is no substance left in the brain. LSD is known to cause flashbacks where the patient again experiences the effects of the drug, even many years later. LSD may also be tetragenic and thus the effect of minute doses can be felt even by future generations. At one point LSD was cited by some homœopaths as an example of how microdoses could cause dramatic and long lasting changes in the human body.

These extraordinary properties led to experiments in the use of LSD in psychotherapy, philosophy, and by government agencies looking for ways to manipulate the mind for brainwashing and as a tool for assassination.
And then theres Quinuclidinyl benzilate
Disturbances in level of consciousness
Misperceptions and difficulty in interpretation (delusions, hallucinations)
Poor judgment and insight (denial of illness)
Short attention span, distractibility, impaired memory (particularly recent)
Slurred speech, perseveration
Variability (quiet/restless
also used for mind control because of it's ability to erase memory and the ease of putting a new spin on things:).
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Post by islandlove »

bah. i was hoping for a response from bree by now

Post by silvermoon »

First time on for the weekend, and OMG!! I've got 19 pages to catch up on, and have to get the kids up and ready for school! :cry:

Daniel must be drugged up. I can't believe he would turn traiter for pizza and ice cream. And he'd never admit to loving those stupid puppets!

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Post by Kasdeja »

Ladies and Gentelmen...we have now lost cabin pressure.

What a way to start a work week!
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Post by omegawoman »

bethy wrote:Well, let me be more clear. My work is more administrative and educational than practical. I do a lot of training manuals/software for the elder care industry...and I'm not a trained caregiver. I interview and observe more than anything. One doctor told me I probably know more than he does on certain issues. That scared me. :lol: It's only because I'm a knowledge sponge and real smartass. :wink:

I can tell you a few great methods for getting a sundowner's patient to cooperate with bathing....but I've never actually done it myself, only seen it done. If that makes any sense. It's because I observe and interview people, that's all.
I am a trained caregiver who works with these people, and yes Bethy, I have seen it done. I am not qualified to pass the meds, but I know what they can do. I have been on the wrong side of violent dementia, still sporting some bruises, and the same person in just a couple of hours after medication will love me to no end.
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Post by omegawoman »

onsweetavenue wrote:Something about the "spin art" reminded me of mushrooms and LSD. I dunno, he struck me as completely drugged out, and LSD and colors seem to go hand in hand.
The self-experiment showed Dr Hofmann "that LSD-25 behaved as a psychoactive substance with extraordinary properties and potency. There was to my knowledge no other known substance that evoked such profound psychic effects in such extremely low doses, that caused such dramatic changes in human consciousness and our experience of the inner and outer world." Dosage for LSD is measured in micrograms (millionths of a gram). Even these minute doses cause massive effects. LSD tends to lodge in the liver, spleen and kidneys. Only 0.1% of the dose enters the brain and even that remains for only 20 minutes. Thus its powerful effects can be caused by less than 100 nanograms (billionths of a gram) of the substance reaching the brain and these effects continue long after there is no substance left in the brain. LSD is known to cause flashbacks where the patient again experiences the effects of the drug, even many years later. LSD may also be tetragenic and thus the effect of minute doses can be felt even by future generations. At one point LSD was cited by some homœopaths as an example of how microdoses could cause dramatic and long lasting changes in the human body.

These extraordinary properties led to experiments in the use of LSD in psychotherapy, philosophy, and by government agencies looking for ways to manipulate the mind for brainwashing and as a tool for assassination.
And then theres Quinuclidinyl benzilate
Disturbances in level of consciousness
Misperceptions and difficulty in interpretation (delusions, hallucinations)
Poor judgment and insight (denial of illness)
Short attention span, distractibility, impaired memory (particularly recent)
Slurred speech, perseveration
Variability (quiet/restless
also used for mind control because of it's ability to erase memory and the ease of putting a new spin on things:).
Seems more like ecstasy to me. I am a former drug user so I can only give my 2 cents based on personal experience.

Ecstasy changes your whole perspective on things. For me, it made me feel like I loved everything around me, and that love was intense. Total euphoria. While I was on a "roll", my thought process changed, my way of talk changed, and I found myself "in love" with the thoughts and things I would normally not like at all. LSD or acid never did that for me, and I never even heard of BZ, which I think isn't used as a recreational drug, so I wouldn't know anyway.
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Post by Kasdeja »

Um...doesn't seem like LSD to me, either.
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

Kasdeja wrote:Um...doesn't seem like LSD to me, either.
What ever happened to that girl BA?

BA Tells Lies.

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Post by chelspea »

Something that Maccaboy17 said made me think.
Op's video, the end justifies the means, daniel is wearing the same clothes as in 'Miss me?' and he finds the camera in is room at home, just a though but has the order had him in there power for longer than we thought? think about it after daniel find the camera we are lead to beleive that he has scuppered ops spying but op say this "Well Played. But then again, clearly things have not gone according to plan...or have they?" its those last 3 words that have me thinking that maybe our best was tamed by the order
If you go watch the Ends Justify the Means video, you can see that the camera quality is similar - very blown out, lots of white, etc. What if, when Daniel found the camera, he recorded a message for the order to see, in which he could have been acting sarcastically or mockingly (which explains the 'hood talk), and that is the material that op used to make the video we're seeing now? Which could mean that Daniel isn't even in custody of the order right now and is still being toyed with by the Cowboy. Eek :(

Did we ever find out what Daniel did with the hidden camera he found?

Edited to fix typos.
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Post by tshindon »

He starts his vid with "what up Bree, it's me Danny B." He pauses and says, "You know what I'm sayin".

It's possible that she does know what he's saying. They could have worked out a code to say, "I'm caught and going along with them".

Just a thought, but I'd be much happier if he did flip sides, lol.
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Post by Kasdeja »

Parts of this video bug me...in places it's almost like they maker took splices and words out of context and put them together to make Daniel say certain things...
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Post by VeiwerZane »

Phew 17 pages in 45 minutes. I still need to look at its cassie videos which ill get to in a second. Im definately roleing on the daniel druged let him pour out all his thoughts on what they wanted him to do and edited it.
(like in movies when they cut words in magazines out and stick them in the order of what they want to say)

As for the cassie thing it looks like some sort of cassie is going to apear as the canon sooner or later now. Im sure it isnt cassieiswatching. Cassiereserection which someone posted further back looked fan fic but the girl had dark hair like cassie is watching.

Itscassie on the other has responded with a video simulating the same white background and part of what daniel said at the end. *Although you could see the chair in the Bright light* If cassie was used in ops videos it would make sense as they both have blonde hair although there are differences. Someone mentioned that all lg15 acounts upgreaded to directors on youtube and so did itscassie unlike the other acounts. She has also been replying to brees videos since the river video.

Now to go over the ARG side and watch itscassie videos.
This isnt an order from washington...not like the old days and its not something the UN can officialaly sanction either. This isnt justice its a hired hit. LIQUID MUST DIE
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Post by Kasdeja »

The "it's me, DannyG" part reminded me of Nikki's intros.
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Post by Kasdeja »

VeiwerZane wrote:Phew 17 pages in 45 minutes. I still need to look at its cassie videos which ill get to in a second. Im definately roleing on the daniel druged let him pour out all his thoughts on what they wanted him to do and edited it.
(like in movies when they cut words in magazines out and stick them in the order of what they want to say)

As for the cassie thing it looks like some sort of cassie is going to apear as the canon sooner or later now. Im sure it isnt cassieiswatching. Cassiereserection which someone posted further back looked fan fic but the girl had dark hair like cassie is watching.

Itscassie on the other has responded with a video simulating the same white background and part of what daniel said at the end. *Although you could see the chair in the Bright light* If cassie was used in ops videos it would make sense as they both have blonde hair although there are differences. Someone mentioned that all lg15 acounts upgreaded to directors on youtube and so did itscassie unlike the other acounts. She has also been replying to brees videos since the river video.

Now to go over the ARG side and watch itscassie videos.
Please note that many times when speaking of Cassie people aren't speaking of itscassie...but CassieIsWatching...two very different entities. At the time of the swimming video, we'd be talking about CassieIsWatching. :wink:
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