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Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:02 am
by michiev
freakish wrote:"thats a mustang"
"good im GLAD its not a taxi"
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:04 am
by itsmeforreal
alysaface wrote:michiev wrote:alysaface
I see no reason for them to remove the parts of the forum before the video. i mean its happened when other videos take a while to load too.
i do see reason for them to remove the senseless chatter, therefore my post.. ty for your unaskedfor response though =) differences of opinions FTW!!
I think that it could use a clean up, I mean, there are quite a rediculous amount of waiting posts, and in the past those posts have been atleast cleaned up a bit, when there was a large amount of them like that.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:05 am
by MintyBeast
BabyYoshi88 wrote:
(b) Someone mentioned way back when that they could see Jonas being a very violent person. I can honestly agree with that---if you notice, when Jonas gets angry---he gets freakin' angry man! I mean really, I could definitely seeing him having a whack/angry side.
Twas me. Some that jump out to me are when he is trying to pick the lock and bree is bothering him. Then last video when he comes in one DB and Alex. And the same in this video. It's as if his soft side's curtain unveils slightly and you can see this scarey thing behind it.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:08 am
by breewithcrackers
post removed
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:09 am
by itsmeforreal
MintyBeast wrote:BabyYoshi88 wrote:
(b) Someone mentioned way back when that they could see Jonas being a very violent person. I can honestly agree with that---if you notice, when Jonas gets angry---he gets freakin' angry man! I mean really, I could definitely seeing him having a whack/angry side.
Twas me. Some that jump out to me are when he is trying to pick the lock and bree is bothering him. Then last video when he comes in one DB and Alex. And the same in this video. It's as if his soft side's curtain unveils slightly and you can see this scarey thing behind it.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:12 am
by kjones
I wonder if the guy who came up to Jonas to tell him someone was looking for him was there to watch out for Jonas and Daniel to make sure they were safe. I mean if it was an "order" gathering then why wouldn't an "antiorder" group no about it. Maybe they knew that the order was about to pounce and got J and D the h@## out of there.
just a thought.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:12 am
by Chelseyrl
I really don't think 3 pages of pre-vid chat is a big deal. It would be if it were like 7 (i.e. Sorry Jonas)
Plus, this thread will soon be forgotten. I think most people can live through 3 pages.
On topic now: I really think that there were 2 different women in striped shirts. Beth and then another woman with darker hair in a ponytail.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:14 am
by kjones
On topic now: I really think that there were 2 different women in striped shirts. Beth and then another woman with darker hair in a ponytail.[/quote]
I agree. It goes with my theory about an antiorder group there watching out for J & D
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:17 am
by MintyBeast
itsmeforreal wrote:
Even if it is Jonas Demon?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:22 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
watermelonhead.. you made me LOL, literally. BEST FRIENDS FOREVER.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:22 am
by alysaface
i think the two women are the same just she might have put her hair up in a ponytail, whenever i'm at a party and drinking i get tired of my newly ridiculously long hair being down and all over my neck so i always end up putting it up.
but this video is definately the creepzors. and i need to stop buzzedforuming. tyvm. have a nice night.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:30 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
omg do you guys remember that video where Bree talked about ants? I swear she talked about ants once. It was way back when she was still at her house. But I don't have time to look for it because I have about 5 hours of homework to do in four hours.
Anyway, she talked about how ants are stupid alone, but together they're really smart. I think that's a really important video because it comes into play so often now. I have a feeling the "togetherness" is represented by Daniel and Bree. Notice how they are always stupid when they are either fighting or separated by location. One of them always ends up making a big mistake.
Althoughhhh, in this video, they're in this huge group, and obviously not at their smartest of times. I wonder if it's supposed to contradict the theme from before. Like - Daniel may appear to be in a group of people like him, but he really
isn't. He's really alone because everyone around him was part of the Order, which led him to independently act like an idiot.
Okay I'm making no sense and I'm sorry. Goodnight.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:31 am
by alysaface
is it strange that i think about that ants video alot?
yeah it probably is.
well not the video inandofitself, but the fact that she taught us about the ants.
you totally made sense btw.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:33 am
by michiev
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:omg do you guys remember that video where Bree talked about ants? I swear she talked about ants once. It was way back when she was still at her house. But I don't have time to look for it because I have about 5 hours of homework to do in four hours.
Anyway, she talked about how ants are stupid alone, but together they're really smart. I think that's a really important video because it comes into play so often now. I have a feeling the "togetherness" is represented by Daniel and Bree. Notice how they are always stupid when they are either fighting or separated by location. One of them always ends up making a big mistake.
Althoughhhh, in this video, they're in this huge group, and obviously not at their smartest of times. I wonder if it's supposed to contradict the theme from before. Like - Daniel may appear to be in a group of people like him, but he really
isn't. He's really alone because everyone around him was part of the Order, which led him to independently act like an idiot.
Okay I'm making no sense and I'm sorry. Goodnight.

You made complete sense to me and thats a good theory. i remember the video it was called Daniel Returns, and More Interesting Factoids (Yay!)
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:38 am
by bethy
Well, LGPedia has a full cast list now:
Daniel: Yousef Abu-Taleb
Jonas: Jackson Davis
David: Sale Cecere
Damien: Charlie North
Alex: Bitsie Tulloch
Toby: Burke Stuart
Beth: Angela Harp
Carla: Taylor Treadwell
Will: Jason Lopez
Carl: Craig Coyne