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Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:43 pm
by alysaface
actually, i was just asking. i didn't know he was still doing different fanfics. i've refused to follow an arg until last night when it was 2 am and i couldn't fall asleep because i was drunk. haha. (for some reason i cant fall asleep when i'm drunk)
gasp i just realized, does this mean glenn was/is in texas? or did he have the girl playing maddy film this for him?
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:44 pm
by alysaface
consideration wrote:I find this really shocking. And I never even watched Maddy Atkins.
I'm really sorry for all of those who did play the game. All these ARGs keep getting killed.

yet another reason im glad i didnt devote any time to this one, lol
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:47 pm
by Emsmu
Ok, I only really read the first like 3 pages here (sorry, it was all goin in the same direction ^_~) but did anything think that this is an alternate reality "GAME" and maybe because we couldnt find out what the doodles were, we lost? I mean whats a game if you always win? I know that'd be pretty disappointing, but if your playing connect four and you fill all the spots and nobody connects four, the game kinda stinks. If a PM sets clues out that are essential to the storyline and nobody can solve them in the time limit necessary to the story, then the PM has nothing to do but end the story or throw an obvious answer out.
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:47 pm
by Aja
AHHHH!!! I leave for the weekend and THIS happens?!?! Nonononoooooo I don't want Maddy to die!
I just finished reading through this whole thread, and I have to say that I don't think Warpy was the assassin. In the case of Sebastian/Brother, Warpy just found his location, right? He wasn't the one that did the attempted murdering. (I could have this wrong - I just lurked through all of OpA.) Maybe Warpy is just a scout and hunts these people down to find their locations for the assassins?
Regardless, I'm pissed off. Maddy was cool. Please please PLEASE let this be staged and let Maddy and Adam still be alive.
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:50 pm
by longlostposter
trainer101 wrote:Whoever uploaded the videos would have had to know Maddy's YouTube and Revver passwords. Weren't those accounts set up for her by Mr. Zipp?
If Zipp did the killing, then I think the whole thing was solely for the purpose of warning anyone who might get involved with helping BDJ or Jules. Shoot, it could have been a warning to BDJ not to help Jules.
Why else would Zipp put them through all this then shoot them?
It makes me sad. This would mean their deaths were practically meaningless; they were nothing but mere pawns and sitting ducks from the get-go.
EDIT: Spelling
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:50 pm
by mary
this thread is not the right place for this question, but aja, is that you in your picture?
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:50 pm
by Ziola
Aja wrote:AHHHH!!! I leave for the weekend and THIS happens?!?! Nonononoooooo I don't want Maddy to die!
I just finished reading through this whole thread, and I have to say that I don't think Warpy was the assassin. In the case of Sebastian/Brother, Warpy just found his location, right? He wasn't the one that did the attempted murdering. (I could have this wrong - I just lurked through all of OpA.) Maybe Warpy is just a scout and hunts these people down to find their locations for the assassins?
Regardless, I'm pissed off. Maddy was cool. Please please PLEASE let this be staged and let Maddy and Adam still be alive.
In the case of Sebastian/Brother, Gemma was the one who found Brother and gained his trust. It was Warpylol's job to blow him up.
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:51 pm
by alysaface
I'd also like to add, since i just watched the maddy videos and all.. It was pretty much let-be-known that the ARG would end in 15 days, so although I understand why you guys are getting upset, didn't you all know it would be "over" in 15 days? I know you weren't expecting it to end like this, and that is more than likely why you are mad, but still.. I'm just sayin...
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:52 pm
by Mordrack
Aja wrote:In the case of Sebastian/Brother, Warpy just found his location, right? He wasn't the one that did the attempted murdering.
As far as I remember it was Warpy, who planted the bomb in Brother's appartment, but I might be mistaken.
alysaface wrote:It was pretty much let-be-known that the ARG would end in 15 days...
To me it sounded more like it was really starting after the 15 days...
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:53 pm
by mary
i didn't think that was supposed to mean it would be "over" in 15 days, just that her identity would be known in 15 days and thus she would need to be gone from her residence so to speak
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:55 pm
by alysaface
Ah, ok, i just took it as, the sender and reciever would be disposed of.. or whatever.. in 15 days.
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:57 pm
by Mordrack
alysaface wrote:Ah, ok, i just took it as, the sender and reciever would be disposed of.. or whatever.. in 15 days.
Yeah, but we kinda hoped that Maddy could get away before they found her.
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:59 pm
by Aja
Thanks for the clarification on Warpy.
And I didn't think it would be over in 15 days; I guess I assumed that it would change pace and take a different direction in 15 days, that we would know more information to better equip us for where the ARG was headed...
I just can't believe it's over.
And yes, Mary - that is me.
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:02 pm
by Mordrack
Aja wrote:I just can't believe it's over.
I don't believe it's over. Let's wait and see...

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:05 pm
by Haether
Staged deaths or not, Mr. Zip still needs help.
it doesn't make sense for it to be over (in a game sense). It does make sense for it to be over in a this is not a game sense.
But I was actually going to stop lurking for this one...I even created an account.
So, here's hoping it's not over.