In the Op area, when folks come in with their first post and put up an astounding theory, sometimes it's mentioned that they're a wee bit more than just a "suspiciously absent" poster... Well, maybe leave off the (ly absent) part anyway...for just "suspicious"...DeemedNecessary wrote:Just a thought here, although maybe someone else thought of this in the previous 15 pages. Anyway, as noted by others, Daniel had a zombie theme on his YT page. Now in the latest video, through drug or whatever, he mentions Cassie -- or Op through D mentions Cassie. I watched the swimming video again and noted the joke about being hacked up and left in the woods. So my thought is this, ----- a bit of a stretch here ------- but I wonder if the zombie theme is significant in that maybe this is not the first time Daniel has been 'controlled' by the Order. Perhaps he had a whole relationship with Cassie under some control of the Order and doesn't remember or the memory is vague. Not sure why the order would employ such 'zombies', but all I can guess is as some sort of insider who can be closer than 'parents' and watchers -- but not as close as toy animals. Errr. Anyway, if this were to be the plot line, then obviously with Bree something went wrong -- Daniel as the zombie 'glitches' and in stead of delivering Bree, tries to save. I skipped ahead to the video "ends justifies the means" and think Op Aphid's quote about things not going according to plan perhaps supports this?????
This post from DeemedNecessary came right after one from Emilya90 (about the times of the Braille-y bits). Another first timer (above) alpha incipiens, posted about eye rolling - trainer101 pointed us to discussion in the Op area on the last two...but I'm thinking there's nothing going over there on the DeemedNecessary thing to point to... And I'm also wondering/thinking that these first time/maybe only time posters are shoving us at things we're supposed to be looking at about now?
I dunno. It's 3am, and I could well be seeing zombies behind trees here.
(there are a lot of trees here)
<looking carefully out the window>