Can you tell me are Lucy and the elders definitely part of the Oppy faction , or the order faction?
Oppy is part of The Order. As far as some of us ( least) have been saying for a couple months now, is that the Order is the "big organization" and that there are people or groups within the order who have different responsibilities, some different ideals. I've always felt that there are different levels to the Order as well, and that OpAPHID (or Oppy) was one of those levels...perhaps one of the highest.
What we know (as far as I can recall):
Brother was in the UK and was affiliated with a University of some kind. Some think he was a student...but I think he was a teacher of some kind. About a year ago, OpAPHID sent Gemma to check on Brother. Whether by accident , or on purpose, Gemma and Brother had some kind of "thing" that Gemma said could hurt their "professional relationship"--which is why I feel Brother was a teacher of some kind, since we knew Gemma was a student.
There was an assassination on Brother....and he should have died in an explosion, but Tachyon, rescued him and they put a "fake" body (fake corpse or real, we don't know) in the are so that "they" would think they killed Brother. Brother has been pretty much laying low ever since. Brother did not know, apparently, about Gemma's connections.
Tachyon got a job working in the Information center for OpAphid. She stole a lot of evidence regarding his assassination attempt, including emails between Gemma and Brother.
Tachyon also followed Gemma to catch her in the act of working for OpAphid. She later set up a way for Brother to get his revenge and kill Gemma. Gemma, of course, has since disappeared. Most people think she's dead, but I've never been convinced of that myself. Brother's a bit of a screw-up.
That pretty much ended a storyline. We know know where Tachy and Brother came from, and we know that Gemma is affiliated wit Oppy somehow. That was pretty much it. Glenn's contribution was pretty much far as the storyline goes. It's been fallow since January, so a new twist is fine by me.
Now, fast forward a few weeks to Daniel's kidnapping. That was OpAPHID, we know, because of the videos. However, when Tachy and Brother rescued them, they were met by Lucy and some Elders.
Now, the only thing we know about Lucy and the Elders is that they are affiliated with the Order, in general. Clearly, one of them has a connection to OpAphid...but we don't know how.
So, the way I see it, there are several possibilities here:
1. OpAphid is just another name for the Order in general, rather than a section of it. If that's the case, then this is NOT an OpAphid/Order video, and somebody else has them.
2. OpAphid is just a part of the Order and has clearly been failing. Oppy's been discharged of her duties and now somebody else within OpAphid has taken over the hunt. This new person is reflected in the new style of video.
3. OpAphid failed and the Elders gave the chore of getting Bree to another part or group within the Order. They "escalated" the situation, as it were.
4. There's a power struggle within the Order and another group within the Order simply took charge of finding Bree...thus the style change.
5. Somewhat related to #1, The person/people who took them aren't affiliated with the Order in anyway. They're creepy-ass fans who tracked them down and pretended to be part of the Order, thus the rather cliche video an cheesy voice disguise.
6. The disguised voice is that of Tachyon or Brother, and this is all a continuation of the "training" she was receiving. In reality, they're in good hands, they just don't know it.
7. As an alternative to #6, this is a bad act to get the Order off their case.
8. Gemma isn't dead. This new video is Gemma and somebody else trying to get back into favor with Oppy.
9. Jonas' parents are responsible for this kidnapping.