0157-"Alex Is..."[3-17-07]

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Post by AM »

Sheqinah wrote:Did anyone do the cronological history of this thing so far???

We know Alex changed the course of her life around 26

How old is she now? What is the age difference between herself and her nephew. When did her marriage end?

Toby the cousin last saw Jonas at the funeral. How long ago did Jonas parents "die"?

Jonas is 19. So he would be ___ at the time of his parents alleged boating accident.

Was there a date mentioned at the time of the uprising against the Order?
He hasn't seen her since he was 13 because after the disappearance it got awkward. So, six years since they saw eachother.

Why didn't the aunt do anything against the order? Jonas says in 'my hand hurts'. Then he says 'she wasn't much older than me at the time'.

So she was older than 19 6 years ago, but not by much.

We know she is older than 26 now so my guess is she is only about 27 or 28. She is in her 'late 20's' and therefor talks about being in her 'mid 20's' as if it is in the past.

That means she was 21 or 22 when Jonas's parents disappeared and now, 6 years later she is 27 or 28.

I figured this rough time frame from re-watching the video 'my hand hurts'.
Last edited by AM on Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Flautapantera »

It's amusing to realize I have an affinity for characters after learning their "affiliation" with the Order. I love(d) Gemma. I wasn't very fond of Alex at first but recently after taking action with her even, dangerous tone, I'm a fan! :)
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Post by Sheqinah »

The more I think about it, the more I think this is not the last we will see of Aunt Alex.

The depth of her character already is amazing and there is much to explore with her yet. Why she kept the scrapbook? The failed marriage, the ?boyfriend at the party? Her attraction to Daniel seemed real enough. Her connection to Lucy...

Who knows if she just breaks down for having sold out her life, her family will cause her to turn leaf and help Jonas from the inside.
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Post by Lurker »

licoricesniper wrote:man Alex is a triflin' ho.
I just saw this again and it made me laugh. With all the other things that were being said, this just sort of randomly popped up - and I assume it summarized everything the poster was feeling at the time. Funny.
voyboy wrote:Oh and as far as Jonas being innocent and the coincidence that he contacted Bree with out any knowledge of his parents involvement with The Order:
Maybe The Order is really just that huge. That every person you come in contact with there is 40-50% chance that they are part of The Order.
(scary :smt096 )
Oy, that would suck. An organization like that doesn't seem as interesting to me as a smaller one.

In any event, if that were true, what then about the odds of meeting someone whose parents were opposed to the Order? That still seems pretty small.
gigglingmonk wrote:I haven't seen this yet, and I've read through all the pages...ok, if
Alex is Jonas's aunt(um..duh), why did the Order need to search for his house? Wouldn't they have gone "hey, didn't we kidnap/take/whatever his parents? Lets look it up or ask Alex where his house is". To me, it seems as if the Order isn't a group to just look over small things like that. I mean, its not like they didn't have this whole list of people who were against the Order, two of which(although I guess not so much anymore) were his parents..you would think they would keep those things on file.
I think they always knew where his place was. Even if they didn't ask Alex they could have just traced the registration on the Lexus that Bree had to leave behind in "The Unthinkable Happened."
longlostposter wrote:You know, this vid also has a Biblical reference.

John the Baptist told the Pharisees to "beware of one who comes after me. I cleanse with water, but he will cleanse with fire".

May not be an exact quote, but it's close if not.
That reminds me. Some of us have noticed quite a few similarities between LG15 and stuff written by Brian K. Vaughan. Specifically "Y: The Last Man" and "Runaways."

I'm about to give away an important part of the first "Runaways" arc, so if you don't want to know, don't look:

One of the main characters in "Runaways" is named "Alex." He turns out to have been loyal all along to the Order-like organization (The Pride) which his and the other kids' parents run.
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Post by longlostposter »

PinkoLady wrote:
Lurker wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:What i don't understand is why Alex says something is going to come after her..
I think she means "after" in the sense of "what's next." Maybe the Order's been doing this thing in stages. If Alex was Infiltrating (the "I" in "APHID"), perhaps there's going to be some Destroying next.
You think she meant chronologically, "after?" I guess that could be the case, though that's generally not what people mean when they say something like "something is coming after me." She might have said like "what's coming next" or something to effect.

It definitely might have just been slightly odd wording on her part.
Hey, Pinko, you might want to read my thread on the Biblical reference in Plot Discussion. I address the weirdness of the wording; it could be a Biblical reference, since it is almost exact wording from a verse.
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Post by longlostposter »

sparrow wrote:
PinkoLady wrote:
Lurker wrote: I think she means "after" in the sense of "what's next." Maybe the Order's been doing this thing in stages. If Alex was Infiltrating (the "I" in "APHID"), perhaps there's going to be some Destroying next.
You think she meant chronologically, "after?" I guess that could be the case, though that's generally not what people mean when they say something like "something is coming after me." She might have said like "what's coming next" or something to effect.

It definitely might have just been slightly odd wording on her part.

I don't think the wording is odd. As has been mentioned earlier, it was a very biblical way to phrase things. And you know what they say about biblical proportions.

"I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire." - Matthew 3:11-12
Ha ha, how dare you jack my observation, sparrow.
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Post by watermelonhead »

I don't see why they keep coming after Bree---

Does The Order have a hot girl quota they need to meet ? Because it seems like they already have plenty of those..
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Post by Ziola »

watermelonhead wrote:I don't see why they keep coming after Bree---

Does The Order have a hot girl quota they need to meet ? Because it seems like they already have plenty of those..

After watching the video with me last night, my BF turned to me and said "well, I understand now why you colored you hair black. All the evil girls are brunettes"
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Post by Marilee »

off topic: Ziola I love your avatar :) Ballerina's unite!
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Post by Ziola »

Marilee wrote:off topic: Ziola I love your avatar :) Ballerina's unite!
Why thank you dear. Dancers FTW!!!!
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Post by Languorous Lass »

jonasrawks wrote:what i don't get is even though she is order, why was she so quick to abandon jonas and his parents?
I think that the people who have been talking about the underlying theme of abandoning the things that you love have hit on the reasons for Alex's abandonment of her family members: money. Alex as much as said that she was tired of struggling and being broke and playing "the game." Probably the Order has made it financially worthwhile for her to be on their side. As someone else pointed out, she's got a pretty nice house with a grand piano. Plus she's able to design clothes and have them made without getting her manicured hands dirty.

Also, I didn't get the sense at first that she abandoned the family all that quickly. It sounded as if it may have taken awhile. But now I'm not so sure. Was she involved in their disappearance, or did she Turn To the Dark Side after that?

Did we see a date on the treatise that Jonas's father supposedly wrote? All of those people are now dead or disappeared, and presumably they couldn't all have died/vanished within a few weeks or months of each other without it attracting attention. So that process probably took years.

Maybe Alex wasn't pro-Order at first, but then, watching everyone she knew as anti-Order die or disappear, decided that she couldn't fight 'em and might as well join 'em.
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Post by kwicherbichen »

AM wrote:
Sheqinah wrote:Did anyone do the cronological history of this thing so far???

We know Alex changed the course of her life around 26

How old is she now? What is the age difference between herself and her nephew. When did her marriage end?

Toby the cousin last saw Jonas at the funeral. How long ago did Jonas parents "die"?

Jonas is 19. So he would be ___ at the time of his parents alleged boating accident.

Was there a date mentioned at the time of the uprising against the Order?
He hasn't seen her since he was 13 because after the disappearance it got awkward. So, six years since they saw eachother.

Why didn't the aunt do anything against the order? Jonas says in 'my hand hurts'. Then he says 'she wasn't much older than me at the time'.

So she was older than 19 6 years ago, but not by much.

We know she is older than 26 now so my guess is she is only about 27 or 28. She is in her 'late 20's' and therefor talks about being in her 'mid 20's' as if it is in the past.

That means she was 21 or 22 when Jonas's parents disappeared and now, 6 years later she is 27 or 28.

I figured this rough time frame from re-watching the video 'my hand hurts'.
There is nothing that says she is in her late 20s. You could very well talk about "mid 20s" when you are in your 30s (and still look that good minus the oiliness o_o).

If his parents disappeared when he was 13, who who WHO had custody over him as a MINOR and where are they?

I wonder if the "funeral" is Jonas's parents' fake funeral. She (oily face) says "i couldn't have killed your parents" meaning everyone must think they are dead!
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Post by betz28 »

i just saw the video......ok it is getting very good now...cannot wait for the next one!! woohoo!

Post by Lurker »

kwicherbichen wrote:If his parents disappeared when he was 13, who who WHO had custody over him as a MINOR and where are they?
Back in "The Anti-Cribs" he said that he continued to live at his house with an appointed nanny (she was his guardian at that point), and that she went to live closer to her grandkids when Jonas turned 18.
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Post by PinkoLady »

sparrow wrote: I don't think the wording is odd. As has been mentioned earlier, it was a very biblical way to phrase things. And you know what they say about biblical proportions.

"I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire." - Matthew 3:11-12
Ha, being biblical doesn't make it not odd. That makes sense, though, for the sake of added dramatic effect.
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