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Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:43 pm
by wintermute
joygasm wrote:I think the movie itself was actually pretty good. I think their marketing technique was unique and definitely effective... but it pissed me off!
If a movie has too much hype when I see it, I probably won't like it because it never lives up to expectations... Now, if I wait for said hype to dye down, or watch it again later when there's no longer any hype, I might change my mind... Lost Boys was like that for me... Absolutely hated it the first time... Loved it the second, years later...
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:44 pm
by wintermute
Luv2Skydive wrote:And they proved you don't need a high budget *cough, cough, Creators* to have a million dollar hit.
Which is why this conversation is still on-topic
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:45 pm
by Lord Balto
Luv2Skydive wrote:And they proved you don't need a high budget *cough, cough, Creators* to have a million dollar hit.
Klute, I think one of the best movies ever made, was made with a single camera and cameraman and one special effect. It just goes to show you don't need the budget of Matrix III to make a good movie.
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:53 pm
by Luv2Skydive
wintermute wrote:Luv2Skydive wrote:And they proved you don't need a high budget *cough, cough, Creators* to have a million dollar hit.
Which is why this conversation is still on-topic
*scrolling (again) to remember topic*
Oh yeah, Uhmmm.....I think "Undisclosed Location" was filmed at Jonas' house. The white couch looks the same.
OT: my fav loooowwwww budget movie is Primer.
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:58 pm
by girlAnachronism
Ooh, looks like Daniel and Jonas's relationship is budding.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 6:06 pm
by childofmetis
04SSHD wrote:parakeet100 wrote:I don't think there's anything behind the sniffing thing. A lot of people sniff or thumb the side of their nose when they're playfully trying to look tough or "street" and whatnot.
yeah, we call those people coke heads...or homo's. u decide.
Wow, that's offensive.
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 6:14 pm
by childofmetis
Cherie_Sotta wrote:*brushes the pieces of Slainte's explosion off of her sweater*
Whoa, weird weather we're having, eh?
Also: I doubt there's an actual REAL significance (or symbolism) to Jonas' Back To The Future reference other than to stick with his character's lingo and allude Tachyon (oops... I'm crossing over again....) .

It's hard not to, when we talk about Jonas on here!
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 7:15 pm
by lonelyelendi
Re: booya hello mcfly! booya
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 7:56 pm
by Cherie_Sotta
kevintheomanharris wrote:
nice to see someone as passionate about back to the future as myself. of course, when i heard jonas say it, i immediately knew it was wrong.
the flux capacitor was modified to use mr fusion as well as plutonium later on. mr fusion creates nuclear energy (at least 1.21 gigawatts worth) from organic material (common everyday 1985 trash).
Oh. goodness. Someone correct me but I think I'm in love!
btw: I read this whole rundown about how it's gigawatts vs. jigawatts. The writers had the spelling incorrectly, and had Doc pronounce it "jigga" instead of "ghiga" which was accepted at the time, but now passe' and basically obsolete. Interesting, eh? I like the "jigga" in the movies, though, I think it adds a little more magic... something even LESS fathomable a size.
However, I admit, Marty McFly is my one true love.
And I like the "Alien - Illuminati" theory I read here, cheers to that! I'm not sure how accurate it could be but it's got some solid structure!

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:47 pm
by 04SSHD
joygasm wrote:Slainte wrote:THAT'sITTTTTTTTTT
I was going to save the venom for PM's but YOU lonelyelendi
you are one of the worst offenders.....GOD HOW I HATE YOU
you and that know nothing pinhead joygasm!!!!!
Aww! He mentioned me! I feel so special!
You must be, that is some kind of recognition
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 9:24 pm
by lonelyelendi
04SSHD wrote:joygasm wrote:Slainte wrote:THAT'sITTTTTTTTTT
I was going to save the venom for PM's but YOU lonelyelendi
you are one of the worst offenders.....GOD HOW I HATE YOU
you and that know nothing pinhead joygasm!!!!!
Aww! He mentioned me! I feel so special!
You must be, that is some kind of recognition
I didn't even realize that he said that...even more, that he knew what the word "one" meant...I mean wow...that blew me I thought he was an infant, and he proved he is definately a toddler.
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 9:27 pm
by 04SSHD
what are you babbling about?
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 9:31 pm
by lonelyelendi
Oh, nothing...back on topic!
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:06 pm
by aideen
arammat wrote:Slainte wrote:so I'm wondering how there can be 4/5 pages of posts on a vid that was posted an hour ago...and then I a whole page of "New vidoe coming", Yayyyyy" Woo hoo and allt hat other crap the rest is is nothing but stupid off topic blathering STUPID, ridiculous theories, one liners, quotes and "lol"s
It was sad enough that the story was going to sh** now this forum has been totally ccompromised by morons and tweens, who have NOTHING TO SAY!!!
y'know I got a PM from the big guy the other day about not tolerating hurtful messages well I"M HURT!!!! I am hurt by this invasion of idiots and the failure of the moderators to control all this OFF TOPIC rambling, and one-liner BS
I was going to single out the main offenders but what's the use. In fact it might be more fun to leave them scratching their heads wondering who I am talking about.
and now I'll probably get another spanking but I don't really care becasue now it is a race to see if I get physically ill or booted first. or etter yet...will this rtant take up more real estate thna actual plot discussion....who cares
Slainte, you're such a whiner. If you don't like the forum, don't read it.
Amen to that
arammat wrote:robtomorrow wrote:I don't know if anyone has heard in here, since the OpAphid people don't seem to mingle very often with the LG15 people.
But they figured out which hotel it is in Tachyons video, its the
Hilton Los Angeles Airport ... a/
Are we going to see the whole cast in the same place at once? Daniel, Jonas, Bree, Gemma, Brother, and Tachyon video taping the whole thing via the hotels security cameras
I just had this weird image of one of those hotel corridor scenes where people keep going in and out of doors looking for particular people, like in Tom and Jerry cartoons or Pink Panther movies. I'm pretty sure we won't get that, but it's a funny image.
-cackles- That's brilliant!!! Creators, great idea over here XD They do that in a Simpsons Halloween episode too. -sigh- Now I can see Daniel, Bree, Jonas, Gemma, Lucy, and a made-up image of Brother doing exactly that
Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:12 am
by Beckers