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Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:07 pm
by joygasm
PixieSailor wrote:
PixieSailor wrote:I think it definitely IS NOT a photograph. You can tell by the shadows the square is AT LEAST an inch thick, and photographs aren't an inch thick. I don't think it could be propped up against a wall either, because of the clear shadow on top. I think it makes the most sense to be some sort of box.
And I stared for a LONG time, and I see nothing that could be a baby boy. I think you just looked too long and tried to say it. I think there is a possibility of it being a person, but we really can't tell.
Yes, but if the photo was in a frame wouldn't it then be an inch or so thick ????!!???
I played with that idea, but there is clearly no prame. There isn't a break from the edge at all, it's just FLAT.
So, are you saying it is just a FLAT BOX???

If it could be a box, it could have some sort of frame...

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:10 pm
by joygasm
jeezy wrote:
freakish wrote:i really dont think daniel found him on account of daniel posted that video the same night jonas broke in...

Daniel could've posted the video before he went to "sleep"...
I think Daniel did that because he was trying to hide Jonas while he looked through his family's stuff... Jonas posting a video, to me, says that Bree knows he is in the house now and that everything is cool between them.

We have seen them post many videos now that seems their main purpose was really just to throw people off. I am sure that is what Daniel's video was for.

Lurker wrote:
joygasm wrote:Do we actually know how long Jonas' parents have been lost??
He said six years.
Thanks! Do we know how old Jonas is now???

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:33 pm
by PixieSailor
LadyBugGirl wrote:
PixieSailor wrote:I played with that idea, but there is clearly no prame. There isn't a break from the edge at all, it's just FLAT.
Could be in a frame. They have the plain glass frames these this for example:

-pic cut-

I dont know what it is or whatever but I'm just saying it could be in a frame and still look like its not in one. :-D
I guess...
Still, if I were to bet, I'd bet against a picture frame. [edited that, I first said a box. misstyped.]
@joygasm: Not that kind of box. Like a wooden box.
Like that, except with whatever image we see printed on top.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:38 pm
by Lurker
joygasm wrote:
Lurker wrote:
joygasm wrote:Do we actually know how long Jonas' parents have been lost??
He said six years.
Thanks! Do we know how old Jonas is now???
You're welcome. He's 19, by the way.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:41 pm
by joygasm
PixieSailor wrote:
LadyBugGirl wrote:
PixieSailor wrote:I played with that idea, but there is clearly no prame. There isn't a break from the edge at all, it's just FLAT.
Could be in a frame. They have the plain glass frames these this for example:

-pic cut-

I dont know what it is or whatever but I'm just saying it could be in a frame and still look like its not in one. :-D
I guess...
Still, if I were to bet, I'd bet against a picture frame. [edited that, I first said a box. misstyped.]
@joygasm: Not that kind of box. Like a wooden box.

Like that, except with whatever image we see printed on top.
I have a box like that!!! Anyway... I don't see it being that kind of box. Too me, the edges are too straight, and the sides to me look more like a shadow than the side of a box. If it were a box, the shadow wouldn't really be on the side that way... not from the angle that Jonas is pointing the camera, and I am just assuming that the light in the room is coming from Jonas's camera. Once again... these assumptions and observation comes from working in photography and art. My eyes are trained to look at shadows, shapes, positive and negetive space.... all of that good stuff...

I usually don't stick with things this hard. I am sorry if I am pissing you off, by coming back again and again, but I really, really, really believe that is a picture.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:47 pm
by joygasm
Lurker wrote:
joygasm wrote:
Lurker wrote: He said six years.
Thanks! Do we know how old Jonas is now???
You're welcome. He's 19, by the way.
Thanks again!!! Ok... he's 19 and his parents have been gone 6 years. I have a hard time believing a 13 year old boy really knew what was going on with his parents. At 13, I was more worried about my current crush than what my parents were doing... and the fact that his parents were not very involved in his life anyway... I think if his parents had some involvement with the Order, Jonas is going to be learning just about as much as we are about it.

Like I said before... I really believe Jonas has known all along that Bree situation is somehow or another linked to his parents, but he does not know how exactly.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:03 am
by PixieSailor
joygasm wrote:
PixieSailor wrote:
LadyBugGirl wrote: Could be in a frame. They have the plain glass frames these this for example:

-pic cut-

I dont know what it is or whatever but I'm just saying it could be in a frame and still look like its not in one. :-D
I guess...
Still, if I were to bet, I'd bet against a picture frame. [edited that, I first said a box. misstyped.]
@joygasm: Not that kind of box. Like a wooden box.

Like that, except with whatever image we see printed on top.
I have a box like that!!! Anyway... I don't see it being that kind of box. Too me, the edges are too straight, and the sides to me look more like a shadow than the side of a box. If it were a box, the shadow wouldn't really be on the side that way... not from the angle that Jonas is pointing the camera, and I am just assuming that the light in the room is coming from Jonas's camera. Once again... these assumptions and observation comes from working in photography and art. My eyes are trained to look at shadows, shapes, positive and negetive space.... all of that good stuff...

I usually don't stick with things this hard. I am sorry if I am pissing you off, by coming back again and again, but I really, really, really believe that is a picture.
I don't get pissed off easily. I just can't see how a picture could lay that way and make that kind of shadow. Yes, I see what you mean about the shadow not being the side of the box, I saw it that way too, but I don't think the light is clear enough for one to see the sides of the box. The picture of the box I posted was only an example, the edges could easily be strait and such.

I don't see how a picture frame such as the glass one would ge thick enough up from the floor to make a shadow like that.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:13 am
by Languorous Lass
freakish wrote:why wouldnt their files and crap be stored in the mansion? who would move it all to a cabin house?
To keep people -- e.g., their son Jonas -- from finding it as easily.
joygasm wrote:... maybe someone chose to put it there because they did not think Jonas was ready to see it all.
joygasm wrote:Most likely he was staying up in the attic and Danny B has been helping him hide up there.
I see nothing in this vid that would lead to this conclusion. Daniel seems completely surprised to discover Jonas in the house. And Bree's been so hypervigilant that I'm sure she would have heard any sound that might have indicated that he was there.
joygasm wrote:I think we have a while to go before they tell us that Jonas and Bree are siblings. I know it's coming though!!!!!
WHY? On what basis is anyone making these statements?
Lurker wrote:I see it as a decent possibility (and a better one than some other suggestions). I don't see it as likely, or even think that there's much (read: any) evidence for it . . .
Exactly. NO evidence.
Lurker wrote:. . . but it's still a better possibility than a lot of other things.
Like what? Examples, please.
Lurker wrote:The only potential major problem with it I can see is that if he does turn out to be her brother and his parents did have a connection to the Order (either as operatives or opponents), if he didn't know about any of it and still invited Bree and Daniel into his home, then it becomes a bit hard to swallow something that convenient.
Exactly. I have more faith in the creators than that.
HisGirl wrote:"Up here is where they stored all my parents' stuff".... who is "they" ?
If it's not his parents themselves (and you're right, that quotation does make it sound as if he's referring to someone other than his parents), I'd bet that he was talking about whoever handled matters after his parents disappeared. Maybe the nanny, maybe someone else.
MintyBeast wrote:I would hate if Bree and Jonas were siblings. It just seems so stupid to me, so I really hope the creators aren't going that route. *crosses fingers and eyes*
I'm with you.
joygasm wrote:I usually don't stick with things this hard. I am sorry if I am pissing you off, by coming back again and again, but I really, really, really believe that is a picture.
Why don't we just wait for the next video(s) and FIND OUT?

All this speculation-verging-on-argument is pointless, really. As has been stated ad nauseum in the forum, we can see whatever we want to see in many of these images. You want to see a photograph of children, because you work with children's photography. Other people are invested in other ideas, so they see what they want to see. Probably we're all wrong, and it's something else altogether. In the meantime, please, people, kindly just CHILL.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:20 am
by janesalteredstates
R1kk1 wrote:AH! Huge avatar attack!

I think its funny how in some other threads people are still going on about P. Monkey, when it's been clearly shown in this thread its not! ^.^

And I think the figure on our left looks like a woman, the figure on our right looks like a baby...

I still wonder if this is what Jonas was referring too at all...
I believe the P*Monkey thing is a joke. Nobody actually thinks that it's him in the video or that Jonas is startled by P*M... do they? :lol:

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:22 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
i'd say the whole thing of Bree and Jonas being related could work if the Order was uber-matriarchal.

Order: A son? Bleh; you can keep him.

:a few years later:

Order: A daughter, eh? :twisted: hey, look over there!! :smt026 :hops away with Bree:

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:25 am
by Languorous Lass
Interesting theory. It still doesn't explain why Bree and Jonas would have to have had the same parents, but it would explain what Jonas said repeatedly to Daniel when he was tied up, about his parents letting him do whatever he wanted. If the Order is really matriarchal, I can see them not caring as much (if at all) about male children. So Jonas could be wrong about his parents' leniency proving that they couldn't be part of the Order.

Hmmmmmm. Daniel's parents haven't seemed to care much about what he does, either . . .

Oh, damn. I hate coming up with these off-the-wall ideas.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:28 am
by MintyBeast
jeezy wrote:
MintyBeast wrote:I would hate if Bree and Jonas were siblings. It just seems so stupid to me, so I really hope the creators aren't going that route. *crosses fingers and eyes*
It seems a lot of people are leaning towards that as a possibility,... but then again what isn't a possiblity right? Well what else do you have in mind?
Just other theories going around. Jonas' parents being involved in the order in some way. Weather for good, bad or something in between.

The siblings thing just seems really lame to me. *shrugs*

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:29 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
it'd be coincidental. youtube connects people; even those mysterious cults want to keep separated.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:31 am
by Languorous Lass
BTW, Nieriel, I didn't mean your matriarchy theory was off-the-wall -- I was talking about my own idea about Daniel's parents.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:33 am
by janesalteredstates
Languorous Lass wrote:BTW, Nieriel, I didn't mean your matriarchy theory was off-the-wall -- I was talking about my own idea about Daniel's parents.
Daniel's parents are of no importance. He's Han Solo. :-#