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Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 7:31 pm
by Danielle
Apo. I turned it off after 3 seconds. Too many trees.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 7:53 pm
by Sad Panda
ApotheosisAZ wrote:This is irrefutable evidence that I am the biggest jerk of all.

For Sad Panda: a short video on how to behave as an operator.

For Danielle: a brief video on how to finish what you start.

I do <3 Ziola, and am grateful for the opportunity to lay this proof down in what is probably the finest thread ever seen in this forum.

But naturally, as the biggest jerk here, I am going to tell Ziola to eat it raw.

I was seriously about to kill you until I clicked the link.

But now I kinda want to marry you. :shock:

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 7:56 pm
by FallingIntoSin
Sad Panda wrote:
ApotheosisAZ wrote:This is irrefutable evidence that I am the biggest jerk of all.

For Sad Panda: a short video on how to behave as an operator.

For Danielle: a brief video on how to finish what you start.

I do <3 Ziola, and am grateful for the opportunity to lay this proof down in what is probably the finest thread ever seen in this forum.

But naturally, as the biggest jerk here, I am going to tell Ziola to eat it raw.

I was seriously about to kill you until I clicked the link.

But now I kinda want to marry you. :shock:
AP are you in my computer, watching me? Because Minty and I were totally watching that same video for Panders last night!

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:07 pm
by bethy
Ziola wrote:I hate when people try to jack my thread. I am the penultimate bitch and have refrained from really letting that show. But if someone tries to jack my thread again with their infantile need to one up others, I will let the bitch loose and you had better run for cover.

psst...the point of having a thread where you shouldn't take things, well, to not take things personally.
Be a Jerk Here and No One Will Take It Personally...
Apparently, that isn't the case.

<-- ultimate bitch

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:08 pm
by Nodus
I hate most girls.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:10 pm
by bethy
Me, too. Nodus. Me, too. Boys are much more fun.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:10 pm
by ApotheosisAZ
FallingIntoSin wrote:
AP are you in my computer, watching me? Because Minty and I were totally watching that same video for Panders last night!
No, I merely called the Vice Department of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:13 pm
by Ziola
I hate bethy. She is an irritating pain in the ass who doesn't realize when she is neither wanted or needed.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:48 pm
by bethy
I hate bethy. She is an irritating pain in the ass who doesn't realize when she is neither wanted or needed.
And I hate people who hate me for no good reason or without the entire story.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:55 pm
by fuzzy_bunny85
bethy wrote:
I hate bethy. She is an irritating pain in the ass who doesn't realize when she is neither wanted or needed.
And I hate people who hate me for no good reason or without the entire story.

I declare a cease-fire! Immediately! For all our sakes! :smt079

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:23 pm
by Onewen
fuzzy_bunny85 wrote:
bethy wrote:
I hate bethy. She is an irritating pain in the ass who doesn't realize when she is neither wanted or needed.
And I hate people who hate me for no good reason or without the entire story.

I declare a cease-fire! Immediately! For all our sakes! :smt079

I agree...for goodness sake! We have more important things to worry about: DANIEL IS MISSING!!! :shock:


Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:28 pm
by bethy
Let's hope whoever took him gave him a good night first. :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:42 pm
by diastres
I hate when people don't know when to drop things. Come on guys, is this really necessary? Actually, don't answer that. I don't want to keep up this conversation.

I hate people who say they're leaving or done with something, but still post and bother people in an area dedicated to that thing.

I hate Yahoo! Japan. I hate being paired up with a Chinese person from my class because she keeps using kanji my class hasn't learned. She also uses verb forms we haven't learned. What the heck.

I hate UPS. Especially their customer service that replies about a tracking number that doesn't match the one I wrote them about!

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:43 pm
by romanceismusic
I hate people that hate me. :twisted:

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:51 pm
by Caslynn
I hate people who don't listen
I hate having a headache
I hate drama
I hate the taste of coconut
And I hate geography. I want to rearrange some states.