0140-How Dumb Am I? [2-26-07]

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Post by AM »

Whether Jonas is good or evil remains to be seen. What has been clear to everyone but Bree for a very long time is that he knows more than he's let on. It's been quite obvious for quite some time that he is not the random sympathetic youtuber with a house offering shelter that he would have everyone believe.

I think we can take that as a given. It would be beyond naeve for anyone to believe that he is just a nice guy with no real connection to what's going on who just happened to get tangled up with this.

Bree clearly stated that what she wants from Jonas is answers. Well, we want them too. We've wanted answers about the origins of Jonas since he first appeared with his implausible 'lost at sea' story.

Tachyon did not leave the watcher symboy in the package. We saw the entire contents of the package opened on camera. I think we can be pretty safe in assuming that.

Daniel might have made and planted the symbol because he is under OP's control. That is an interesting plot twist idea BUT that still does not mean Jonas is completely innocent. He definitely knows something more than he has let on. Of that we can be certain.

Besides, how lame would that be if Bree were completely wrong on this. Why would the creators take away from the video we've all been waiting for, the video where Bree finally gets a clue, by making her wrong? That would be so disappointing and I just don't believe the creators would be that dumb.

For those who say there is hope for Daniel and Bree yet, I do believe you are right but not any time soon. The creators, if they are smart, need to keep the sexual tension high for a while longer yet. We'll know the series is almost over when those two kiss on camera.
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Post by AM »

Just wanted to add, I am so glad Bree finally decided to go all Linda Hamilton in Terminator on us instead of needing rescuing like a helpless damsel in distress. If she hadn't eventually gotten a clue from Tachyon's cool ways I would have had to have stopped watching.
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Post by kageyuki »

First off, props to autumneternal for the anime pics and references. I usually try to keep my anime influences off of other forums, but I'm always up for a good chat about anime, anytime!

Unfortunately, I'm not on here very much... Well, anymore, that is... I do get to log on and post here and there, but nothing near the output I used to dish out... I guess that's a good thing, cause well... I'm hoping it is, at least.

Anyway, back on topic...

Been awhile since I've been around, and an even longer time since I've been here and posted... I haven't read very far back on this topic, so please help me out if I'm going off base here...

First off, it isn't Jonas' cabin... I thought it was Jonas' parents' cabin. I know that doesn't get him totally off the hook, and I'm not saying I'm trying to bail him out, either. Let's try to stick as close to the facts as we can?
I'm mildly surprised that I hadn't heard anyone call out that this was a ploy or a tactic being used by Bree to flush out The Order. I guess we really see who our Jonas supporters are, here.

What makes me more willing to think that this is all just an act is how much, within the past few days, Jonas, Bree and Daniel have all been trying to emhasize the fact that they've needed to stick together. Why now, act as if they've "finally figured it all out"?
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Post by Kasdeja »

Wow. Just...wow.
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Post by silvermoon »

WTF? Are we going down the Gemma route with Jonas? I am deeply disappointed if this turns out to be true. :?

I hope Bree is proven wrong, but that her mistake forces Jonas to admit that he is part of a small faciton of ex-Orderites that are fighting the Order (maybe he's actually working with Tachy undercover!).

If not, and Jonas is an evil part of the Order, I'm going to loose a lot of respect for the series if they are already repeating plot twists after only 8 months.

Please, please, please let this be part of a bigger, more exciting twist than "Jonas is part of the Order"!
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Post by onsweetavenue »

Maybe Daniel framed Jonas. Maybe he made that symbol himself adn set the whole thing up to keep bree away from Jonas. ;)

They are the teen angst adventure gang, afterall ;).

Honestly, I at first suspected and was waiting for Jonas to be evil, but after they all escaped and got Daniel back, I figured he was good if he was going to go that far. Especially after his "why is Bree giving up, why don't we DO something" little video blog.

I'm still holding out for the fact that Daniel has been brainwashed however and that was his. ;) What was that weird phone call all about? haha.
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Post by Kasdeja »

I think he underestimated Bree and Tach and was pushing for them to do something, figuring the Order would get their way. Interesting, now, that Bree had left Jonas out of much of that planning.
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Post by betz28 »

getting interesting for sure!
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Post by aquanetnightmare »

holy crap, i dont have time to read this, i'll have to read it later, but omg!

only thing i caught...that symbol she had only had two legs, the watcher symbol has three...hmmm....

i'll be back later!
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Post by impulse »

I find Bree Uberly sexy in her new tough girl impersonation. That's gotta be Tachyon's influence. 8)
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Post by onsweetavenue »

What does the Pi symbol mean anyway? Since Pi stems from teh Egyptian Pe (which means mouth) does it mean whoever wears the symbol was supposed to be a snitch, or that he was supposed to blab and mislead them with lies?
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Post by raindown »

abcdefg wrote:yeah what exactly is that thing she found with the symbol??

a bookmark?

some sort of order mezuzah?

lmao, you nail a mezuza to doors.
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Post by Kasdeja »

It was a super special order bookmark...only available at Order stores and dealers...
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Post by impulse »

Kasdeja wrote:It was a super special order bookmark...only available at Order stores and dealers...
For limited time only!
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Post by GawainsChallenge »

silvermoon wrote: Please, please, please let this be part of a bigger, more exciting twist than "Jonas is part of the Order"!
I'm pretty confident that Jonas is up to something and that he has Order connections, but I really think the truth is going to be more interesting than "Jonas is part of the Order." I certainly hope so.

As far as the symbol goes though, what if Jonas didn't put it there? What if someone from the Order just dropped in and put it there? There has been some speculation on the Op threads that the two-legged symbol means "speaking the judgment of death." If so, this could mean the Order is about to try to kill one or more of the group... :shock:
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