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Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:38 pm
by tryon
silvermoon wrote:More on these same Watchers:
"Other Watchers stand accused of revealing to mortal kind the knowledge of more scientific arts, such as the knowledge of the clouds, or meteorology; the 'signs of the earth', presumably geodesy and geography; as well as astronomy and the 'signs', or passage, of the celestial bodies, such as the sun and moon. Far more disturbing is Kisdeja, who is said to have shown 'the children of men all the wicked smitings of spirits and demons, and the smitings of the embryo in the womb, that it may pass away'. In other words, he taught women how to abort their babies."
- Andrew Collins, From the Ashes of Angels - The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race (1996) p. 26
This all sounds very Luciferian / Promethean to me, bringing (en)light(enment) to the people in an act of rebellion against the gods. It also links up well to the free will talk:
In The Dying God, The Hidden History of Western Civilization, Livingstone shows that modern secular culture is really the product of an occult tradition that can be traced back to ancient Babylon through Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Templars, Plato and the Cabalists.
Essentially, this tradition adopted Lucifer as symbol of mankind’s rebellion against God. It enshrined human reason, appetite and will as the ultimate standard of goodness and truth.
It usually defined freedom in terms of destroying the moral and social order. Freedom means dissipation not uplift and empowerment.
From ... ghtenment/
I'd be curious to hear more from those of you who think that the people in suits/watchers are not there to abduct Bree, but are waiting for her to come to a decision (apparently) freely. Were you referring specifically to her decision to participate in the ceremony?
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:39 pm
by Luv2Skydive
Wisi Girl wrote:Kasdeja wrote:Host your pic on a site like photobucket, that's what I do. It's free.
Would facebook work? You know, I'm about to give up. Sorry folks. I know this isn't about the video.
I use also.
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:43 pm
by Luv2Skydive
iqfrenzy wrote:Luv2Skydive wrote:iamcool wrote:but wow ahe really hates p.monkey
hes gettin angry!! hes gna snap soon!!!
Why would the library come after p.monkey? Did Gemma steal the book???
Because Gemma used P. Monkey's name to register to view the ancient texts at the library, and obviously Gemma is afraid that someone might check the register to see who's looked at these texts. I other words, she is paranoid.
But have we discussed the fact that maybe the order wants them to move for some reason? If Gemma is a part of the order, and they want Bree and Daniel to move from where they are, this would be a perfect way to scare them into doing it.
Possible.......the worst thing for them to do would be to move to somewhere more secluded so that's probably their next bad horror into the woods or upstairs.....but I already discussed that somewhere else so sorry if I'm repeating myself......sorry if I'm repeating myself.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:08 pm
by trainer101
tryon wrote:From ... ghtenment/
I'd be curious to hear more from those of you who think that the people in suits/watchers are not there to abduct Bree, but are waiting for her to come to a decision (apparently) freely. Were you referring specifically to her decision to participate in the ceremony?
Very good article.
Here's another about The Watchers, The Illuminati and "Proving Science Wrong" (the eternal battle between mysticism and science).
I believe her ultimate decision entails a commitment to something much greater - the ceremony is symbolic of whatever that may be.
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:25 pm
by UpbeatMarshWiggle
PushedButton wrote:Kasdeja wrote:Kasdeja/Kasdaye is a Watcher. Not me...that's what my name means. It's from the Book of Enoch, a fallen angel.
Giles is a Watcher too...from the book of Buffy

Alright! Somebody besides me chimes in for the Buffyverse. But seriously:
1). An order of Watchers = Buffy's "Council of Watchers"
2). Watchers dress in black = Buffy's watchers dress like English dweebs (LOL - just kidding)
3). Special ceremony = Buffy's "the Chosen One in every generation"
4). Bree gets no choice = Buffy got no choice
5). Bree can't quit = Buffy can't quit
Hah! You may laugh now, but wait until Bree catches a knife in mid-air or drop-kicks a Watcher.
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:29 pm
by iamcool
wheres the new vid?
looks like were not gettin the response till 2morro
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:29 pm
by tryon
trainer101 wrote: I believe her ultimate decision entails a commitment to something much greater - the ceremony is symbolic of whatever that may be. be something like a puppet master, or maybe just another puppet? Been spending the early part of my Friday night brooding over what the (illusion) of free will business had to do with the plot, and it reminded me of a program I heard on Radio Lab (any other armchair science dorks out there?) about how neurologists have shown that free will could very well be an illusion our minds conjure up, moments after the brain has already sent signals to move certain body parts.
See on faith and free will
When neurologists make patients' limbs jerk by electrically zapping certain regions of their brains, the patients often insist they meant to move that arm, and they even invent reasons why. Neurologists call these erroneous, post hoc explanations confabulations, but Dr. Wegner prefers the catchier "intention inventions." He suggests that whenever we explain our acts as the outcome of our conscious choice, we are engaging in intention invention, because our actions actually stem from countless causes of which we are completely unaware.
He cites experiments in which subjects pushed a button whenever they chose while noting the time of their decision as displayed on a clock. The subjects took 0.2 seconds on average to push the button after they decided to do so. But an electroencephalograph monitoring their brain waves revealed that the subjects' brains generated a spike of brain activity 0.3 seconds before they decided to push the button.
Cool fun fact, if nothing else.
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:44 pm
by trainer101
Closest I could find to the eye in Gemma's vid and Nikki's vid.
Mourning Eye by Domahreh
(A symbol from "Uru: Ages Beyond Myst", a computer game) ... rence.html
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:54 pm
by iqfrenzy
tryon wrote:trainer101 wrote: I believe her ultimate decision entails a commitment to something much greater - the ceremony is symbolic of whatever that may be. be something like a puppet master, or maybe just another puppet? Been spending the early part of my Friday night brooding over what the (illusion) of free will business had to do with the plot, and it reminded me of a program I heard on Radio Lab (any other armchair science dorks out there?) about how neurologists have shown that free will could very well be an illusion our minds conjure up, moments after the brain has already sent signals to move certain body parts.
See on faith and free will
When neurologists make patients' limbs jerk by electrically zapping certain regions of their brains, the patients often insist they meant to move that arm, and they even invent reasons why. Neurologists call these erroneous, post hoc explanations confabulations, but Dr. Wegner prefers the catchier "intention inventions." He suggests that whenever we explain our acts as the outcome of our conscious choice, we are engaging in intention invention, because our actions actually stem from countless causes of which we are completely unaware.
He cites experiments in which subjects pushed a button whenever they chose while noting the time of their decision as displayed on a clock. The subjects took 0.2 seconds on average to push the button after they decided to do so. But an electroencephalograph monitoring their brain waves revealed that the subjects' brains generated a spike of brain activity 0.3 seconds before they decided to push the button.
Cool fun fact, if nothing else.
All of this confuses me...wouldn't it be a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts? I mean, wouldn't a decision to move a limb begin in the brain anyway? We already know that parts of the body move in response to a cue from the brain. The brain is where the decision-making process takes place within the body; not some outside controlling force.
Am I being too simplistic here? Forgive me, if so, but I just don't get it.
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:01 pm
by trainer101
iqfrenzy wrote:All of this confuses me...wouldn't it be a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts? I mean, wouldn't a decision to move a limb begin in the brain anyway? We already know that parts of the body move in response to a cue from the brain. The brain is where the decision-making process takes place within the body; not some outside controlling force.
Am I being too simplistic here? Forgive me, if so, but I just don't get it.
What if I could control your actions, your thoughts, your decisions - while all the time you believe they are your own?
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:02 pm
by lonelygirl
I'll be damned. No one on here even pointed out that symbol on his hand. I'm surprised because this forum always analyzes every little thing. And people were complaining the black suit was too obvious. So that's what it was there for. Thanks Gemma.
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:04 pm
by lonelygirl
thejyav wrote:iamcool wrote:i wish she would f**k off taking the credit for something one of us worked out ages ago!!!!!!!
in fairness we need to look beyond the board. while we are the diehard there are thousands more who watch this on yt and revver who never look at the board. It's becoming clear that gemma is there to fill them in not so much us.
thank you. piss off you gemma haters.
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:07 pm
by lonelygirl
omegawoman wrote:Inigo wrote:I would really like to know how Nikki Bower found the box with the symbol a few weeks ago and what's it got to do with the story.
Nikki has inside information- she has a source.
Bree thought Gemma was wrong last time, I wonder what she will think this time?
so then we really can't give credit to Nikki Bower for finding it because she didn't. and i was still right about none of the people on here noticing the symbol but that's kind of hard to see.
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:12 pm
by tryon
iqfrenzy wrote:All of this confuses me...wouldn't it be a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts? I mean, wouldn't a decision to move a limb begin in the brain anyway? We already know that parts of the body move in response to a cue from the brain. The brain is where the decision-making process takes place within the body; not some outside controlling force.
Am I being too simplistic here? Forgive me, if so, but I just don't get it.
Just that normally when we think of the relation between action and will, we tend to think that the latter (desire or will), precedes the former, and acts as sort of a motivating force. Like the thought "I want to move my finger" would precede the electrical impulse to move that finger. But scientists have found that our brains actually tell our bodies to move before we even come up with the desire to move, thereby throwing the whole concept of free will into question. All this is possibly a dead end, and maybe I've confused you more?

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:15 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
thinkitthrough wrote:I was told from reliable sources that they wish to do this indefinitely if at all possible.

For the love of god, WHO????? Who told you that? That's the efiin' question I've been asking and no one has an answer!! Don't say "reliable sources"...are you like Nikki?? WHO??
tryon wrote:I'd be curious to hear more from those of you who think that the people in suits/watchers are not there to abduct Bree, but are waiting for her to come to a decision (apparently) freely. Were you referring specifically to her decision to participate in the ceremony?
Not neccessarily....well, kind of. I think that when contact is made between her and them, they are going to manipulate her or trick her into doing what they want. I think it's more ideal, for all involved, if she "willingly" cooperates. Even if they have to bribe her...or blackmail her, they want her to think she has
some power so that she'll be willing to negotiate with them. I think that if she is uncompromising and resistant, it's going to be messy for everyone...and they'd rather not have things escalate to that point.