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Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:17 pm
by nobackspacebutton
Luv2Skydive wrote:nobackspacebutton wrote:I'm the 160001 post in here O.O!! lol
Anyways, what was the wicker man about??
Basically a cop is lured by a supposed "missing girl" into a creepy community only to find out at the end that he was the target the whole time for a sacrifice.
hmm I remember hearing about it...I wanna see it. Was it creepy creepy? or not so scary?
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:23 pm
by Luv2Skydive
No, it wasn't super scary. I really like Nick Cage but this was not one of his better movies. It's watchable though.
People mentioned several times at the beginning of lg15 when everything came out that she wasn't "real" that they hoped it wouldn't be a Wicker Man ending. I'm still hoping it's not. I don't think it is but I do think Daniel has an important part in this other than just being the best friend.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:44 pm
by wintermute
Luv2Skydive wrote:No, it wasn't super scary. I really like Nick Cage but this was not one of his better movies. It's watchable though.

My wife's a huge Cage fan, and she thought it was worse than even I did. (and by huge fan, she owns, and has sat through, every single one of his movies. Including the bad ones

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:57 pm
by Luv2Skydive
wintermute wrote:Luv2Skydive wrote:No, it wasn't super scary. I really like Nick Cage but this was not one of his better movies. It's watchable though.

My wife's a huge Cage fan, and she thought it was worse than even I did. (and by huge fan, she owns, and has sat through, every single one of his movies. Including the bad ones

Even ConAir? j/k

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:03 pm
by wintermute
Luv2Skydive wrote:wintermute wrote:Luv2Skydive wrote:No, it wasn't super scary. I really like Nick Cage but this was not one of his better movies. It's watchable though.

My wife's a huge Cage fan, and she thought it was worse than even I did. (and by huge fan, she owns, and has sat through, every single one of his movies. Including the bad ones

Even ConAir? j/k

heh... She said I kinda looked like Cage in that, when I had the long hair
OK... Back on-topic... *clears throat*
Yeah... It would really suck if they gave it a Wicker Man ending
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:29 pm
by mergirl
juli87 wrote:mergirl wrote:Luv2Skydive wrote:
It was remade with Nicholas Cage this year....same premise though.
I saw it - I'd like to save anyone else from seeing this your warning.
the original movie was pretty delicious, but the remake looked so so so bad.
if daniel gets trapped inside a gigantic effigy and burned, i'm going to be so irritated.
Never saw the original - so I can't speak on that. But the BAD
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:04 pm
by alysaface
nobackspacebutton wrote:Luv2Skydive wrote:nobackspacebutton wrote:I'm the 160001 post in here O.O!! lol
Anyways, what was the wicker man about??
Basically a cop is lured by a supposed "missing girl" into a creepy community only to find out at the end that he was the target the whole time for a sacrifice.
hmm I remember hearing about it...I wanna see it. Was it creepy creepy? or not so scary?
please don't waste your hour and a half..
the beginning of the movie was pretty good.. but OMFG @ THE END
it was soooooooooo sooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooo bad.
and what i'm talking about for the people who have seen it.. when he's in the wicker man... and it's beginning to burn..
WOW can we say horrible OVERACTING?
ok i got that out of my system, have a nice day =)
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:41 pm
by betz28
i wanna see the videos bree made before she disappeared
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:54 pm
by girlAnachronism
'Bree Phone Home' and 'Mystery Movie Night', oh, and 'Skateboarding' of course.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:55 pm
by betz28
oh......i was under the impression that she made videos not seen yet....sorry!
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 6:05 pm
by Luv2Skydive
betz28 wrote:oh......i was under the impression that she made videos not seen yet....sorry!
Daniel was talking about the last 2 vids she made that we saw.....Daniel and Jonas, however, did not see them (go figure?).
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 6:18 pm
by jenlight
livelongandprosper77 wrote:lonelyelendi wrote:Is it possible this was a way of telling Bree's dad that she was on her way?
Well the CUSOON clue given in the "Mystery Movies" vid was definitely the main message to her dad. However, this vids main purpose in my opinion was to give everyone a solid confirmation that she did indeed to get her father's message, responded, and is now taking off to meet him by leaving in a big mysterious fashion.
I don't think anyone mentioned this, I read through, but my eyes started to bleed... seriously, I am bleeding from my eyeballs. It's gross. Anyway, what was I going to say? Oh right, Didn't Bree's dad say in the phone message, "one week from then" meaning one week after he recieves her message they will meet? It hasn't been a week since CUSOON, has it?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 6:56 pm
by Slainte
WOW you can sure tell schools out...
god what a gang of morons...does anyone stay on topic around here?
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:07 pm
by Kimmi-Chan
arammat wrote:lonelyelendi wrote:Kimmi-Chan wrote:is the girl in Tachyon's videos supposed to be Tachyon though? 'Cause if she is than she looks way too young to be Bree's mother. Ah well if that theory falls apart... because I grew partial too it.

Could be her mother...I mean, not to sound patronizing, but I know many middle-aged women (well....thirties, and one 40ish) who can pass for 18-21. Now, I am not saying that I am 100% sure that Tachyon is her mother, but I
do like the way the theory fits into
my theory ^^
If Tachyon was the girl whose family disappeared from the community (the same community where Bree lived with her parents for a time prior to that family disappearing), it would be impossible for Tachyon to be Bree's mother.
Wow! I forgot all about that girl, sort of. You're so smart, I wish I thought of that.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:07 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Slainte wrote:WOW you can sure tell schools out...
god what a gang of morons...does anyone stay on topic around here?
Well, this particular video doesn't leave us with much less to discuss. Anyone is welcome to reintroduce the topic, but, as you may have noticed from typical social experiences, conversations tend to stray from their original purpose as each topic grows stale. This does not indicate any lack of intelligence among the participants in the conversation. In fact, from my personal experience, the individual to draws negative attention to himself by acting obnoxious and outspoken is actually the one to appear unintelligent.