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Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:51 pm
by EdWont
This is pretty wikipedia:
Heru-ra-ha is a composite deity within Thelema—a religion established in 1904 with the writing of The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley—composed of Ra-Hoor-Khuit and Hoor-par-kraat.[1] He is associated with the other two major Thelemic deities found in The Book of the Law, Nuit and Hadit, who are also godforms related to ancient Egyptian mythology. Their images link Nuit and Hadit to the established Egyptian deities Nut and Hor-Bhdt (Horus of Edfu).
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:00 pm
by janesalteredstates
Check out the Egyptian hieroglyph script for 1/3 and 3/4

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:05 pm
by Killthesmiley
2/3 seems to resemble what i call the deformed watcher symbol.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:06 pm
by Lurker
It is strikingly similar (as is 2/3), but the upper part of the symbols apparently lacks the "sun" meaning (and similarity to an eye) and means "mouth." It's also much more oval in shape.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:10 pm
by janesalteredstates

those are the symbols for "Op is a loudmouth."
Well if they ever want to have a PR dept, that'd be a good symbol.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:13 pm
by tigerlilylynn
janesalteredstates wrote:
those are the symbols for "Op is a loudmouth."
Well if they ever want to have a PR dept, that'd be a good symbol.
Actually, Oppy said she was sort of the mouthpiece of the organization.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:13 pm
by deagol
Despite Lad's stern admonitions, I've decided to join in on the Photoshop fun. Here's what I did.
First, I enhanced the colors and contrast on the original pics (basically using the AutoLevels and Equalize commands).
I thought those came out pretty nice and colorful. So then I decided to do the superimpose thing. However, as opposed to what someone did here, I thought it would be cool to superimpose one image with the negative of the other, so that the same or similar elements on each of them canceled out and whatever remained would be the background differences. Then I again enhanced the color and contrast. Here's what I got:
So what do I see? Well, there's clearly another layer of blotches and stains, with different textures than the originals (some very smooth and watercolor-ly like as opposed to the previous porous and rough stains). Also notice there seem to be 2 sort of frames overlaid: one almost as big as the whole image but slightly slanted to the right and kind of darkish and blotchy, and a smaller one that's perfectly aligned with the whole image and it has a kind of transparent quality.
Ok that was fun.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:19 pm
by Killthesmiley
I am more so concerned about the page number then anything else...
that is driving me insane.
and i like how the "deformed" watcher symbol comes out clearer then the rest of the negative part...fits perfectly ontop of the transparent symbol on the other.
edit to add: did you try it the oppostie way, the other picture a negative?
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:37 pm
by KrystalRayne
What if the blurriness of the watcher symbol means "This is the one you need to focus on right now. The others will come into play later"?
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:40 pm
by tristan
ahh thanks everyone for pointing out the epsilon should be sigma
. ok so here's what i got for the top right now:
Sigma: a symbol for Uraeus [the simplest hieroglyph is it being a Cobra] but there are several possible variations
Gimel: hieroglyph of a boomerang
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:51 pm
by deagol
Killthesmiley wrote:...
edit to add: did you try it the oppostie way, the other picture a negative?
You would just get the negative of the one I did.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:02 pm
by impulse
deagol wrote:Despite Lad's stern admonitions, I've decided to join in on the Photoshop fun.
deagol wrote:
i did the same thing yesterday. I didn't find anything really interesting in there, except for the fact that there is obviously another layer underneath. You can see a sort of frame.... something. And yeah, that was fun!

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:16 pm
by reputationforte
i dont know if any1 saw this, but i found fractions in the sharpen image of AMALGATIONS (u can find it in pg. 12)
if any1 mentioned it, im srr, but im not gonna read through 4 pgs...
here they are...
i think these are the numbers on the pic...
8/4 (which equals 2)
and 6/7
on with the next pic...
in this one i think i see
7 and 1/2
1 and 2/4 ( or 1 and 1/2)
like i said, if anyone mentioned it already, im srr to flood the chat with this if its useless
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:36 pm
by sweetie55
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:53 pm
by iamcool
in the pic on the left there it looks like the 8 on its side off the box D found, its in the middle of the eye just to the left of the pupil