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Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:52 pm
by Broken Kid
Flautapantera wrote:
Broken Kid wrote:
I have a few sick days/personal days saved up. :D
Take a personal day. Hiking tomorrow would be fantastic...
The weather's supposed to be nice. :) And we can stop for hot coffee after our hike in a nice little restaurant somewhere near the lake and watch the scenery. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:00 pm
by Flautapantera
Broken Kid wrote:
The weather's supposed to be nice. :) And we can stop for hot coffee after our hike in a nice little restaurant somewhere near the lake and watch the scenery. :)
This is depressing...errr I wish I could go. :(

And after coffee, a shower may be necessary--because after hiking (or such), you get a little sweaty. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:04 pm
by Broken Kid
Flautapantera wrote:
Broken Kid wrote:
The weather's supposed to be nice. :) And we can stop for hot coffee after our hike in a nice little restaurant somewhere near the lake and watch the scenery. :)
This is depressing...errr I wish I could go. :(

And after coffee, a shower may be necessary--because after hiking (or such), you get a little sweaty. :wink:
Ooooo...*no comment since wrong thread* ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:36 pm
by Flautapantera
Broken Kid wrote:
Ooooo...*no comment since wrong thread* ;)
Hee! I love making other threads slide to the verge of inappropriateness.

Mwahahahaha. :twisted:

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:29 pm
by omegawoman
Flautapantera wrote:
omegawoman wrote:I am a 40 year old married mother of 5, grandmother to 2. (Yes, the girls in my family all start young).

My husband says I am obsessed with this, I guess you can say I am. I started watching the day before it all came out as fiction. I just randomly came across it one day while surfing.

I live on the Western Slope of Colorado, and we just had our first snow last night.

I relocated here from Texas, and since there are so many Texan's now living in Colorado, the locals call us Co-Tex.

Welcome, OW! :D Congratulations on having 5 children and 2 grandchildren. That is quite the accomplishment!

If I could, I'd move to Colorado in a heartbeat. Have you ever been to Estes Park? That is one of the most beautiful places in the world. :D
Haven't been to Estes Park, but we do go to Aspen alot. It's really too expensive to do anything, but we enjoy walking around the outside mall area and watching all the people. We got lucky one day and saw Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:23 pm
by Languorous Lass
Hey. Languorous Lass here. I discovered lg15 through all of the news stories outing her videos as fiction. (The religious aspect of the story particularly intrigued me.) I started watching on YouTube, but came to this site when I figured out the videos were posted earlier here. Lurked in the forum for awhile, then finally gave in and registered and started posting last week.

I'm old -- at least as old as SharpI (I'll be 50 soon). I live on the East Coast of the U.S. I have a full-time job that puts me in front of a computer for hours a day. Unfortunately, I can't access the lg vids at the office, so when a new one gets posted all I can do is drool and wait till I get home.

I love comic books and weird films and lounge music.

I'm extremely opinionated (as those of you who have read my posts already know) and value logical reasoning, clear communication, and good writing (the last two of which aren't necessarily synonymous). :roll:

My avatar does vaguely resemble me. Then again, it probably resembles 2/3 of the lesbians in the U.S.

I'm in a committed relationship. My partner and I live together in a terrific house. My computer is upstairs, hers is downstairs. Sometimes we're both on-line for hours at a time. (Maybe we should e-mail each other . . . .) I've been considering starting a blog, but am afraid I'd never be able to leave the computer at all.

So that's me.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:26 pm
by Flautapantera
omegawoman wrote:
Haven't been to Estes Park, but we do go to Aspen alot. It's really too expensive to do anything, but we enjoy walking around the outside mall area and watching all the people. We got lucky one day and saw Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn.
Aspen is so gorgeous even though it is kinda pricey.

Kurt and Goldie? Lucky! :D I have heard that celebrities frequent Aspen quite often. It's so neat that you got to see them.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:08 pm
by Glory285
Hi! im Reema, I go to dalhousie university in Halifax.
Im bored and i've got no life, (apparently). lol... i've been lurking since i found out about LG15, the day she was revealed as a fake. i got super interested, found the forums, scrolled through the cassie forums and now im here because hte cassie forums went dead. lol i'll post a pic eventually woo!

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:16 pm
by Kasdeja
:shock: The Last Unicorrrrrnnnnn....!!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:50 pm
by Flautapantera
Oh. My. Goodness.

Glory! I freakin' LURVE your avatar!! I was the biggest Last Unicorn junkie! We'd rent it from Blockbuster and my dad would somehow try to tape it (sort of illegally, but his daughter was insistent!) or record it when it was on TV.

Wow. Good memories.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:54 pm
by Glory285
Flautapantera wrote:Oh. My. Goodness.

Glory! I freakin' LURVE your avatar!! I was the biggest Last Unicorn junkie! We'd rent it from Blockbuster and my dad would somehow try to tape it (sort of illegally, but his daughter was insistent!) or record it when it was on TV.

Wow. Good memories.
You should be happy to know that MGM is releasing a fully restored widescreen dvd with extras at some point soon. ;) check it out on imdb message boards.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:54 pm
by Flautapantera
Glory285 wrote:
You should be happy to know that MGM is releasing a fully restored widescreen dvd with extras at some point soon. ;) check it out on imdb message boards.
What?! *faints*

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 4:17 pm
by Glory285
Flautapantera wrote:
Glory285 wrote:
You should be happy to know that MGM is releasing a fully restored widescreen dvd with extras at some point soon. ;) check it out on imdb message boards.
What?! *faints*
Peter Beagle's assistant, I can't remember his name exactly, was on the IMDB message boards and told us that he wanted ideas to present MGM with so that they could release a fully restored version of The Last Unicorn, some ideas that were suggested were unicorn lore, a map of the unicorns travels, lyrics and guitar tabs to the songs in the film, and a copy of Peter Beagle's "Two Hearts" novella that was released as a sequel to the novel "The Last Unicorn", I think, last year? Anyhow, MGM was so happy with all the ideas that they decided to go ahead with the restoration, although they havent given a difinitive answer as to when it will be available (as far as i know).

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:22 am
by Kasdeja
That is the

Now we just need to get Unico re-released on DVD...

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:12 pm
by Emmy
Hi! I'm Emmy.

Please, don't call me Emma
It's not my name, and it irritates me when people insist on refering to me as Emma.

I'm 16 and live in London.

Fashion&Kate Moss are my life.

I go to college, in which I study English Literature, Fashion&Design, Media Studies, Textiles and Psychology.

I plan to become a fashion journalist.

I've been watching LG15 for about a month now, and occasionally find myself haunting these boards for hours at a time.

I joined when I wanted to make a post defending Gemma's accent.
I'm pure British, but have been told I sometimes sound a little Australian when I record myself.