0137- Jonas Sucks

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Post by abcdefg »

why is everyone assuming that the car was unlocked? why couldn't daniel have just borrowed jonas's keys to get in??
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Post by watermelonhead »

F*** jonas!
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Post by autumneternal »

abcdefg wrote:why is everyone assuming that the car was unlocked? why couldn't daniel have just borrowed jonas's keys to get in??
That's also another good point that I've been toying around with in my head. I mean, technically, you would assume that they'd have locked the doors because they're being pursued by the Order, but then again, they're in the middle of nowhere, and I know that sometimes people are a bit more...careless, (for lack of a better word), when they're in secluded areas.

I would assume that, because Daniel is angry with Jonas, that he wouldn't bother to ask to borrow his keys, but maybe he did just take them and the car was locked.

That, of course, begs the questions, "when did Tachyon put the package in the car?" and, if it was after they got up into the mountains, (which seems the most plausible, seeing as it's hinted that Jonas has a calvary of cars, and I don't believe T would know which one he'd take if they took to the road before they left), "well, how did Tachyon get the package inside the car if it was locked?"

IOW, I think we're to presume the car was unlocked, which allowed Tachyon to place the package after they'd already arrived in the mountains.
Jonas is no Bruce Wayne, but he is a mild-mannered millionare with a secret identity.
He's HamsterMan, and his parents' bedroom is really the entrance to the HamsterCave.

The reference to Bruce Wayne and the hamster tags all make sense now!
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Post by bethy »

Don't put it past Tachyon to have made a copy of the car keys while she and Brother were visiting... :wink:
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Post by islandlove »

and im sure tachy knows how to pick a lock
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Post by tristan »

i dont think this is true [because the puzzle is so intricate and specific to tach], but theres also the slightest chance jonas/the order planted the package to send daniel off on a wild goose chase
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Post by autumneternal »

bethy wrote:Don't put it past Tachyon to have made a copy of the car keys while she and Brother were visiting... :wink:
islandlove wrote:and im sure tachy knows how to pick a lock
Both excellent points and pretty dang probable!
Jonas is no Bruce Wayne, but he is a mild-mannered millionare with a secret identity.
He's HamsterMan, and his parents' bedroom is really the entrance to the HamsterCave.

The reference to Bruce Wayne and the hamster tags all make sense now!
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Post by estellerox »

Ok this is my first post, been reading forums for awhile and watching since the first video. Just a quick thought, may not mean anything, I googled "11-3 Nancy Drew" and the author Mildred Benson aka Carolyn Keene died Nov 3, 2000 in Rome, Italy. Could be coincidental and someone may have already mentioned it, but I thought maybe I could contribute something.
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Post by colbertnationgirl »

interesting! welcome to the forum! :D
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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Post by islandlove »

estellerox wrote:Ok this is my first post, been reading forums for awhile and watching since the first video. Just a quick thought, may not mean anything, I googled "11-3 Nancy Drew" and the author Mildred Benson aka Carolyn Keene died Nov 3, 2000 in Rome, Italy. Could be coincidental and someone may have already mentioned it, but I thought maybe I could contribute something.

there wasnt only one author for nancy drew books, the publishers provided an outline of the story to an author and all books were publishedwith the name carolyn keene

Post by Lurker »

estellerox wrote:Ok this is my first post, been reading forums for awhile and watching since the first video. Just a quick thought, may not mean anything, I googled "11-3 Nancy Drew" and the author Mildred Benson aka Carolyn Keene died Nov 3, 2000 in Rome, Italy. Could be coincidental and someone may have already mentioned it, but I thought maybe I could contribute something.
I'm going to stick with the theory that it's pointing us to the first Nancy Drew book ("where it all began") which has a face clock pointed to 2:55 (11 and 3) on the original cover. Besides, Benson was only one of more than 20 people who contributed. Granted, she was a major contributor (she essentially wrote about 20 of them from others' simple outlines, including the first five), but Harriet Adams conceived, wrote, and edited more of them than her.

EDIT: islandlove beat me to part of my point. That's what I get for stopping halfway through my post to do something else.
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Post by islandlove »

Lurker wrote:
estellerox wrote:Ok this is my first post, been reading forums for awhile and watching since the first video. Just a quick thought, may not mean anything, I googled "11-3 Nancy Drew" and the author Mildred Benson aka Carolyn Keene died Nov 3, 2000 in Rome, Italy. Could be coincidental and someone may have already mentioned it, but I thought maybe I could contribute something.
I'm going to stick with the theory that it's pointing us to the first Nancy Drew book ("where it all began") which has a face clock pointed to 2:55 (11 and 3) on the original cover. Besides, Benson was only one of more than 20 people who contributed. Granted, she was a major contributor (she essentially wrote about 20 of them from others' simple outlines, including the first five), but Harriet Adams conceived, wrote, and edited more of them than her.

EDIT: islandlove beat me to part of my point. That's what I get for stopping halfway through my post to do something else.

haha its okay

im a bit of a nancy drew addict

if anyone wants to ask me anything about a certain book or things on a page i have all of the books except number 2 which mysteriously vanished
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Post by PinkoLady »

estellerox wrote:Ok this is my first post, been reading forums for awhile and watching since the first video. Just a quick thought, may not mean anything, I googled "11-3 Nancy Drew" and the author Mildred Benson aka Carolyn Keene died Nov 3, 2000 in Rome, Italy. Could be coincidental and someone may have already mentioned it, but I thought maybe I could contribute something.

Mildred Benson died on May 28, 2002, not November 3, 2000. o_O
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Post by PinkoLady »

I was curious as to where you got November 3, 2000, so I googled "11-3 Nancy Drew" and I see what you saw-- but you should probably follow the link when you google something, considering if it finds both 11-3 and Nancy Drew on the same page, it's going to show you both with ellipses in between. :P
Nancy Drew author Mildred Augustine Wirt Benson ¤ aka: "Carolyn Keene"
expired 5-28-2002 in Toledo, Ohio age 96
screenwriter Leonardo Benvenuti
expired 11-3-2000 in Rome, Italy
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Post by Languorous Lass »

autumneternal wrote:
abcdefg wrote:why is everyone assuming that the car was unlocked? why couldn't daniel have just borrowed jonas's keys to get in??
. . .
That, of course, begs the questions, "when did Tachyon put the package in the car?" and, if it was after they got up into the mountains, (which seems the most plausible, seeing as it's hinted that Jonas has a calvary of cars, and I don't believe T would know which one he'd take if they took to the road before they left), "well, how did Tachyon get the package inside the car if it was locked?"

IOW, I think we're to presume the car was unlocked, which allowed Tachyon to place the package after they'd already arrived in the mountains.
My thinking exactly. How Daniel got into the car doesn't matter to me -- what matters is how Tachyon got into the car.

Of course, as others have pointed out, Tachy can probably break into anything.
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