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Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 12:00 am
by bethy
Renegade wrote:About the YouTube actually is in the video. It flashes up for one frame somewhere between 26 and 27 seconds into the video (before Jonas leaves the house). I spent the past ten minutes trying to capture it, but it's hard hitting one exact frame.

The frame shows Bree on a bed, and a logo saying "lg15" in the top right-hand corner.

This is a common YouTube "hack" --- people place a single frame right at the center point of the video which serves as the thumbnail video. It's not some big conspiracy or anything, it's just a lowbrow way of manipulating the thumbnail display on youtube. It is actually considered a pretty cheap trick by a lot or people because it is being abused and because it interupts the flow of a video.

A lot of videos on youtube do this...they show a thumbnail in order to get people to view the video. Sometimes, it's a trick. They'll show a girl in a bikini at the center point to get people to click, even title it "Hot girls in bikinis" but in reality...the video is another diet coke/mentos bomb vid. As pinkolady pointed out, in this case, it's something the Creators are doing to increase viewership. It's really no big deal...especially since their frame manipulations aren't really misleading at all. But it is confusing to people...and a lot of people don't like it.

Bethy, I am one of the ones you are talking about. It's not that I'm too lazy, it's just that I've been away for a while, and there are pages and pages to read to catch up.

Anyway, I'll make sure I read the thread before I post next time.
Honestly, it's not even that necessary...there's a link at the top of the page called SEARCH. It takes only a few seconds. I'll admit I've gone the "lazy" route myself before...but I shouldn't have.

In this case, do a search for "youttube thumbnail" - and select "Search for all terms" you'll get a nice set of 9 results. A good strategy for sifting through results is to look for posts from the admins or mods, especially in the announcements area. That will often answer the bring up already existing discussions on the topic.

In this case, there's a already a concerns and complaints thread about this very issue: Here it is.

It's a matter of learning how to effectively use the search features of this board...if more people did that, it would eliminate a lot of misunderstandings. Search is your friend.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 12:10 am
by bethy
robtomorrow wrote:Well, I certainly appreciate your help in having me take the same perspective as you. :P

Thanks, Rob...for your continued...oh, I'm not going there. I'm trying to be good. I'm not asking you to TAKE the same perspective...I'm trying to help you see where we're coming from, because you kept insisting we were doing something that we were, in fact, not doing. I never said you had to agree with my view...I was simply setting you straight because you didn't understand it.

Let's say I wear a yellow flower in a yellow suit to work one day. I have my reasons for doing so...and even though you may not agree with my reasons, you shouldn't go telling people it's because I have a Big Bird complex...when in reality, it's because I like the color yellow...but really, I'm trying to avoid a somebody...somebody who happens to be allergic to flowers. :wink:

Totally different trains of thought for the same situation...get my drift? (

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 12:35 am
by islandlove

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:04 am
by arammat
OK, I'm too tired to read the rest of the 16 pages of comments (read the first five). So I'll just add the few thoughts I had. Sorry if any of this has been thoroughly hashed in the pages I skipped.

First, quite some time ago when Daniel and Bree were on the run and spotted a watcher outside their hotel room, it was suggested on the forums that maybe the Watchers were separate from the Order, and that while the Order's aims for Bree were somewhat sinister, the Watchers were trying to protect her. If that were true (and that is a BIG if), a Watcher might make himself quite obvious outside of Jonas's house in order to pass a message to the three. It might be a message about the Order, or it could be from Tachy. Just a theory, but I had to throw it out there.

The second thing I thought about was that them being on the run again presents the plot opportunity for them to meet up or team up with Tachy or brother. That would make for some great videos and possible plot directions.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:07 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
latin word for left-handed = sinister. :twisted:

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:15 am
by bethy
I'm left handed.

It all makes sense, now. :lol:

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:58 am
by 04SSHD
is it me or is bree all hopped up on goof balls?


Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 3:09 am
by Balmung
Haha you would make an excellent poparazzi

p.s. your avatar is huuuuge. fix much?

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 3:13 am
by 04SSHD
Balmung wrote:Haha you would make an excellent poparazzi

p.s. your avatar is huuuuge. fix much?
Just resized it, sorry...

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 3:15 am
by Balmung
it's all good :D

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 4:52 am
by dustfairy
Marbella wrote:Hi DustFairy,

Thank you tis nice to be here :D

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:25 am
by kellylen
04SSHD wrote:is it me or is bree all hopped up on goof balls?

lol bree is on teh dope lol

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:32 am
by Wisi Girl
Oh my goodness.....I go live some life for a few days and miss all of this! I just watched the "Human Ransom" video and all of the ones following it....Believe it or not, I was only numb from awe and something equivalent to an LG15 orgasm for a few minutes! Right now, I am actually capable of contributing to this forum!

I am definitely detecting some sexual tension between Bree and Jonas. It could just be that the three amigos are so close at this point that anything appears to us fans as that...After watching all of the videos, I have to say: On the surface this series has consistently delivered. At times, it appeared as if the creators were short on ideas but it has always pulled through. The current pace and the genius editing, (not to mention the nexus of all the involved characters into one video,) has reminded me of how unique, and exceptional this series is. However, beneath the ready-made thrills and entertainment is a very, VERY ambiguous plot with countless unanswered questions. I never thought, when I started watching Bree in July, that I would be asking the same question eight months later: What is this society/ religion she is associated with and what is the ceremony she is required to do? There are other fundamental questions that the creators have yet to address! How long will this series continue before we actually know? This last video makes the lack of concrete information terribly obvious to me, as a fan. I assume others would agree....???

Creators: First of all, thank you so much for the brilliant videos, especially the delightful one that includes Tachyon!!!! I apologize for ever doubting your capabilities! I will continue to have faith that one day you will decide to provide us with a few answers....I HIGHLY suggest that day come very soon....Preferebly in the next two videos? Otherwise, give us a video from OpAphid, PLEASE!!!! I believe we recieved the reactions/ thoughts from everyone but them....Well, we haven't had a video from Tachyon either. Okay, so you have two videos to create now!

Oh, and thank you again! This current direction= amazing!

P.S. Is anyone else frustrated with this belief that every single cop is in the Order? Look, if that is the case, (which it is not,) then fly out of the state, country, or continent and find an authority figure of the law that is trustworthy! Jonas has the funds for it! It seems like the easiest solution! I don't understand.....It is almost as ridiculous as the Order wanting Bree for the ceremony! I am personally convinced that there is another reason for their pursuit of her. She has lost her innocence and has not prepared for it. Why use her now?

P.S.S. I realize this is not the correct thread but I just wanted to ask: Has anyone else seen the latest video from Nikki B???? What the hell is that!?!!? That is all that goes through my mind at this time. I will get back to this forum when I can get over that video.....Please don't have Nikki B as an influence on the actual series! I preferred her cute, pointless videos! And it really made Lucy look like an idiot, too! What the hell!?!??

Thank you for reading! I know it is terribly long!

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:05 pm
by PinkoLady
islandlove wrote:Image
She looks about 12 in this picture. :smt108

What kind of viewership are they trying to bring in exactly? :smt110

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:04 pm
by chevyfudd
The watchers are good theory is not bad, I mean gemma was bad and she told them to avoid the watchers, hmmm.