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Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:01 am
by megs229
BallsyMcD wrote:i heard "so you can get her nephew's file"
i listened so many times, trying to hear "drunk" and "leave" and i couldn't even if i tried. file was the first thing i heard.
it has to be file, it just seemed so clear to me.
Same thing here. I clearly heard file the first time I watched without reading the pedia first. I tried several times to hear drunk, number, and leave but I couldn't do it. Not at all. The conversation doesn't depict them thinking Daniel is Alex's nephew either. The guy just clearly didn't want Daniel hearing, probably thinking he would say something to Jonas or Alex.
The blonde guy's interaction helps support my point from the last video. I didn't think he was talking about Daniel being cute in the first party video, I thought he was talking about Jonas.
I also think that Toby was being a little weird, but I think that it was because he was scared to talk to Jonas because it has been so long, and also because he has a lot to tell him, and he is scared of what would be done to him for telling Jonas. Kind of like the striped shirt girl was threatening him to say something to Jonas.

I honestly would be a little nervous to talk to someone who I hadn't seen in several years, especially if the last time I saw them was for their parents funeral. It would definately be a little weird.
I think that the order has a file on Jonas because of what his parents did against them. I think that is what Carl was wanting to get ahold of. Maybe to see exactly how much Jonas knows.
Sooo much going through my head right now!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:01 am
by ForeverMourn
You are probably right about that. Catching this phrase just proves they are up to something.
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:14 am
by omegawoman
ForeverMourn wrote:You are probably right about that. Catching this phrase just proves they are up to something.
Whether the phrase is significant or not, I am glad we finally have something to research, as well as the picture at the party. I have stopped posting on these forums for the lack of anything to pick apart in many of the latest videos. It just lost it's luster for me. Even though I really didn't like this video, I like the fact that we have something (possible evidence) to pick at.
Editting complete video
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:29 am
by pks2141
Does anyone think that by putting both videos together it might make more sense? It seems like there are obvious links to chronology.
Re: Editting complete video
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:31 am
by megs229
pks2141 wrote:Does anyone think that by putting both videos together it might make more sense? It seems like there are obvious links to chronology.
It might, but I would have noo clue where to begin!! I think you might be on to something there though.
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:41 am
by angie78gg
O.k. .. So I dont really say much these days about the vids. So ... here is what I think. This video BLOWS... could they guys be any bigger dick's. Well maybe if they had tried harder. WTH is going on with this plot.... I am starting to think, that there really are no ideas ands it moreof a ..hmm lets wing it!!! Come on.. I lost interest about two weeks ago, but still watch the vid's. Well because I keep hoping it will once again become exciting!!! All the last two vids were of, is a retarded party! With nothing but College jock assholes.. HMMMM lemme think about that one! I dont think so, the reality of this is, is that when u resort to stupid crap.. You get crappy responses. That just what I think... If u dont agree, well thats your point of view and I am not trying to change anyones mind.....
Re: Editting complete video
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:49 am
by PixieSailor
pks2141 wrote:Does anyone think that by putting both videos together it might make more sense? It seems like there are obvious links to chronology.
Someone on the top of page...14? I think did that. Or 15. One of the more recent pages.
Edit: It's 15.
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:05 pm
by Onewen
pks2141 wrote:
Does anyone think that by putting both videos together it might make more sense? It seems like there are obvious links to chronology.
I would love to see that too...
definately heard "file" case anyone is keeping a tally.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:26 pm
by bethy
Okay, I listened to the audio alone this morning with fresh ears and I agree with really sounded more like "...get her nephew's file..." which absolutely makes sense if they're after the file of clippings and such.
I wish I could hear what he said after tht, though.
Anyway, why would they be after a file of news clippings? Articles are easily retrieved again through archives.
Also, if they're trying to get the file, then why would Alex be associated with them? Jonas said his aunt compiled the information.
Oh, it's all confusing. And my head hurts.
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:27 pm
by megs229
Onewen wrote:
definately heard "file" case anyone is keeping a tally.

Whoohoo! I knew it,

I'm not crazy!!! lol j/k
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:31 pm
by megs229
bethy wrote:Okay, I listened to the audio alone this morning with fresh ears and I agree with really sounded more like "...get her nephew's file..." which absolutely makes sense if they're after the file of clippings and such.
I wish I could hear what he said after tht, though.
Anyway, why would they be after a file of news clippings? Articles are easily retrieved again through archives.
Also, if they're trying to get the file, then why would Alex be associated with them? Jonas said his aunt compiled the information.
Oh, it's all confusing. And my head hurts.
I agree that file was said, but I think that Alex compiled the clippings because she is with the order and she was using them as a way to keep a record and tie in the stuff that she got from Jonas's parents after they died. Also I think that Alex and the order have a file on Jonas and stuff like what he knows and what his parents were involved in and stuff like that. I think that is what the guy wants not the clippings. But that is just my own opinion and guess

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:48 pm
by onsweetavenue
ForeverMourn wrote:He defintley said, "So you can talk to Alex, to get her nephews file."
that's what I heard too - and it wasn't the part i had the most trouble hearing at all. Other parts were way worse. maybe my speakers are just bad, but that stood out.
Also, The girl says to Daniel, "Hi, Do You Remember M... I'm Sonja, Alex's Friend."
I don't knwo what she said right after that, it sounds garbled to me.
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:04 pm
by joygasm
angie78gg wrote:O.k. .. So I dont really say much these days about the vids. So ... here is what I think. This video BLOWS... could they guys be any bigger dick's. Well maybe if they had tried harder. WTH is going on with this plot.... I am starting to think, that there really are no ideas ands it moreof a ..hmm lets wing it!!! Come on.. I lost interest about two weeks ago, but still watch the vid's. Well because I keep hoping it will once again become exciting!!! All the last two vids were of, is a retarded party! With nothing but College jock assholes.. HMMMM lemme think about that one! I dont think so, the reality of this is, is that when u resort to stupid crap.. You get crappy responses. That just what I think... If u dont agree, well thats your point of view and I am not trying to change anyones mind.....
Very nice contribution to this discussion!!
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:17 pm
by anniid
Kimmi-Chan wrote:joygasm wrote:
Has anyone else noticed how most of these people (Including our dynamic trio DB&J) all have brown hair and brown eyes?? I wonder if that has some significance...
I'm not sure if it has any significance, but it could just be because that is the most common color for hair and eyes. After all there was the blonde guy, and Jonas had blue eyes doesn't he?
Yes, Jonas DOES have blue eyes...and they are very pretty.
(at least they aren't brown. Yeah. Not brown.

And no this isn't my only thought on the video...but I'm STILL not done trying to read the whole thread...
All I know is that I heard "number" and then i tried to hear leave, I never heard drunk, and I don't think that makes any sense.
So I turned up my volume reallllllllly loud, and now I hear "phone number." However...I wish he said "file" and then we could make sense of that.
I think they're just order weirdoes out to get daniel, bree, and tachyon. If that is the case then it should feed our hunger for a new evil character, no?
If not...then I definitely think Alex is evil.
(But she is cool...and weird nonetheless.)
Now, I didn't notice the stars anywhere on the walls, but I suppose that is alright.
I am really really glad Jonas isn't gay. If he was, I'd have to resign as president of his fan club. (that job would then obviously belong to a gay man.)
I don't think it's a good idea to rule one video out.
They are both accurate.
There were a lot of mean people at the party, everyone except Toby, Jonas, and Alex hates Daniel, and the gay blonde man thinks Jonas is sexy. Which if I were in Jonas' shoes, would make me want to leave VERY soon. (and that girl that was hitting on him...I dunno...I'm not a guy.)
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:27 pm
by bular
Oh hi, un-lurking.
I heard "drunk" when I first watched it, and continued to hear "drunk" as I watched it again a few times. However, when listening to the audio without seeing his mouth move, I hear "file."
What I find intriguing is the voice in the background when this is going on. I'm at work so I can't listen to it over and over again, but one word that pops out to me is "HIDING" which seems to be said a few times.
Most of the background noise throughout the video is party chatter, but this just seemed to me to be really enunciated and deliberately said. Who knows.