0212 - "Like A Virgin" [6/13/07]

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Post by girlnextdoor »

soon, hopefully :(
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Post by Sheqinah »

watching_watchers wrote:longlostposter, I love your avatar. =]
I was about to say the same thing. too funny
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Post by watching_watchers »

Sheqinah wrote:
watching_watchers wrote:longlostposter, I love your avatar. =]
I was about to say the same thing. too funny
Hahaha, nice.

I like yours too. YAY KITTY!


"Would you rather be dumber than you look or look dumber than you are?" -Jonas
"Do I look like the kind of girl who wears socks?" -Sarah
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Post by Aithne »

GrrlyDervish wrote:Actually, it was almost exactly as helpful as what Jonas did, because it was really 2 attempts at the same thing.

It was a stimuli that forced (or tried to force) Bree to react. To interact with her surroundings instead of withdrawing into her diseased brain.

One made her feel good (tickling) the other would make her mad/frustrated/irritated but she couldn't just ignore goldfish.

Plus anger can be really really healthy. I bet if Sarah had kept it up Bree would have exploded and let out some of her pent up emotion.

Jonas...well what he did ended up in her running away, so it didn't work very well at all.

just sayin'...
I am really loving your views on this vid. I saw it the same way.

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Post by kjones »

woo hoo new vid.
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Post by house »

kjones wrote:woo hoo new vid.
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Post by Aponi »

>_< I want a new vidddddd
*sigh* But of course I have to live in the east coast so it will probably be at least 3 more hours. And more like 4-5. :(
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Post by robtomorrow »

Aponi wrote:>_< I want a new vidddddd
*sigh* But of course I have to live in the east coast so it will probably be at least 3 more hours. And more like 4-5. :(
What difference does it make where you live? You could live in Kazakhstan or on the north pole and you would still have to wait the same amount of time. :?
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Post by Aponi »

robtomorrow wrote:
Aponi wrote:>_< I want a new vidddddd
*sigh* But of course I have to live in the east coast so it will probably be at least 3 more hours. And more like 4-5. :(
What difference does it make where you live? You could live in Kazakhstan or on the north pole and you would still have to wait the same amount of time. :?
My point was supposed to be that for me it's going to be like 11pm at least, most of the time later than that. The people in Cali get them in 'creator-time' so they see them at (usually) a reasonable time and don't have to stay up. So, to me, I do have to wait longer cause i'm usually up longer waiting for a new vid than they are :)
...I really hate timezones. :P
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Post by staticmorning »

i know what you mean. this last video.. 2:07 am.

its kind of ridiculous to wait that late for a video..
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Post by robtomorrow »

I knew what you meant Aponi, I was just teasing you :)
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Post by Aponi »

robtomorrow wrote:I knew what you meant Aponi, I was just teasing you :)
I find it impossible sometimes to detect teasing and sarcasm online, and being in need of my lonelycrack fix does not help that lol
The names Julie.
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Post by cobracommander5 »

Ugh, the wait for a new video is killing me! I've been all over the place just waiting for one. Do you guys think it'll have some real action? I- like I'm sure everyone else is- am so TIRED of all this stupid high school drama. It's just like those 'OMGZ I HATE U' instant messenger fights.

But with video blogs and email.

](*,) DARN IT
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Post by watching_watchers »

I want a new video. The Nikki B one just made me want a new one more. :x :x :x
"Would you rather be dumber than you look or look dumber than you are?" -Jonas
"Do I look like the kind of girl who wears socks?" -Sarah
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Post by longlostposter »

Sheqinah wrote:
watching_watchers wrote:longlostposter, I love your avatar. =]
I was about to say the same thing. too funny
Thanks, Sheqinah.
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