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Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:04 pm
by rachelalexis
saralynn wrote:I guess it's sweet in a way, but I guess it really depends on how you view it. Daniel was sweet before, I'd totally poke him
You'd poke him?!?!?!?! LMAO, well, we'll just skip a few anatomy lessons for now, since this is a PG (kinda) board.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:04 pm
by demerick
lordgreystoke422 wrote:Having given birth to a moonchild myself as can be seen in one of my videos..I know only too well it was many moonchilds ago..
I loved that video. Can't remember if I commented on it though. *is blonde*
itsmeforreal wrote:I don't. I basically cry every single time I see that av.
Aww. Dolls tend to frighten me (must be a Tommyknockers thing) and my kid has several of them. *shivers*
And, to get back on topic, I don't know that I condone Daniel's actions, but I'm glad he's doing it. Otherwise we'd never know what's going on with Bree. She isn't going to be very direct about it.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:05 pm
by saralynn
rachelalexis wrote:saralynn wrote:I guess it's sweet in a way, but I guess it really depends on how you view it. Daniel was sweet before, I'd totally poke him
You'd poke him?!?!?!?! LMAO, well, we'll just skip a few anatomy lessons for now, since this is a PG (kinda) board.
Haha my boyfriend always asks who I'd 'poke', it's kind of like a universal term or something. I always did think he was cute though, like a lot of guys wouldn't sit in some 16 year old girls room and let her do her thing while reading a magazine.
It's always the quiet ones that snap!
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:05 pm
by lordgreystoke422
lordgreystoke422 wrote:spaciegirl wrote:lordgreystoke422 wrote:Actually if you pull up that stuff about L.Ron Hubbard and his buddy when they tried to create a Moonchild...the ceremony took a few days...I think 12...
Spacie..can you recall that link ya had? I feel extra lazy today.
ugh...that was many many moonchilds..I mean moons ago. I've read too many things..let's see..this one?: ... me=Printer
Having given birth to a moonchild myself as can be seen in one of my videos..I know only too well it was many moonchilds ago..
just an interesting part from the article...notice the stuff about Cameron and wormwood?
Though there is obviously no proof that the ritual was successful, Parsons and Hubbard both refused to ever speak of that night again, and their friendship dissolved soon after. Parsons' Scarlet Woman, Marjorie Cameron, went on to star in Kenneth Anger's Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome, and became an occult figure in her own right, as explained in Brian Butler's essay "Cameron: The Wormwood Star." Parsons lived until 1952, when he was fatally injured by the blast of an explosion in his carriage house laboratory at 1071 South Orange Grove. Parsons has the distinction of being the only twentieth-century magician to have had a crater on the moon named after him. Appropriately enough, it is located on the dark side of the moon
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:05 pm
by minsky
demerick wrote:
One interesting thing I found links thujone to marijuana. This one, ... /_877.html , states, "...the feeling after drinking it was completely different. Not that heavy-head, room-swirling feeling one have after too mach (sic) alcohol, but light, airy feeling, and some kind of altered state of mind, that was hard to explain."
I had bad reactions to marijuana and I know most people don't. What I've heard from others is that it provides a heavy, almost euphoric feeling. However, based on the description from the website above, the sensation from absinthe provides the altered, euphoric mindstate without the heaviness that makes it easy to spot someone who's stoned.
This could be why in the "I completed the Ceremony" video Bree states "I feel great, the ceremony was amazing, I feel so close to the people I love now. even though my parents were not there, I definatly felt their presence"
So many positive comments. hmmm, everything is amazing wonderful etc. when you are under the infuence of something that makes you feel euphoric.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:06 pm
by Hannahbee
saralynn wrote:I guess it's sweet in a way, but I guess it really depends on how you view it. Daniel was sweet before, I'd totally poke him, but now he's just like HAY BREE I LIKE YOU A LOT, LOOK I BROKE THE LAW FOR YOU, I WATCH YOU PEE AND I SIT OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE IN THE BUSHES AND WATCH YOU BRUSH YOUR HAIR.
Maybe now he'll cool his heels now that he thinks he's being followed by 'them'.
well see, the really important thing to notice is that he's NOT doing exactly that. i wouldn't want him to, although it would be kind of... ok really really hilarious. but i would be sad too cuz for now i can still put all his actions within the category of rational stalking if i try. i think now that he knows he's being followed i'd like to see him really focusing his attention on the people controlling Bree and following him rather than on Bree herself anymore. esp. because as of now i'm of the opinion that Bree's last vid was prerecorded and she is being held by those very people as we speak. to b honest, i half expected him to find Bree when he went into the house! now that, i would have REALLY liked! but this will do i suppose.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:08 pm
by saralynn
Hannahbee wrote:to b honest, i half expected him to find Bree when he went into the house! now that, i would have REALLY liked! but this will do i suppose.
Oh man that'd be hilarious. She's all crammed into the top shelf of the closet. "Bree what happend?!" "Being wrapped in Lucy's dirty clothes have made me feel really close to her. Everything's great. Life's great. Great. GREAT?!?!"
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:13 pm
by Mirage
Did you all know that the bola tie was created in 1949 by Vic Cedarstaff in Wickenburg, Arizona? *sigh* That's all I've been able to find after Googling all kinds of crazy stuff.

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:14 pm
by nakita
lordgreystoke422 wrote:shifty wrote:nakita wrote:Lots of new people popping up here... *looks around suspiciously*
I was thinking the same thing. There have been several people, who joined today, posting some valuable information in their "first" post!

Just a note..there are nearly 40 pages of registered users in the memberlist..but there are maybe..10? pages of people that have posted.
So there are a lot of lurkers.
A lot of these people have signed up today, and they have PARTICULARLY interesting things to say... just pointing that out ...
... aaaaaand back to the plot
Edit: a few of the newbies who specified they were canadian (some even said albertan) only popped up after someone said something might happen in La Crete, Alberta... coincidence... i think not
Absinthe, automatic writing and Bree's calendar...
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:17 pm
by overorexactly13
OK. Disclaimer: I am motivated by wine to jump into the discussion at this time, so you will have to pardon any spelling errors or errors of grammar or just plain ignorant commentary... In addition, I have never posted to a board like this before and frankly, I am not even sure I am posting in the right place. I am meaning for this to be part of the discussion about the newest vid. If this post somehow ends up elsewhere, please accept my appologies!
Ha! Now after that lengthy preamble... I don't have a lot to add to the disscussion except for a couple of things that jumped out at me as I have been reading.
About Absinthe... As someone who has enjoyed a wide variety of alcoholic beverages in large quantities, I can say that there is something special about authentic absinthe. What they sell here in NA is very different from what the poets of yesteryear enjoyed and from what Crowley himself would have imbibed. Though, this naughtier absinthe--the effect of which is more like an opiate than alcohol--is still available in some European countries and can be smuggled into NA without too much difficulty.
About the date on the computer: I can't recall which of the recent vids this was in (maybe the one about the Zodiac?) but Bree does mention that the Denderah operates on a 10 day week or something. So is it possible that the 12 of Oct. falls later in the year? Hmmm...
About the quote from the book about Mucha: I do think this might be relevent as Alestair Crowley was known to practice Automatic Writing as well. That said, automatic writing and absinthe do tend to go hand in hand so it may be nothing...
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:19 pm
by rachelalexis
Mirage wrote:Did you all know that the bola tie was created in 1949 by Vic Cedarstaff in Wickenburg, Arizona? *sigh* That's all I've been able to find after Googling all kinds of crazy stuff.

That's it! Lucy is trying to bring back this look!
Those eviiiiiil cultists![/img]
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:22 pm
by Mirage
overorexactly13 wrote: That said, automatic writing and absinthe do tend to go hand in hand so it may be nothing...
Just like rambling posts and wine?
LMAO, just kidding, actually, I dug your post--especially the part talking about a different calendar for Denderah!! That is an awesome theory right there!
rachelalexis wrote:Mirage wrote:Did you all know that the bola tie was created in 1949 by Vic Cedarstaff in Wickenburg, Arizona? *sigh* That's all I've been able to find after Googling all kinds of crazy stuff.

That's it! Lucy is trying to bring back this look!
Those eviiiiiil cultists!
Ewwww!! It's up to Daniel to stop this madness. Seriously, if this is what The Creators have planned then it's gone too far!!! SICK AND WRONG, Creators, SICK AND WRONG!

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:23 pm
by Hannahbee
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:42 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
I am bad at geography..I don't care if you make fun of me. What is NA?
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:43 pm
by vertigo
spaciegirl wrote:I am bad at geography..I don't care if you make fun of me. What is NA?
North America?