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Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:43 pm
by joygasm
Lurker wrote:
AM wrote:I stopped defending Bree when she took Jonas to a vet and called him 'fido'. Something just clicked and things will never be the same between Bree and me.
Something about that is hilarious to me (maybe it's the wording and the idea together). "Fido" was the straw that broke the camel's back, huh?
The wording of that had me cracking up!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:44 pm
by PixieSailor

I don't hate Bree. Or even dislike her. She's a young, very sheltered girl, who all of a sudden needs to be on the run, and as smart and cool under pressure as someone who's been doing this for years. Remember that her BIG problems in the beginning were her parents not letting her have a picnic with Danial? She was in tears over that. When she needed to choose between her religion and Daniel, her sheltered life in which her biggest decision to make was when to make a video and when to study, she chose her religion. Why? Because it had been with her her whole life, and Danial had been there for only a couple of years. Her life had taught her to choose what she was more familiar with, and all of a sudden this realization was forced in her face. She had to make LIFE CHANGING decisions with almost no time to think, and so much more on the line than a trip to the beach. She's spent her whole life not saying no to anyone, and learning to follow her parents. When it turns out they're not people to follow, she has nothing to go by. And the small amount she has to follow? She has no clue what to do with it. Therefore, even though she tries to be like them, she doesn't know enough about them to really know what to do with what she has. I'm ecstatic that she's with Tachyon now, she'll have someone with good values, who is familiar with her situation to look up to. She'll really learn what to do, and she'll be able to follow someone smart. She's being forced into bigger choices than most of us have ever made, when she's never made a decision by herself before all of this. She's trying to learn, and finally has a chance to. She's made huge mistakes, mistakes that seem far too stupid and rash to be forgivable in most circumstances. I won't deny that. But why would she know to do anything other than what she has done, given her life?

Sorry if any of that was repetitive. D;

Edited to make more sense. And to be something other than senseless rambling.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:47 pm
by PinkoLady
This coming from big fan of Tachyon's, I don't think we have any idea what her values are-- and I would venture to say that her values aren't neccessarily "good" in any kind of traditional, big-sister-ish sense-- she definitely seems colder and more hardened than that.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:52 pm
by longlostposter
AM wrote:I stopped defending Bree when she took Jonas to a vet and called him 'fido'. Something just clicked and things will never be the same between Bree and me. Maybe we just need our space for things to go back to normal, if they ever can.
You know what I thought of immediately when she called him Fido? Remember in the Thanksgiving video when she pointed out the sign that said 'Dogs must be on leashes' (or something to that effect), and then made a comment about Daniel not being on a leash? That memory leaped into my mind, the minute I saw that video.

EDIT: Is leaped correct, or should it have been leapt? lol

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:53 pm
by PixieSailor
PinkoLady wrote:This coming from big fan of Tachyon's, I don't think we have any idea what her values are-- and I would venture to say that her values aren't neccessarily "good" in any kind of traditional, big-sister-ish sense-- she definitely seems colder and more hardened than that.
I'm not saying so much Tachyon's values should rub off on Bree, but her decision making skills, and method of action in the current situation Bree is in is exactly what Bree needs.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:59 pm
by PinkoLady
No, I agree-- she'll be a great influence on Bree in terms of being strong and overall more awesome, I'm sure, I just thought the term "good values" was kind of weird based on anything I've ever heard from/of Tachy.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:41 pm
by longlostposter
longlostposter wrote:
AM wrote:I stopped defending Bree when she took Jonas to a vet and called him 'fido'. Something just clicked and things will never be the same between Bree and me. Maybe we just need our space for things to go back to normal, if they ever can.
You know what I thought of immediately when she called him Fido? Remember in the Thanksgiving video when she pointed out the sign that said 'Dogs must be on leashes' (or something to that effect), and then made a comment about Daniel not being on a leash? That memory leaped into my mind, the minute I saw that video.

EDIT: Is leaped correct, or should it have been leapt? lol
I'm quoting my own, because I thought of something else to go with this.

Since the Order seems to hold women in high esteem has Bree been brainwashed to think of men as dogs? :shock:

This is meant facetiously, obviously.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:59 pm
by AM
I was actually referencing Jonas in the 'my hand hurts' video, saying he and Bree just need their space but things might never be the same between them. So the post was sort of tongue in cheeck but serious too.

For some reason her refusing to take him to a hosptial or even drop him off outside an ER really did it for me. I started realizing how many times people brought up in the forums f'd up heartless things that Bree did and how many times I just ignored them or worse yet stuck up for her.

I mean, is there really any excuse for anyone who values living creatures to go 'skeeter hunting' with a flip flop and take out innocent water striders? Many people pointed it out then and I just sort of ignored it. Denial I tell ya.

However, longlost raises a very good point. Men do just seem to be dogs to the Order. Look at how they treated Daniel and Bree's dad.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:31 pm
by mrsmoose
Sami wrote:Aw, Bree left. I hate it when the three of them don't get along.
The aunt looks cool though. And the name 'Alex', I can think of so many cool things that could mean

i go away for a weekend and they post two vids! whhhhat?? anyqho, loved your comment...being as I am called Alex, I now feel cool!! lol

i really enjoyed the joking between 'da boyz'...although jonas explaining his hand as a salad related inicident isn't going to help him get the info...

hopefully Alex will bring something fresh to the table!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:37 pm
by PixieSailor
AM wrote:I was actually referencing Jonas in the 'my hand hurts' video, saying he and Bree just need their space but things might never be the same between them. So the post was sort of tongue in cheeck but serious too.

For some reason her refusing to take him to a hosptial or even drop him off outside an ER really did it for me. I started realizing how many times people brought up in the forums f'd up heartless things that Bree did and how many times I just ignored them or worse yet stuck up for her.

I mean, is there really any excuse for anyone who values living creatures to go 'skeeter hunting' with a flip flop and take out innocent water striders? Many people pointed it out then and I just sort of ignored it. Denial I tell ya.

However, longlost raises a very good point. Men do just seem to be dogs to the Order. Look at how they treated Daniel and Bree's dad.
But look at it this way -

Bree is on the run from these REALLY bad people. That's the only thing she's sure of right now, and it's what's driving her. Anything that could drive the order to find her makes her panic, and when she panics she doesn't make the best choices. Jonas ended up fine. The vet DID fix him up. And Bree is safe. Remember, even though Bree is the person they're going after, they need her to come on her own free will, and the people close to her are in the most danger. And assuming Jonas is good (and I think most people believe that now), he's PUNCHED someone in the order. The order does not like Jonas. Jonas is at more risk for harm from the order than Bree is, as long as she refuses to do the ceremony, it was not a totally selfish act.

Plus, she sucks under pressure.

And about the water striders, insects gross so many people out. It's this gross little bug thing, I wouldn't want it alive. I'm not a cruel person, but I honestly hate bugs. I think it was more of an offhand act that she really didn't think about. I don't think Bree should be judged as a not valuing living creatures because she killed bugs that weren't hurting her. It seems like people just trying to find something more wrong with her. IMO.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:54 pm
by AM
Denial I tell ya. (JK, sort of :lol: ). I could have written your post, and many others like it, oh, up to about last week. I do sincerely hope you are right though.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:10 pm
by PixieSailor
Believe me, so do I.
I'm not in denial. XDD
Seriously, I considered that option today what with everyone hating Bree and all, and this is what I came up with.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but I'm not jumping ships just yet. :3

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:32 pm
by lonelygirl
poor bree. and can i just say alex cannot really act. it just all seems too fake to me.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:41 pm
by longlostposter
AM wrote:I was actually referencing Jonas in the 'my hand hurts' video, saying he and Bree just need their space but things might never be the same between them. So the post was sort of tongue in cheeck but serious too.
Yes, I realized this, but I just answered the other part about Fido; you know, that it reminded me of the Thanksgiving video. It was a sort of side comment.
AM wrote:However, longlost raises a very good point. Men do just seem to be dogs to the Order. Look at how they treated Daniel and Bree's dad.
lol, someone hurry up and research man-hating global secret societies.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:57 pm
by Chelseyrl
longlostposter wrote:You know what I thought of immediately when she called him Fido? Remember in the Thanksgiving video when she pointed out the sign that said 'Dogs must be on leashes', and then made a comment about Daniel not being on a leash? That memory leaped into my mind, the minute I saw that video.l
Kinda off topic here but I was walking the other day and I saw a sign that basically said clean up after your dog does a number 2 and it had little baggies under it that you could take and it was called like "Fido Corale"

I took a picture of it but you can't see the Fido part... :lol: