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Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 2:14 am
by LoveAlwaysKay
Well, I don't know if this has been said, but before she code's the word LUESTONE, she closes her eyes and hums. I thought I read that the note she hums is a B. That IS correct, coming from a vocalist with perfect pitch. :D TTFN!

Kay J. K

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 2:56 am
by ciarox06
Wow, this is getting crazy!

I want to know what J&D found before they saw those people! I wonder if it's more clues that will help with the clues Bree is giving.

This is no longer's Bree's Clues! :lol:

Re: Hey

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 3:12 am
by RedRevolver
LoveAlwaysKay wrote:Well, I don't know if this has been said, but before she code's the word LUESTONE, she closes her eyes and hums. I thought I read that the note she hums is a B. That IS correct, coming from a vocalist with perfect pitch. :D TTFN!

Kay J. K
You seem like such a lovely person...

Re: Hey

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 3:23 am
by PhiaMonster
RedRevolver wrote:
LoveAlwaysKay wrote:Well, I don't know if this has been said, but before she code's the word LUESTONE, she closes her eyes and hums. I thought I read that the note she hums is a B. That IS correct, coming from a vocalist with perfect pitch. :D TTFN!

Kay J. K
You seem like such a lovely person...
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA that made my night. I can go to bed now. :lol:

first post!!! and my thoughts

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 4:05 am
by givingin2registering
Hi all. OK finally coming out of lurking...

Seems obvious that:
- this is Alex sending the messages (who else could it be - double agent in the Order - capable of writing the scripts for these things)
- so the 'bluestone' has to be somewhere she's been and they've been at.
- tried to see if the place in Mexico was matchable to 'TCC' but they never seem to say the name of the place - (except 'Rosarita Beach' or whatever)
- Been watching all those vids again, I concur the only thing you could call 'bluestone' is the church bell. There is also a bit of blue concrete on the kerb of her house (when they go back and it's up for sale) - in fact two blue bits.
- Also - that 'erase the negative notes' sounds like an instruction. I agree there's something in that. I thought in her last video people analysed that it was roughly pentatonic, and the notes 'b' and 'd' are missing? (could mean 'erase DB!' - eeuurgh...) Or, if someone's managed to transcribe it, 'negative notes' could mean the *flat* notes (if it's in a key where there are flat notes in that pentatonic(?) scale). Sorry guys haven't got a keyboard here to work it out right now.

Like everyone's said, once we get the vid on what's in the box we'll know more.
I really doubt all that blue moon's just too much of a stretch from what's spelled out

Must go make some food....

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 4:18 am
by Gidget
I cant believe I just read 16 pages of thread.

Ok, to clear up this whole blue moon thing look here:
In the western hemisphere the blue moon will be Thurs night May 31st, in europe it will not be considered a blue moon, nor will it be friday June 1st in the US.

So the only way I see the moon being a clue here would be to tell us what TIME on friday we need to "help her". Because technically Thursday's "blue moon" will still be in the sky after midnight when it becomes Friday.

And for the record I think Bree is perfectly in control and sending messages to D/J to help Jules - which has been her goal all along.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 4:26 am
by sorno
Around 1:26, she starts speaking at a slower pace, and there is a humming sound in the background.

Perhaps, clue?......Just saying......... am gonna go now.......

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 4:30 am
by kageyuki
Just a thought...

"erase negative notes" could mean get rid of "FOR SALE" sign at Alex's old place.

In other words... The place is yours, guys; do what you must to find your clues.
I'm pretty sure there could have been secret spaces in Alex's study room where Jonas found all that information about his family and their organization against The Order and the Hymn Of One.

"erase negative notes"

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 4:36 am
by modelmotion
"erase negative notes"

- i would say its a clear play on the Scientology notion of engrams.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 4:57 am
by MintyBeast
kageyuki wrote:Just a thought...

"erase negative notes" could mean get rid of "FOR SALE" sign at Alex's old place.

In other words... The place is yours, guys; do what you must to find your clues.
I'm pretty sure there could have been secret spaces in Alex's study room where Jonas found all that information about his family and their organization against The Order and the Hymn Of One.
Thats a pretty cool spin of it.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 5:24 am
by kageyuki
MintyBeast wrote:
kageyuki wrote:Just a thought...

"erase negative notes" could mean get rid of "FOR SALE" sign at Alex's old place.

In other words... The place is yours, guys; do what you must to find your clues.
I'm pretty sure there could have been secret spaces in Alex's study room where Jonas found all that information about his family and their organization against The Order and the Hymn Of One.
Thats a pretty cool spin of it.
Thanks MintyBeast! I do have my moments, sometimes. I may not be the best at solving riddles and/or puzzles, but I have my moments.

Not everything has to be so deeply-rooted in code. Sometimes, it's just as plain as the nose on our faces.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 5:57 am
by MintyBeast
kageyuki wrote:Thanks MintyBeast! I do have my moments, sometimes. I may not be the best at solving riddles and/or puzzles, but I have my moments.

Not everything has to be so deeply-rooted in code. Sometimes, it's just as plain as the nose on our faces.
Yeah, I love reading different theories (even the ones that are huge stretches at times). Sometimes everyone jumps on the same theory and it gets a bit boring. haha.

Re: "erase negative notes"

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 6:30 am
by nowherepixie
modelmotion wrote:"erase negative notes"

- i would say its a clear play on the Scientology notion of engrams.
whats an engram? :?

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 6:45 am
by tripwires
Gidget wrote:I cant believe I just read 16 pages of thread.

Ok, to clear up this whole blue moon thing look here:
In the western hemisphere the blue moon will be Thurs night May 31st, in europe it will not be considered a blue moon, nor will it be friday June 1st in the US.

So the only way I see the moon being a clue here would be to tell us what TIME on friday we need to "help her". Because technically Thursday's "blue moon" will still be in the sky after midnight when it becomes Friday.

And for the record I think Bree is perfectly in control and sending messages to D/J to help Jules - which has been her goal all along.
could this be the time of the ceremony?
Else the hymn of one could have done the ceremony a couple of days ago.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 6:47 am
by nowherepixie
That's true. It seems to need ot be a specific time doesnt it?