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Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:20 am
by watermelonhead
My prediction:

DanielBeast and Aunt Alex go hiking together in the woods, if you know what I mean.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:04 am
by nobackspacebutton
watermelonhead wrote:My prediction:

DanielBeast and Aunt Alex go hiking together in the woods, if you know what I mean.

And Jonas kicks DB's ass. ;)

And Alex turns out to be connected to Tachyon.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:06 am
by kassiaL
watermelonhead wrote:My prediction:

DanielBeast and Aunt Alex go hiking together in the woods, if you know what I mean.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:08 am
by jeezy
joygasm wrote:
longlostposter wrote:I think they're all really talented, but Daniel is the glue as far as the storyline.
How do you figure this? As far as I am concerned... each one of them play a very important role in the story line. If any one of them left tomorrow it would through everything off right now. Think of it this way... if Jonas died in the next video, where would we be left? The whole thing right now is kind of in Jonas' hands because of everything we are waiting to learn about him parents. The story lines of the other two have kind of been put on the back burner. We have all been paying so much attention to Jonas.
Yeah... it's been basically about Jonas... I mean Bree wasn't even in this video... All of the video in the past have included her or were about her... and I think it's nice to get a break from Bree...

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:12 am
by megs229
I loved this video!!! Hilarious! :lol: Honestly I don't think that Bree would entirely leave the show, maybe her going with Tachyon is the producers way of letting her take off for a little while to work on a movie, they work scripts around people like that all the time. I can say that without Bree, they would have to come up with something pretty interesting and believable to keep the story going, and keep me watching. But I really think Bree is in it for the long haul, unless of course they make her character soo bad, that she would be embarassed to keep going, which I highly doubt.

Oh yeah, my opinion on the aunt is still up to debate, give me another video or two and I will let you know! :smt006 bye now!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:25 am
by longlostposter
joygasm wrote:
longlostposter wrote:I think they're all really talented, but Daniel is the glue as far as the storyline.
How do you figure this? As far as I am concerned... each one of them play a very important role in the story line. If any one of them left tomorrow it would through everything off right now. Think of it this way... if Jonas died in the next video, where would we be left? The whole thing right now is kind of in Jonas' hands because of everything we are waiting to learn about him parents. The story lines of the other two have kind of been put on the back burner. We have all been paying so much attention to Jonas.
He is the only one who has managed to maintain a good relationship with both Bree and Jonas. Bree might call Daniel now, but it's doubtful she would speak to Jonas.

EDIT: repetitive

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:00 pm
by Mgz
but...tachyon can meet bree when bree wants? I didn't know it ... however, we will see as this new character will be in the next videos ... even if it seems a little too old respect to the other ones :smt108

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:16 pm
by Languorous Lass
longlostposter wrote:Jessica is going to be in a movie called "I Know who Killed Me". I think she may want to move on.
Remember, one of the creators is a lawyer, and another works for Creative Artists Agency. Jessica, OTOH, was a nobody who was starting to wait tables when LG15 hit big. I'd bet good money that the creators have her under a fairly airtight contract.
Lurker wrote:Seriously. The only way I can see Bree laughing . . . is if she was sawing the limbs off of them. Or watching small animals get run over. One or the other.

* * *

"Unfeeling robotic bitch" = today's winning apt insult for Bree.
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I really miss the cute Bree from last summer. :(
Yeah. I guess Unfeeling Robotic Bitch Bree tied her to a chair and left her to die.
:shock: Sheesh, Lurker. Take a deep breath, guy. What's up with all this anti-Bree bitterness? :smt017
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Jackson is going to be in a movie too and he isn't ditching us. :cry:
Jackson's going to be in a movie? This is the first I've heard of it. Details, please.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:33 pm
by megs229
Languorous Lass wrote: Jackson's going to be in a movie? This is the first I've heard of it. Details, please.
Yes someone, please tell me more!!! :-D

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:59 pm
by Lurker
Languorous Lass wrote:
longlostposter wrote:Jessica is going to be in a movie called "I Know who Killed Me". I think she may want to move on.
Remember, one of the creators is a lawyer, and another works for Creative Artists Agency. Jessica, OTOH, was a nobody who was starting to wait tables when LG15 hit big. I'd bet good money that the creators have her under a fairly airtight contract.
Lurker wrote:Seriously. The only way I can see Bree laughing . . . is if she was sawing the limbs off of them. Or watching small animals get run over. One or the other.

* * *

"Unfeeling robotic bitch" = today's winning apt insult for Bree.
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I really miss the cute Bree from last summer. :(
Yeah. I guess Unfeeling Robotic Bitch Bree tied her to a chair and left her to die.
:shock: Sheesh, Lurker. Take a deep breath, guy. What's up with all this anti-Bree bitterness? :smt017
I don't mean to be this sour toward her. I thought she was funny early on. Likable even. But as time's gone on, she's become worse and worse:

-First it was the "Daniel, I'm going to go along with tricking you into thinking I'm doing the ceremony on the 12th of October - you know, just because an authority figure told me to. I'm not going to ask why they want me to, though" stuff

-Then it was the "Let's run around the LA area staying in random motels without, you know, trying to do anything relevant - not that the very important business of doing faux lie detector work with P. Monkey and the gang isn't relevant!" stuff

-And then it was the "Life on the run (while my parents could be suffering all manner of torture, and while Daniel more-than-patiently waits for me to tell him what I know about my religion and the Order)? Boooooooriiiiiiing" stuff

-Next there was "I'm still not going to tell Daniel what I know and not stop talking only to my stuffed animals"

-From there we got "Hey, Jonas? I'm going to steal your car and not tell you guys where I'm going despite this whole situation being about me. K? Great"

-After that we got "Daniel and Jonas are such idiots. What's this whole emotions thing they keep whining about?"

-Next: "Daniel, hey, I know you've been pining for my body and affection for a couple of years now, but, uh, look... when I kiss you in a couple of seconds, I'm just using you to satisfy myself, alright? it doesn't mean shit, ok? And if you think it does, you're a fool. And if you tell anyone else it does, you're a liar. Of course, I'm only saying this in my head and not actually to you, but it's still your fault if you aren't aware of any of it, alright? Okay. Now come here"

-After that: "Daniel, you'd have done a better job of attracting girls if you'd gone with the tie. Girls notice when guys make a little extra effort" (most ironic line ever)

-Then: "Jonas, I found this symbol in your cabin that you may not have visited in months or years for all I know! And it looks similar to an Order symbol! You must be eeeeviiiil. Only an eeeeviiiil person would have Order stuff in their house! Except me, of course. *bats eyelashes*"

-Finally: "Jonas, yeah, that whole tying you up for a few days thing? And the wanting to let you die stuff? Yeah, stop whining, bitch. Forgive me and make my life a lot easier, alright? Now give me some money so I can go buy a new outfit. Huh? Of course I don't have anything else to wear. I burn my clothes after I wear them once. What? I said stop whining, dumbass. Fork over the fucking credit cards for God's sake. Damn"

Jessica's certainly a good actor to have portrayed Bree so differently from the beginning to now - it's just a shame that the Bree she's had to portray for a while is this... one ("one" is not the word I was going to use, but I'm trying to take that deep breath you suggested, LL).

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:06 pm
by joygasm
longlostposter wrote:
joygasm wrote:
longlostposter wrote:I think they're all really talented, but Daniel is the glue as far as the storyline.
How do you figure this? As far as I am concerned... each one of them play a very important role in the story line. If any one of them left tomorrow it would through everything off right now. Think of it this way... if Jonas died in the next video, where would we be left? The whole thing right now is kind of in Jonas' hands because of everything we are waiting to learn about him parents. The story lines of the other two have kind of been put on the back burner. We have all been paying so much attention to Jonas.
He is the only one who has managed to maintain a good relationship with both Bree and Jonas. Bree might call Daniel now, but it's doubtful she would speak to Jonas.

EDIT: repetitive
Yes, it is true that he does have a good relationship with both of them... but lets face it... if Daniel took off tomorrow, Jonas would not ditch Bree. In fact, I think he would stop all the immature picking. I think he is only doing that because he doesn't have to talk to her right now. Things can be relayed through Daniel. Although he is still upset with her, he seems to really care about her and I think that he will stick by her side. I think MOST of what is going on is just picking. I think he understands to some extent why she did what she did... it was a little extreme, but hey... where talking about Bree here!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:44 pm
by watermelonhead
Yo, I just noticed that the aunt is sorta hot.

An AILF, if you will.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:07 pm
by Chelseyrl
Lurker wrote:
-Finally: "Jonas, yeah, that whole tying you up for a few days thing? And the wanting to let you die stuff? Yeah, stop whining, bitch. Forgive me and make my life a lot easier, alright? Now give me some money so I can go buy a new outfit. Huh? Of course I don't have anything else to wear. I burn my clothes after I wear them once. What? I said stop whining, dumbass. Fork over the fucking credit cards for God's sake. Damn"
:smt043 :smt042 :smt044 :smt046 :smt036

Oh man, that's some good humor right there.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:20 pm
by AM
I stopped defending Bree when she took Jonas to a vet and called him 'fido'. Something just clicked and things will never be the same between Bree and me. Maybe we just need our space for things to go back to normal, if they ever can.

Lurker has been pointing out Bree's robotic unfeeling 'word that rhythms with -itchiness' for quite a while now.

Denial can be a powerful thing but I am finally coming to see the light.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:27 pm
by Lurker
AM wrote:I stopped defending Bree when she took Jonas to a vet and called him 'fido'. Something just clicked and things will never be the same between Bree and me.
Something about that is hilarious to me (maybe it's the wording and the idea together). "Fido" was the straw that broke the camel's back, huh?
AM wrote:Maybe we just need our space for things to go back to normal, if they ever can.
That's a good point. What if Bree's departure is to give us time to stop despising her so much? Especially if she comes back and is actually cool?
AM wrote:Lurker has been pointing out Bree's robotic unfeeling 'word that rhythms with -itchiness' for quite a while now.

Denial can be a powerful thing but I am finally coming to see the light.
Welcome back into the fold. We knew you'd return to us someday.