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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

It's next to the guitar, which leads me to believe it's something instrumental. Maybe an AMP or a ..cello? Or a base guitar?

I just think it's weird that Daniel never mentioned to us that he is a musician.
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Post by alysaface »

wtf. i want to know what that crazy black bag is. it definately looks like nothing i've ever seen before.


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Post by aideen »

Dan probably isn't a musician. Whoever owns that room is ;P

But seriously, I have a guitar and a flute, and have no idea how to play them :/ I used to, but have forgotten, so...

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Post by djmadscribbler »

alysaface wrote:wtf. i want to know what that crazy black bag is. it definately looks like nothing i've ever seen before.
I'm a long time lurker but I finally registered just the other day. Hi everyone!

Alysa, my best friend is a musician (guitar and keyboards) and he has a soft keyboard case that looks just like that. That's what I think it might be.
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Post by livelongandprosper77 »

Hi djmad welcome, welcome! Hmm yes it may be for a some kinda of keyboard or something i have no idea but it was just a strange thing to notice for sure.
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Post by alysaface »

djmadscribbler wrote:
alysaface wrote:wtf. i want to know what that crazy black bag is. it definately looks like nothing i've ever seen before.
I'm a long time lurker but I finally registered just the other day. Hi everyone!

Alysa, my best friend is a musician (guitar and keyboards) and he has a soft keyboard case that looks just like that. That's what I think it might be.
thanks =) i have friends with keyboards too, but i guess theirs are just always out, so that's why it looked so strange to me, heh.


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Post by Nahash »

emosux wrote:
Broken Kid wrote: I wonder if we're supposed to learning anything from his story about riding the rails?
planes, trains, and automobiles. we've heard a story about a boat and now a story about a train. i'm curious as to whether that's a trend or not.
dreamerose wrote:
iamcool wrote:ermm why would you ride random trains 2 months of the year when you have a normal job? :-s
Actually... it sounds sort of interesting. And people actually DO stuff like that... I have a friend who absolutely refuses to work during the summer... so she works a nice job the rest of the year, and then lives out of her car during the summer, wherever she happens to want to be... and she's been doing it for 10 years straight now.


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