you were totally bad-ass in this video dude!
Oh, for chrissake.

What kind of moron thinks being gay is equivalent to being a wuss?
Onewen wrote:Here is Lucy...
I still don't see her, but I'll take your word for it.
Onewen wrote:Here...I circled her in red...can you see her now? In the back....
I had completely missed her. Thanks, Onewen.
Smelltheflowers wrote:Okay, I just spent 5 minutes looking up this 'Maddison' everyone is suddenly talking about. To be honest, her videos just look like the poor man's imitation of Bree and Daniel when their story first began. Much too dull for my taste (I wasn't instantly drawn to them like I was Bree and Daniel, either)
It seems like this thinking places me in the minority, but I hope Maddison isn't the 'new girl'.
Same here. In fact, if the storyline turns in the direction of Maddison and abandons BD&J, I'll undoubtedly abandon LG15.
Misty wrote:ApotheosisAZ wrote:
I find myself dreaming of a Lucy/Apo/Alex sandwich right now....
I'd rather have a Bree/Misty/Madison sandwich

Nah. Maddison looks about 12. Give me Tachyon and Alex.
Chelseyrl wrote:It's kinda sad that a bunch of us girls are turned on by Jonas with a gun... but hot damn.
No buts . . . it's just sad.
Sappho wrote:Guns are a huge turn-off for me, I don't care who is holding them. Someone pulls a gun and I get literally nauseous. Too many people I know were shot dead with guns. Just this week, my best friend's grandson got murdered. Now his little baby will grow up fatherless.
Guns are the opposite of sexy.
Misty wrote:Well some of us girls are NOT turned on by Jonas with a gun.... or even by Jonas....or by guys in general, for that matter.
It's nice not to be the only dyke around here for a change -- even if our tastes are so different.
kittenishtrance wrote:Okay so TFW said something about today being a special day on her voicemail thing, and she also put a comment on Maddison's myspace today that everything is progressing as expected. .
Who the hell is TFW?
Renegade wrote:Unfortunately, the Creators weren't brave enough to go all the way: On one hand, Alex has definite evil moments in there, making this the first "double-turn" in the series, but on the other hand, she clearly says "I don't have a choice" - giving the Creators a nice little hole to bring her back as a good girl later.
Disagree completely. The Creators have the brains, and the subtlety, to realize that in real life, people are rarely completely good or completely evil. They're making Alex into a believable character -- and, in the process, making her far more interesting.
Same for Jonas. He isn't just Happy Shiny Boy. He has depths of anger within him that are barely hinted at in vids like Spanglish.
Even Bree is a more complex character than some forumites would like. She responds inappropriately to her situation and treats DB badly.
The only character who seems good through and through is DB himself. And, as we know, he may have had some hypnotic conditioning that will be triggered at some completely inopportune point in the future.
SallyMarie wrote:I thought “I don’t have a choice” was an important line. On Daniel’s spying footage, we hear Alex say “It’s a violation of free will”. It seems she having several confrontations with “free will”.
Welcome, SallyMarie! Great points, this one especially.