JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
I think that's a really great theory.
And welcome!
this has been alluded to in other theories of the ceremony; that this is semi-staged to make her stronger because she's required to be stronger for the ceremony.
That isn't really what I meant. I guess I read Geena's theory wrong. I thought she meant the Creators are characterizing Bree negatively in order to build us up for a twist in which Bree saves the day.
After giving this some thought I am going to emerge from the murk of my denial about Bree's character and post how I now feel about this. My opinions are still developing so bear with me:
I have been holding out for that for too, too long. Ever since "I listen to Daniel" I have been waiting for her to grow up and stop acting like a little girl. I have been watching her character and Daniel's character unfold and hoping against hope that Bree will get a chance to 'save the day' and that things will change.
And guess what? It happened. The 'me for Daniel' and 'human randsom' videos were it. But Bree did not actually change much. She is still a whiny, selfish, immature little girl. Now she's just a whiny, selfish, immature little girl who wants to be Tachyon when she grows up.
I think part of my frustration is that this is not a two hour movie in which the character has a change of heart in the last 20 minutes. It is supposed to be in real time and the Creators are true to that. Bree will have to change or she will find herself completely alone. She has already lost Jonas's trust. Daniel is sick of her too. Some gradual changes are apparant. She is already questioning herself and her selfish, stupid judgement. She is making decisions, often wrong but sometimes correct, instead of just following Daniel.
Some change will happen over time and some will not. Her character, with all it's flaws and annoyances, is what it is. Some of it is maturity and some, unfortunately is innate dumbassery.
So, for those of us who were, like me, holding out for Bree to 'save the day' and then go through a heroic transformation, I would just like us to remind ourselves, hard as it is, that it already happened. 'Human randsome' and 'Me for Daniel' were those videos.
Any other changes in Bree's character will be long and hard in coming because the series is written, unlike any piece of fiction any of us have ever seen before, in real time.
IOW I have finally come to accept what everyone has been telling me all along
