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Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:10 pm
by zippo69
goddam jonas is nuts, and where the hell did he get a gun? meh allwell, the great thing about holding a gun is that no one will know if there are any bullets or not, you could do a holdup with a toy gun that just has to look real.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:12 pm
by Lurker
Renegade wrote:I have nothing against her being realistic - but this wasn't. She can't be all torn in one moment, half-crying "I don't have a choice!", and then all evil in the next moment, threatingly stating "They don't need you anymore, Bree. They have another girl!"
I'm confused as to how that's a threat. That would actually be great news. Bree should be happy to hear that.
Renegade wrote:There are two possibilities: Either The Order massively, violently forced her to betray her own nephew and her new friends, then she'd break down far more, not get calm in the end, not threaten, and perhaps even try to flee with them when she realizes Jonas is armed (that giving them a chance), or she willfully betrayed them ...
More confusion: Where was the betrayal? I've asked this twice already, but no one who's spoken of her betraying them after the question was raised has made an attempt to explain it. Personally, I'm not seeing it. They took her, not them.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:14 pm
by kellylen
Lurker wrote:
Renegade wrote:I have nothing against her being realistic - but this wasn't. She can't be all torn in one moment, half-crying "I don't have a choice!", and then all evil in the next moment, threatingly stating "They don't need you anymore, Bree. They have another girl!"
I'm confused as to how that's a threat. That would actually be great news. Bree should be happy to hear that.
i think shes trying to use reverse psychology so bree wont feel special anymore and will beg to do it

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:22 pm
kellylen wrote:
Lurker wrote:
Renegade wrote:I have nothing against her being realistic - but this wasn't. She can't be all torn in one moment, half-crying "I don't have a choice!", and then all evil in the next moment, threatingly stating "They don't need you anymore, Bree. They have another girl!"
I'm confused as to how that's a threat. That would actually be great news. Bree should be happy to hear that.
i think shes trying to use reverse psychology so bree wont feel special anymore and will beg to do it
I have been tossing this idea around in my head also.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:37 pm
by Chelseyrl
CRYISME wrote:
kellylen wrote:
Lurker wrote: I'm confused as to how that's a threat. That would actually be great news. Bree should be happy to hear that.
i think shes trying to use reverse psychology so bree wont feel special anymore and will beg to do it
I have been tossing this idea around in my head also.
I think Bree has enough sense to see through that one. I mean, why would she be running for months from the Order and refusing the ceremony and then Alex says they don't want her anymore and Bree all of a sudden would be "oh please oh please pick me pick me!"

It just doesn't make sense... if Alex was trying some reverse psychology, then she didn't achieve it well.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:51 pm
by Languorous Lass
Lurker wrote:By the way, could you shrink that image, please? It's stretching the page and it doesn't have to be that big in order to see Daniel's hands.
nickaflick wrote:AND WHO'S MADDISON!?!!?!?? Link please!
Links were provided at several points earlier in the thread.

Oh, and Renegade, you've made some interesting points. I'll think about them and respond later.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:01 pm
by abcdefg
Chelseyrl wrote:
CRYISME wrote:
kellylen wrote: i think shes trying to use reverse psychology so bree wont feel special anymore and will beg to do it
I have been tossing this idea around in my head also.
I think Bree has enough sense to see through that one. I mean, why would she be running for months from the Order and refusing the ceremony and then Alex says they don't want her anymore and Bree all of a sudden would be "oh please oh please pick me pick me!"

It just doesn't make sense... if Alex was trying some reverse psychology, then she didn't achieve it well.
well maybe not so much that bree will want to do it cause she doesn't feel special anymore... but moreso that she would feel responsible for letting another girl befall that fate so she'd rather be a martyr* and do the ceremony herself than allow someone else to be put through it.

*not that i actually think the ceremony means her death, but "martyr" was the best word i could come up with for that state of mind...

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:07 pm
Lurker wrote:I'm still curious as to why everyone's saying Alex set them up and betrayed them. I've watched this video several times for various reasons, and during repeated viewings, I didn't see any of that.

Anyone interested in fielding this one?
Everyone is just getting upset. Alex is a tool for the order and always will be! She only befriends them to give messages from the order. That is the though process about Alex and betral

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:08 pm
by Wisi Girl
Well, I tried so hard to read everyone's comments before I add to them but I could only get to page 13. It took forever, too! I don't usually have the patience for this but I have a massive final essay due on Monday, and I think my eagerness to procrastinate that affected my abilities to read a million dumb posts about how hot Daniel and Jonas are! Hah!

I believe most everyone has worn out all the various juicy aspects this latest video provided. Personally, I saw Alex as more of martyr in this video. It seemed like she was sacrificing herself in order to keep the Order from Bre and Co. I also noticed, like many of you, Daniel's attempt to guide Alex into the car while Jonas quickly cautioned Bree. It is very obvious where the hearts of these two lies, right? I am surprised that so few immediately noticed Lucy, bald guy and the third car! It was so obvious! I am horrible at picking up on little clues within the area or cathing glimpses of people that are significant and even I saw the bad guys! I agree with a lot of people on the issue of Bree and her lack of response to the chaos. It is so ridiculous that she wouldn't put down the camera or at least say something!

I knew nothing about Maddison until this thread and I suppose I will check out her videos now. I wish the creators wouldn't expect us to follow on every fanfic video out there! I only watch the LG15 series and Nikki B because she is close to the creators. Well, I used to watch OpAphid, and Tachyon and Brother before they were confirmed official. *tear* I am thoroughly going to miss them! This reminds me....

Renegade: I 100% agree with you!!! It is so uncanny that we learn of a "new girl" immediately after the news of Glenn leaving the project! It is obvious that the creators are trying to distract us! I mean, there was no closure within the series and Nikki B's explanation was SO MESSY!!! Really, nothing makes sense about it! Instead of addressing these issues and providing some actual explanation to their fans, they just say, "Hey, let's throw in a new ARG and they won't even notice!" I believe this reveals a serious lack of genius on their part. Very dissapointed.....

I know nothing about this Maddison girl. From the contrasting opinions I read, it seems like she will be a character that will have to work hard to gain the favor of everyone. She may turn out to be like Gemma. Not many liked her.

Does anyone else feel like this series is going downhill? It may be a side affect of the death of my beloved Tachyon but I have always been the most bitter and disillusioned fan in this community, (or at least it seems). I always hold on, hoping the creators make sense one day. Instead of any answers or resolutions, we get random things like this new girl! Uh, purity bond anyone? What? Yeah. This series is going to be complete crap soon but I will keep hoping.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:14 pm
by CaptainAwesome
OKay, I'm sorry. I've got to point something else. I used to post here, but I forgot my password or something. And, while I've had things to say here, I didn't care enough to sign up again.

But now I do.

The lack of Jessica Rose is becoming is OBVIOUS now. She's obviously only doing this show when she can fit it in now. Things have changed, she's doing movies now. She's a star. And, unfortunately, she is no longer the star of her own show.

The Order comes and takes Alex, Jonas whips out a gun. She makes no noise? Okay...

The show is spinning its wheels. We nee resolution. Conclusion. And, frankly, I miss when it was just her and Daniel in her room.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:19 pm
by Letal89
ericski wrote:anyone else think that it was strange for db to be wearing a u.s. penitentiary t-shirt. it's a pennsylvannia location so not like he picked it up at a roadside stop during their recent wanderings. famous lewiston residents include leonard peltier and wilheim reich. my money's on reich if it does mean anything. real wierdo with connections to einstein, psychology, and an alan moore comic.
too obscure?

I saw that too. I actually live only 20mins away from the penitentiary (Lewisburg, PA). TAAG has never even been near PA so I don't know how he got it.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:19 pm
by crazcritrchic
Kind of OT but I keep getting this weird screenshot of Alex when I go to watch the video and analyze. It's this:


It's weirding me out because it's not in the video and other times I get a screenshot of the what you see in the first few seconds of the video with Jonas, Daniel, and Alex walking.

Is anyone else getting this?

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:24 pm
by abcdefg
crazcritrchic -

i WAS getting that still for the video, but now when i check the site it shows this one instead:


i don't know what's weirder, that it had the original one in the first place or that it spontaneously changed...

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:25 pm
by Letal89
Look at the most recent thread The Creators made to find out what happened to Tachyon and go to the Fanfic section to find who Maddison is.

Re: Why would "the new girl" be Maddisonatkins?

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:32 pm
by Leaven

But I don't want her to be canon. She's a really bad actress. Like bad high school theatre bad. Everything she did seemed forced. Except the newscast but that's probably because it was being stereotypical.
I agree with this 100 percent.