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Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:00 pm
by amybagofdonuts
oh man i totally want something to go on between alex & daniel. this series NEEDS SOME ROMANCE!
which brings me to another point, i feel sort of like bree is no longer the main character-it's more about dan/jonas and the whole group than just bree. i'm sure i'll get chewed out for saying that like i do anytime i say anything, but just how i see it. ha :]
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:23 pm
by Chelseyrl
watermelonhead wrote:Just watched the video---
It's kinda hard to tell at this point, but I think Danielbeast was sorta flirting with Jonas's sister. Is it possible that Daniel likes Alex?
uh.. Alex is Jonas' aunt.
and Daniel has flat out said that he thinks she is hot ("Beach Bum").
He asked her when he first met her if she had a boyfriend so without a doubt in my mind, Beast was flirting with Alex (Jonas'
amybagofdonuts wrote:oh man i totally want something to go on between alex & daniel. this series NEEDS SOME ROMANCE!
which brings me to another point, i feel sort of like bree is no longer the main character-it's more about dan/jonas and the whole group than just bree. i'm sure i'll get chewed out for saying that like i do anytime i say anything, but just how i see it. ha :]
I personally don't think much will come out of Daniel and Alex... I just feel like it's just a step for Daniel in the sense of getting over Bree.
BUT I do agree with you that there is more than one main character. I'm not opposed to it AT ALL because it's nice to see.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:03 pm
by Killthesmiley
does anyone else have the feeling that the way Jonas was acting kind of says that he was easedropping??
or was this already discussed?
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:07 pm
by silvermoon
Ack! I just got on and this video doesn't load. Says video not found. What's going on??
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:35 pm
by jeezy
amybagofdonuts wrote:oh man i totally want something to go on between alex & daniel. this series NEEDS SOME ROMANCE!
which brings me to another point, i feel sort of like bree is no longer the main character-it's more about dan/jonas and the whole group than just bree. i'm sure i'll get chewed out for saying that like i do anytime i say anything, but just how i see it. ha :]
haha its good that we have a few more main characters...Bree isn't the "center of attention" and that sounds good to me...
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:02 pm
by sparkybennett
Killthesmiley wrote:does anyone else have the feeling that the way Jonas was acting kind of says that he was easedropping??
or was this already discussed?
I do!!!
I think Jonas was right around the corner listening to the whole thing.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:12 pm
by amybagofdonuts
yeah i'm glad bree isn't the center anymore. i mean i am, but at the same time not. she was getting whiny and annoying recently.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:15 pm
by lonelygirl
Alex is very pretty. Jonas definitely looks like he is related to her. And yes, I changed my mind. She definitely showed her acting chops in this video. Now what is the point of this video? Character development?
I think all evidence points to Alex being clueless about the order. That would just put her in danger if they stayed there and she didn't know so Jonas should tell her.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:41 pm
by Chelseyrl
lonelygirl wrote:Alex is very pretty. Jonas definitely looks like he is related to her. And yes, I changed my mind. She definitely showed her acting chops in this video. Now what is the point of this video? Character development?
I think all evidence points to Alex being clueless about the order. That would just put her in danger if they stayed there and she didn't know so Jonas should tell her.
Unless of course, Jonas is evil.
(I'll be pissed if that happens.)

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:48 pm
Smelltheflowers wrote:
Sue me, I'm still holding out for a Bree and Daniel romantic storyline lol:
Me too! I don't know, to me it just feels weird having daniel like this person he just met so much. I like B & D. I've liked it from the beginning.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 6:25 pm
by sparkybennett
EEVEE wrote:Smelltheflowers wrote:
Sue me, I'm still holding out for a Bree and Daniel romantic storyline lol:
Me too! I don't know, to me it just feels weird having daniel like this person he just met so much. I like B & D. I've liked it from the beginning.

Alex = rebound chick
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 6:39 pm
by breewithcrackers
yea...but it still feels like daniel and bree are kind of brother/sister. it almost feels like it would be incestuous for them to hook up.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:02 pm
by fsk282
lonelygirl wrote:Alex is very pretty. Jonas definitely looks like he is related to her. And yes, I changed my mind. She definitely showed her acting chops in this video. Now what is the point of this video? Character development?
I think all evidence points to Alex being clueless about the order. That would just put her in danger if they stayed there and she didn't know so Jonas should tell her.
how is she clueless about the order if she had all that info about the people fighting against them and their ultimately untimely demises? plus she definitely looked at attention when she heard daniel say they were running from the order.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:33 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
I don't really think Daniel has a chance with Alex. And I think Jonas is being protective because he senses Daniel is just on the rebound and doesn't want him to make a fool out of himself or mess with Alex's head.
That said, I totally like Alex a lot. She's very sweet. I was surprised Daniel told her about the Order though. I wonder if Jonas and Bree will be mad. Especially Bree...
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:36 pm
by Kanazaka
Yes, it's very obvious that Daniel is falling in love with Alex, but beyond that I also felt that there was something wrong with his infatuation with her (even before I knew the truth about Alex's identity). Great acting and filmmaking, and nice, seemless switches in tone from joy (Daniel), apprehension (Alex and then Daniel, regarding the revelation about running from the Order) and anger (on Jonas' part, and to a lesser degree from Daniel because Jonas interrupted his conversation with Alex).