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Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:53 pm
by Lord Balto
minsky wrote:Yay, I got something right. I had a feeling they were not her real parents. I posted a theory about this back in the "On the Run" vid mid last year.
So these two become Bree's parents. Anyway they become attached to their daughter and concerned for her. Even though their purpose is to bring her up ready for the ceremony.
Bree decides she does not want to do the ceremony and they approach the Order to see if they can get her out of it.
The Order gets angry at them because thay have failed in their mission of preparing Bree for the ceremony and take them away for reprogramming or make them dissappear or whatever.
On the other hand they could be her real Parents and have just resigned themselves to the fact that all they can do is go with the order to protect their daughter.
Just some of my random thoughts [/i]
Some interesting random thoughts indeed. The problem I have, tho, is with the fact that Bree and her parents did an awful lot of intercontinental moving, at any point of which they could have conveniently disappeared. Unless you buy into the Order as some kind of Global Evil Conspiracy of Gargantuan proportions, in which case they would have done with Bree and her little friends what they would, long ago.
And no one has really explained the home schooling thing. After all, most of what she talks about in the early videos are rather mundane things one would learn in any good public or private school. She certainly could have learned any Order related stuff in her off hours. What were they afraid she might have learned in public school? That the world isn't flat?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:01 pm
by minsky
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:35 pm
by robtomorrow
Lord Balto wrote:
One of the core delusions of American Freemasons is that Freemasonry played a pivotal role in the American Revolution. Masonic efforts to promote this notion have successfully created a mythology that has seeped into mainstream historical texts. Gordon S. Wood reiterates the essential features of American Freemasonry's revolutionary mythology in a 'Pulitzer Prize' winning book, "The Radicalism of the American Revolution". Mr. Wood sets the stage for his story by discussing the cosmopolitan nature of the American Revolution. ... ution.html
The above is certainly not holy writ, but it raises some interesting questions about the nature of the relationship, if any existed, between the Revolution and the Masons. Certainly, the Masons themselves have a vested interest in perpetuating this supposed relationship, whether it's true or not.
As for Crowley and the Masons, my point was that you can't expect to find a single, pure, ancestor of Masonry, and neither can you exclude any of the multiple branches that the development of masonry followed. I'm not sure calling Crowley a bastard son of Masonry adds anything to the discussion. As you say, there was a great popularity of the occult in Crowley's time, so that one would expect to find it among the members of many organizations. And it was Houdini who thought the Spiritualists were charlatans. This doesn't mean they were all charlatans and it certainly doesn't mean that some of them didn't take it seriously.
As for the Order, I fear that the plot of this little charade is getting to the point where it is about to leave the inhabited universe completely and enter some kind of parallel world in which all the worst delusions of the clinically paranoid become real, where no one can be trusted and nothing is as it seems. In short and in the real world, if there is a conspiratorial organization to which members of the police belong, it is the Fraternal Order of Police and not the Illuminati or the Sons of Mephistopheles.
I originally begun this discussion because someone posted a link to an article written by a fundamentalist christian organization, that claimed the Freemasons were Satanworshipers and child abusers, my main point was that any such accusations are absurd and outrageous.
Here is a link to a list I found of famous Freemasons, not that it proves anything but it is interesting. ... usmain.htm
I mentioned Harry Houdini in by earlier post, I just noticed that he is on the list of famous Freemasons.
I was being hyperbolic in calling the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn the bastard child of Freemasonry, but my point is the HOGD took some of the structure and elements of Freemasonry but then added elements from the occult to create something that was very different from what Freemasonry is.
As to your last point, I totally agree the Breeniverse has long since left behind the real world and all this discussion of groups, organizations, and secret societies that have existed in the real world is irrelevant to the Breeniverse.
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:02 pm
by nakita
bethy wrote:I just don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about my religion.
I'm sure there's a certain mindset that comes with knowing th entire faith and practicing it on a regular basis that lends to it that someone else won't understand.
It's like trying to understand binomial theorems when you can barely understand the very basics of algebra. You just can't do it without the proper knowledge.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:05 pm
by nakita
girlAnachronism wrote:Nakita, thank you so much for enlightening me about Mary's immaculate conception. I feel rather naive and stupid since this is the first time I've ever heard about it. I don't think anyone was trying to insult or misinterpret your religion, though.
I do think that the possible significance of this information is rather important. What if Bree were conceived in a way that was considered immaculate? [Whether this means IVF, or something else, idk] That would explain her importance to the Order, who are probably hoping to have her go through a ceremony for another immaculate conception so that she can bear them their own personal ... [Christ? I don't really know what you would call it?]
Sorry, I'm probably not making any sense, though I hope someone understands what I was trying to say!
lol, I'd like to take credit for that, but it was actually Broken Kid, just a few pages back.
I think it would be interesting if Bree was conceived in a way that was considered immaculate. It would explain the purity bond
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:08 pm
by nakita
Luv2Skydive wrote:girlAnachronism wrote:Chartreuse wrote:And just as I was about to type "it's a shame Jonas is too old to be a "twin"... I thought CASSIE. Maybe Cassie ISN'T Bree's imaginary friends, or schizo Bree. Maybe Cassie is Bree's genetic reject twin. Maybe she was put in Daniel's class so that Bree wouldn't even begin to suspect. Maybe that's why Cassie never got into trouble for the prank calls. Maybe they were just separated.
Nope. Genetic twins look exactly alike. I doubt Bree would think it was completely normal if her mirror image was walking around school.
What if they were fraternal twins? There might be a slight famliy resembelance, but nobody would be looking for it
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:04 am
by nobackspacebutton
Hey everyone, Bree replied to A LOT of messages in her Bree Chat section, I suggest everyone go read them.
She said in response to one of my threads, that when her dad died, "in the end he was just trying to protect me".
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:35 pm
by Macabea13
I have been gone for a couple of weeks, and haven't quite caught up yet, so forgive me if I am treading onto the already covered territory.
I am just curious, everything I have read ( and I have by no means read everything) seems to be pointing to the fact Bree was born and bred for the ceremony and then given to her "parents" to be to speak. But it isn't it just as likely that she was chosen for the ceremony because she was an outsider? Maybe she was legitmately adopted, and then picked for the ceremony because she wasn't "one of them". Maybe they need new bloodlines? Or need "disposable" people?
I dunno. The fact that she was so sheltered definitely lends itself to the fact that her parents were trying to hide her, but how do we know that they don't just do this as a matter of practice within the order?
I am also convinced that Jonas thought that Bree's Father was someone else, and find it suspicious. I doubt that he and Bree are sisters, (though I am always wrong) but it does make me think that someone has given him information about her natural parents. My original thought was that maybe Bree's Birthparents had made themselves known to him and asked that he helped her ( thereby explaining the seemingly random act of kindness he provided). However there are at least half a dozen other explanations for this....from the friendly to the sinister.
Also, I am intrigued by the thought that Bree might be Tachyon's sister, since I thought it too...though I don't know quite enough of the Tachyon story to know if this fits.....but maybe she was the one who enlisted Jonas' help? Maybe he works with her? He did find out about Gemma rather early, didn't he? If he knew Tachyon and knew that Bree were her sister, wouldn't that explain his confusion about Bree's father?
Finally, the hamster tag.....I think I have to tear my hair out now, since I have been trying for so long to crack the strange tags, then saw them disappear, and may have to think about them again......can't come up with anything yet though....
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:18 pm
by AM
I doubt that he and Bree are sisters
Forgive me but this little Freudian slip has me roaring. I'd say by the tone of the recent discussions here that quite a lot of posters think they are 'sisters'

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 8:11 am
by nobackspacebutton
AM wrote:I doubt that he and Bree are sisters
Forgive me but this little Freudian slip has me roaring. I'd say by the tone of the recent discussions here that quite a lot of posters think they are 'sisters'

*snickers* hehe "sisters"
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:16 am
by fsk282
i posted this on another board as well (point blank connection under the plot section) but seeing as there is a lot of dense information on freemasonry here i thought i would pass it along-- this article links james cameron to the free masons, which is relevent because after the last video (p monkey returns) james cameron movies have been referenced
three times (alien, terminater, point break). there is a lot of interesting stuff in the article about medical engineering, etc., and it has to apply to the order some way......