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Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:44 am
by jeezy
janesalteredstates wrote:Languorous Lass wrote:BTW, Nieriel, I didn't mean your matriarchy theory was off-the-wall -- I was talking about my own idea about Daniel's parents.
Daniel's parents are of no importance. He's Han Solo.

haha I actually tried tying Star Wars into the whole Jonas and Bree thing lol With the possibility that Jonas and Bree are siblings... haha kindda like Luke and Lea(?) Just thought that was funny
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:46 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
jeezy wrote:janesalteredstates wrote:Languorous Lass wrote:BTW, Nieriel, I didn't mean your matriarchy theory was off-the-wall -- I was talking about my own idea about Daniel's parents.
Daniel's parents are of no importance. He's Han Solo.

haha I actually tried tying Star Wars into the whole Jonas and Bree thing lol With the possibility that Jonas and Bree are siblings... haha kindda like Luke and Lea(?) Just thought that was funny
i was thinking, in that sense, Bree and Daniel; didn't Luke and Leia like each other b4 they found out?
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:50 am
by jeezy
Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:jeezy wrote:janesalteredstates wrote:
Daniel's parents are of no importance. He's Han Solo.

haha I actually tried tying Star Wars into the whole Jonas and Bree thing lol With the possibility that Jonas and Bree are siblings... haha kindda like Luke and Lea(?) Just thought that was funny
i was thinking, in that sense, Bree and Daniel; didn't Luke and Leia like each other b4 they found out?
I looked at it like that too... what's up with them two(Bree and Daniel) anyway? lol
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:52 am
by joygasm
Languorous Lass wrote:
joygasm wrote:Most likely he was staying up in the attic and Danny B has been helping him hide up there.
I see nothing in this vid that would lead to this conclusion. Daniel seems completely
surprised to discover Jonas in the house. And Bree's been so hypervigilant that I'm sure she would have heard any sound that might have indicated that he was there.
I came to that conclusion because it
appears that Daniel is filming his last video in Jonas's video... We are all pretty sure that Jonas was caught by Daniel... why was Daniel's video posted a couple of days ago, and Jonas's early yesterday morning? The time lapse between the two videos which
appear to be filmed at the same time is what leads me to the conclusion that Jonas is hiding in the attic and Daniel is helping him hide.
Like I said before... many videos have been posted with the intended purpose to throw someone off... I
think in this case, Daniel's was to throw Bree off, so that Jonas had a little time to find what he needed to find.
Languorous Lass wrote:
joygasm wrote:I think we have a while to go before they tell us that Jonas and Bree are siblings. I know it's coming though!!!!!
WHY? On what basis is anyone making these statements?
That is just my theory... That is what I really believe is going to happen, and I have thought that pretty much since Jonas came into the picture. That is just what I am taking out of what I watch in these videos. I have never once said that this theory was proven... it is a theory... a hypothesis... we all have ours here, and really NO ONE has any proof that their theory is right... but most of us are sticking to ours until we are proven wrong/right.
Languorous Lass wrote:
Lurker wrote:The only potential major problem with it I can see is that if he does turn out to be her brother and his parents did have a connection to the Order (either as operatives or opponents), if he didn't know about any of it and still invited Bree and Daniel into his home, then it becomes a bit hard to swallow something that convenient.
Exactly. I have more faith in the creators than that.
I really have a hard time swallowing the whole "random guy gives home to two teenagers running from a cult, and when people start being kidnapped and killed, random guy joins the fight against this cult he has never had any involvement with" theory. To me, they are both a little out there. A lot of things have come up so far that are a little hard to bite... after all... this is fiction! I
think, once again, that Jonas knows something... he may not know much... but he knows something. Something made him get involved in all this...
Languorous Lass wrote:
joygasm wrote:I usually don't stick with things this hard. I am sorry if I am pissing you off, by coming back again and again, but I really, really, really believe that is a picture.
Why don't we just wait for the next video(s) and FIND OUT?
All this speculation-verging-on-argument is pointless, really. As has been stated
ad nauseum in the forum, we can see whatever we want to see in many of these images. You want to see a photograph of children, because you work with children's photography. Other people are invested in other ideas, so they see what
they want to see. Probably we're
all wrong, and it's something else altogether. In the meantime, please, people, kindly just CHILL.
I don't want to
argue with anyone! That's not at all what I want. I am just trying to explain why I see what I see. Maybe the majority of the people here do not see what I see, but by me explaining something, someone else could see what I see, which may or may not be right. As, I said earlier, it is very possible that my work is influencing what I see... I won't deny that!
I do agree that we should just wait and see though!
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:55 am
by jeezy
joygasm wrote:Languorous Lass wrote:
joygasm wrote:Most likely he was staying up in the attic and Danny B has been helping him hide up there.
I see nothing in this vid that would lead to this conclusion. Daniel seems completely
surprised to discover Jonas in the house. And Bree's been so hypervigilant that I'm sure she would have heard any sound that might have indicated that he was there.
I came to that conclusion because it appears that Daniel is filming his last video in Jonas's video... We are all pretty sure that Jonas was caught by Daniel... why was Daniel's video posted a couple of days ago, and Jonas's early yesterday morning? The time lapse between the two videos which appear to be filmed at the same time is what leads me to the conclusion that Jonas is hiding in the attic and Daniel is helping him hide.
Like I said before... many videos have been posted with the intended purpose to throw someone off... I think in this case, Daniel's was to throw Bree off, so that Jonas had a little time to find what he needed to find.
Languorous Lass wrote:
joygasm wrote:I think we have a while to go before they tell us that Jonas and Bree are siblings. I know it's coming though!!!!!
WHY? On what basis is anyone making these statements?
That is just my theory... That is what I really believe is going to happen, and I have thought that pretty much since Jonas came into the picture. That is just what I am taking out of what I watch in these videos. I have never once said that this theory was proven... it is a theory... a hypothesis... we all have ours here, and really NO ONE has any proof that their theory is right... but most of us are sticking to ours until we are proven wrong/right.
Languorous Lass wrote:
Lurker wrote:The only potential major problem with it I can see is that if he does turn out to be her brother and his parents did have a connection to the Order (either as operatives or opponents), if he didn't know about any of it and still invited Bree and Daniel into his home, then it becomes a bit hard to swallow something that convenient.
Exactly. I have more faith in the creators than that.
I really have a hard time swallowing the whole "random guy gives home to two teenagers running from a cult, and when people start being kidnapped and killed, random guy joins the fight against this cult he has never had any involvement with" theory. To me, they are both a little out there. A lot of things have come up so far that are a little hard to bite... after all... this is fiction! I think, once again, that Jonas knows something... he may not know much... but he knows something. Something made him get involved in all this...
Languorous Lass wrote:
joygasm wrote:I usually don't stick with things this hard. I am sorry if I am pissing you off, by coming back again and again, but I really, really, really believe that is a picture.
Why don't we just wait for the next video(s) and FIND OUT?
All this speculation-verging-on-argument is pointless, really. As has been stated
ad nauseum in the forum, we can see whatever we want to see in many of these images. You want to see a photograph of children, because you work with children's photography. Other people are invested in other ideas, so they see what
they want to see. Probably we're
all wrong, and it's something else altogether. In the meantime, please, people, kindly just CHILL.
I don't want to
argue with anyone! That's not at all what I want. I am just trying to explain why I see what I see. Maybe the majority of the people here do not see what I see, but by me explaining something, someone else could see what I see, which may or may not be right. As, I said earlier, it is very possible that my work is influencing what I see... I won't deny that!
I do agree that we should just wait and see though!
I was going to say somthing about this too... but you put it very well... it's just ones opinion... take it as you like!
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:56 am
by twelfthofnever
periblue3 wrote:Hi all,

I'm new here, and I may be reading way too much into this(as has been said before, the creators love to make us do that!!!), but does the pic in the attic look to anyone else like a head shot of the pic of aleister crowley that bree had above her shrine? Like if you were to crop it so that it only showed his head? I was gonna post the pic, but I can't get my comp to cooperate (I'm pretty much tech retarded!) but I'm sure most of you know which pic I'm talking about. I you want you can google Aleister crowley pictures, and it'll come up there for a better look. I dunno, I'm probably wrong, but that was my 1st thought when I saw it.
Hey, welcome to LG15.
Good theory there. I know that would definitely cause the same "What is THAT?!" reaction in me if I saw ol' Crowley in my parents' secret files!
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:09 am
by PixieSailor
I'm putting bets on another video sometime in the next 12 hours, so we can finally stop waiting and SEE what's been going on.
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:12 am
by joygasm
PixieSailor wrote:I'm putting bets on another video sometime in the next 12 hours, so we can finally stop waiting and SEE what's been going on.
I will put my money on that too.
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:13 am
by Lurker
Languorous Lass wrote:Lurker wrote:. . . but it's still a better possibility than a lot of other things.
Like what? Examples, please.
Most of the other speculation around here in general, really. I didn't have a specific example in mind when I said that, and I don't want to offend anyone in particular by calling out their suggestions, but you could really go through just about any thread and find some that apply (I've thought of several since seeing your question). This one at least doesn't have anything to starkly contradict it at the moment.
Again, though, I'm right there with you on there not being any actual evidence to support this bit of hypothesis. I hesitate to call it a theory since there's really not any evidence behind it as of yet.
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:42 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
I'm pretty sure I can't distinguish a single recognizable object in those pictures. WHERE'S THE NEXT VIDEOOOOOOOO?
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:14 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I'm pretty sure I can't distinguish a single recognizable object in those pictures. WHERE'S THE NEXT VIDEOOOOOOOO?
i dunno... coulda sworn I saw Jimmy Hoffa kickin it with Bigfoot in there...
edit -- for clarity on one of the dark, dark, twisted paths which are my conversational bunnytrails....
edit v2 -- little sleep makes u grammertarded.
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:47 am
by mrsmoose
ooooh where is the next video?! The more I look into possible theories the more I get confused! At first I agreed with the brother/sister thing, but now I don't want that to be the case. Also the more I think about 'who' put his parents things in the cabin and Jonas' parents as a whole, the more I think his nanny might have some answers. Fairly certain that whatever he finds, or doesn't find at the cabin will lead him back to his parents room at his house (which no one goes in remember?).. I think his parents probably were connected to the order, that seems to be where this is heading but I'm just not sure in what capacity.
The order being matriarchal is *strokes chin in a very learned kind of way and adopts an Eastern European accent* very interesting...
Need another video before I head off to work - it'll take my mind off my 13 hour shift![/i]
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:48 am
by mellie3204
periblue3 wrote:Hi all,

I'm new here, and I may be reading way too much into this(as has been said before, the creators love to make us do that!!!), but does the pic in the attic look to anyone else like a head shot of the pic of aleister crowley that bree had above her shrine? Like if you were to crop it so that it only showed his head? I was gonna post the pic, but I can't get my comp to cooperate (I'm pretty much tech retarded!) but I'm sure most of you know which pic I'm talking about. I you want you can google Aleister crowley pictures, and it'll come up there for a better look. I dunno, I'm probably wrong, but that was my 1st thought when I saw it.
Hi & Welcome!
Ok...I'm sooo gonna hate myself for posting this. a) because I think we are looking waaay to hard into this, and b) because I was all like "nah, no way that's a picture", until it kind of jumped out at me...
the originalish pic posted early on...
with my sucky drawing over the top...
It does kind of look like a portrait... I can see head, hair, ears, and either a tie/jacket/necklace or medal thing around it's neck. It's looking slightly to the left (my left)
Yep - totally hate myself. But I still see it and now I can't stop!
Urgh... need new video! Now!
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:24 am
by PixieSailor
mellie3204 wrote:periblue3 wrote:Hi all,

I'm new here, and I may be reading way too much into this(as has been said before, the creators love to make us do that!!!), but does the pic in the attic look to anyone else like a head shot of the pic of aleister crowley that bree had above her shrine? Like if you were to crop it so that it only showed his head? I was gonna post the pic, but I can't get my comp to cooperate (I'm pretty much tech retarded!) but I'm sure most of you know which pic I'm talking about. I you want you can google Aleister crowley pictures, and it'll come up there for a better look. I dunno, I'm probably wrong, but that was my 1st thought when I saw it.
Hi & Welcome!
Ok...I'm sooo gonna hate myself for posting this. a) because I think we are looking waaay to hard into this, and b) because I was all like "nah, no way that's a picture", until it kind of jumped out at me...
the originalish pic posted early on...
with my sucky drawing over the top...
It does kind of look like a portrait... I can see head, hair, ears, and either a tie/jacket/necklace or medal thing around it's neck. It's looking slightly to the left (my left)
Yep - totally hate myself. But I still see it and now I can't stop!
Urgh... need new video! Now!
I've been seeing that for a while, and I'm PRETTY sure I'm actually seeing it. We have a good idea what it is now, but only time will tell. Soo we should all hunker down and ignore sleep until the next video so we can react like the sleep deprived over analyzing people we are. Not that we need sleep deprivation to over analyze. Because we don't. It's used as an excuse when we do, but everyone knows sleep has little to do with it.
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:42 am
by nobackspacebutton
I've been thinking since the video came out..
Jonas' wording "its been chaos around here" and that he just had time to upload the video...probably means that he did work things out with Bree and Daniel--for now--anyways..or they at least are letting him stay in the house so he can prove himself.