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Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:47 pm
by Magesa
AM wrote:So, Bree wants a trade, her for Daniel? What happens when Daniel says "No way, I like it here. I want to join the order." I mean, after all, he's been drugged and brainwashed so he probably won't want to leave OPAPHID any way.
OTOH, if he
is in his right mind, he'd never leave Bree's side and just let her go do the ceremony alone while he escaped.
In every scenario I play out in my mind Bree giving herself up does not result in Daniel going free.
Unfortunately I don't think she does have another clever plan in mind because, from the beginning, when the chips were down, Bree has never once devised a clever plan to solve anything. CU SOON was about as clever as she got and that was so she could meet someone else where
they said to meet (and we all know how that one ended up

A girl who, when the chips are down, talks to her stuffed animals is sadly not going to surprise us with her hidden heroic talents.
Sadly, the pessimist may be right. In fact, you're probably right. But Jonas is certainly trying to think of another alternative, so we'll see what happens.
But at least Bree is making a decision. And it is a noble one, but things probably won't work out as planned.
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:56 pm
by Amber
What could they want with Daniel? If Bree does the ceromony, It doesn't mean they'll give Daniel back. I don't think Lucy and all them like Daniel.
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:04 pm
by AM
Amber wrote:What could they want with Daniel? If Bree does the ceromony, It doesn't mean they'll give Daniel back. I don't think Lucy and all them like Daniel.
Well, they've watched all the videos so they know it's Daniel's fault Bree changed her mind about the ceremony to begin with. They know he has a a huge influence over her decisions and at this point I think they are only looking at him as a pawn to get the real prize, Bree. I don't think like or dislike comes into it at all at this point. He's a tool and they will use him as simply a means to an end.
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:20 pm
by tenshiakui
AM wrote:Amber wrote:What could they want with Daniel? If Bree does the ceromony, It doesn't mean they'll give Daniel back. I don't think Lucy and all them like Daniel.
Well, they've watched all the videos so they know it's Daniel's fault Bree changed her mind about the ceremony to begin with. They know he has a a huge influence over her decisions and at this point I think they are only looking at him as a pawn to get the real prize, Bree. I don't think like or dislike comes into it at all at this point. He's a tool and they will use him as simply a means to an end.
*slinks from the shadows*
Agreed. Daniel is the biggest threat that the Order has to its control of Bree.
Control Daniel, Control Bree.
Her reaction clearly shows it is true.
Afterall The Order are great manipulaters.. and Bree, intelligent as she might be, is naught but a child in comparison.
*fades to black*
Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:22 pm
by autumneternal
I was thinking about this video last night when a theory popped into my head.
Lots of people are tossing around the brainwashed/drugged theory, but what if how they got Daniel to cooperate was to make him an offer he couldn't refuse?
Think about it. Daniel's parents seem to show absolutely no concern for him whatsoever. Granted, he's a college student, but he hasn't mentioned his parents since he left his home, which suggests to me that he hasn't spoken to them, nor have they tried to contact him. What if the Order promised Daniel a stable, caring, concerned set of parents in exchange for his cooperation? I assume it's a sore spot for Daniel that his parents seem to not really care about him or his where-abouts at all.
Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:36 pm
by Lurker
autumneternal wrote:Think about it. Daniel's parents seem to show absolutely no concern for him whatsoever. Granted, he's a college student, but he hasn't mentioned his parents since he left his home, which suggests to me that he hasn't spoken to them, nor have they tried to contact him. What if the Order promised Daniel a stable, caring, concerned set of parents in exchange for his cooperation? I assume it's a sore spot for Daniel that his parents seem to not really care about him or his where-abouts at all.
How would they make him believe something like that? Were he a child (or Bree), I could see it, but this is Daniel we're talking about ("paranoid" and "untrusting" are his middle names).
I doubt they swayed him in any way, but if they did, I don't think promising him parents would do it. Promising him a girl who wouldn't treat him like crap (perhaps Op herself) would be more effective by far, but I still don't think there's anything they could have offered to make him stop caring about Bree (despite what a jerk she's been).
Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:47 pm
by Kanazaka
Yeah, I also have to stick with the brainwashed/drugged theory. And on the topic of Bree's poor decision-making skills, I suppose I should at least consider the possibility. Therefore, the scenario might be something like:
* Bree goes to Lucy
* Lucy takes her to an undisclosed location
* The Order briefs Bree on what they are going to do to her
* The Order does this to her
* The Order performs the Ceremony
* Something bad happens to Bree and Daniel (from our perspectives)
etc., unless Jonas can convince her otherwise.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:58 pm
by Kasdeja
Daniel HAS mentioned his parents since leaving home.
And why would Bree go to Lucy?
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:19 pm
by silvermoon
I don't think Daniel is a threat, I think Daniel is an important part of the situation, in a way that just hasn't been discovered yet.
Think about it -- her parents let her ( girl of the purity bond and limited outside exposure) be in her bedroom with a boy with the door closed.
When her parents left, they told her to stay with Daniel.
Before her dad got killed, he told her to stay with Daniel.
At any point along this road, the Order could have come in and "taken care" of Daniel (in the woods during the fake ceremony, while they were homeless, when they had hold of him) and not said a word to Bree about it. Make her feel like Daniel had abandoned her, which might make her choose to go back to the only other people she knows -- her parents and the Order.
I think they want the two of them together for some reason.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:20 pm
by Languorous Lass
Kas, I think that last message was posted before Tachy flew in to the rescue.
IOW, we still thought Bree was going to turn herself in to the Order.