That you stick with your original opinion is fine, but you're not really giving a solid reason for holding it. Just pointing a camera at a building doesn't advertise for it.
Even with that Bellagio sign appearing near the end of the video it doesn't help because it appears for less than a second, and you can only get a non-shaky look at it if you pause the video. The sign also has no obvious connection to the hotel since a viewer who isn't already familiar with the Bellagio isn't going to make the association between a sign (which could have appeared anywhere in Vegas for all they know) and a hotel that Bree was standing in front of (which she neglected to name).
Without the name of the product - or service provider - coming up, there's no product being placed. It's like the candy back in "Truth Or Dare" - that might have been M&M's and it may not. Looked like them, but since nobody said so and no label was identified, it doesn't matter to Mars Inc.
And, really, generating discussion - such as whether product placement occurred at all - about something like this isn't the goal of somebody paying for it, so I can't see how you'd say it achieved its purpose. The goal is to get people to - if nothing else - remember the name, and to hopefully associate it with the product/service. You don't want people to have to think about going on Google and typing in "Las Vegas hotel water show." You want them to think "Let's see... I'm going to Vegas soon... What's a hotel I know there... 'Bellagio'? Oh, yeah... I think it had a water show. I remember that from somewhere."
If only 5% or less of the total audience for the show is going to even be guaranteed to know that was the Bellagio then this would have been a marketing misstep that would make that hotel a laughingstock.
If nothing else, compare to when Ice Breakers was placed: Its name was actually said and the candy's label clearly shown for several seconds. If somebody watched the video - even if they were deaf - then they were guaranteed to know what the product was.
yeah, I get it. i said you have good points, but i'm sticking to my original opinion and letting you have your opinion. lets please move on.
garnet wrote:First post. I just found out about LG this week and spent 5 days catching up on 8 months of footage! What I love about this show is that we, the audience, never know whom to trust! It's what makes it interesting and keeps you guessing.
That having been said, I think the trio was TOO obvious about where they were to REALLY be hiding. They want someone to KNOW that they were in VEGAS, and they want that person/group to THINK that the order has followed them there. The fact that they never show who's chasing them makes me think that they weren't REALLY being chased. They may or may not have REALLY been drunk for that matter.
The real question is: Who was this video for? . . . or for whom was this video????
Bree has lied to her audience before. See "I completed the ceremony" and "Me for Daniel." I LOVE the fact that we can't trust anyone -- even the good guys! It's what makes this medium unique!
I LOVE this idea. A lot.
Welcome to the forum.
Yeah, that's definitely a good theory-- I mean, since when the hell does the order actually chase Bree&Co., anyway-- aside from when they were running away from the human ransom exchange deal? If they were going to do the chase-grab thing, they've had ample opportunity in the past.
Perhaps they have decided to become more proactive?
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
garnet wrote:First post. I just found out about LG this week and spent 5 days catching up on 8 months of footage! What I love about this show is that we, the audience, never know whom to trust! It's what makes it interesting and keeps you guessing.
That having been said, I think the trio was TOO obvious about where they were to REALLY be hiding. They want someone to KNOW that they were in VEGAS, and they want that person/group to THINK that the order has followed them there. The fact that they never show who's chasing them makes me think that they weren't REALLY being chased. They may or may not have REALLY been drunk for that matter.
The real question is: Who was this video for? . . . or for whom was this video????
Bree has lied to her audience before. See "I completed the ceremony" and "Me for Daniel." I LOVE the fact that we can't trust anyone -- even the good guys! It's what makes this medium unique!
I LOVE this idea. A lot.
Welcome to the forum.
Yeah, that's definitely a good theory-- I mean, since when the hell does the order actually chase Bree&Co., anyway-- aside from when they were running away from the human ransom exchange deal? If they were going to do the chase-grab thing, they've had ample opportunity in the past.
Do they say in the movie that they were actively being chased at that moment? I mean, if I saw people that I was trying to hide from I would automatically start running whether or not the other party was actually chasing me.
seek_inspiration wrote:Well, from watching, I assumed it was this guy who was chasing them:
The guy is running, Daniel makes a noise like he's run into the guy or something and then it looks like Daniel shoves him away.
Maybe the guy was in Daniel's way, so he pushed him out of the way.
Question: If they do this private video thing, aren't they going to have to take the website down in order to redesign it? Maybe they could just add pages, I guess.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
seek_inspiration wrote:Well, from watching, I assumed it was this guy who was chasing them:
The guy is running, Daniel makes a noise like he's run into the guy or something and then it looks like Daniel shoves him away.
Maybe the guy was in Daniel's way, so he pushed him out of the way.
Question: If they do this private video thing, aren't they going to have to take the website down in order to redesign it? Maybe they could just add pages, I guess.
Probably not, any changes will be done behind the scenes and then uploaded on the fly. I think it was mentioned that they would ad a color border or background behind the vid and possibly put something in the title. Private To: From: Date: Kind of like a memo.
"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
That was cute when Bree gave Jonas a piggyback ride. Looks like Danial needs to get in shape Jonas and Bree were running way ahead of him side by side. Not so good to be in the back when you're trying to get away from someone.
The Truth: There is always two sides to every story.
The Task: Listening to those stories.
I have a question-- how come Bree says The Order is tracking them by their videos? I mean seriously. They never mentioned Vegas in their previous videos, so The Order must track them--if they track them--using something else.
Or it could be that nobody's chasing them, like someone (I forgot your name, sorry!) said before.
There's my two bits. =P
(2nd post on LG15-- YAY!)
Sorry, what's that I hear?
That's the Hymn of One,
singing for you to be happy.