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Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:52 am
by livelongandprosper77
Urr umm... okay i think i got the jist of the overall deal i read most of the first parts before i started getting too creeped out to read further. Wow the pictures also man that is messed up stuff. I am starting to think the Order seems nice after reading that....I just hope the Order is not planning to do anything as demonic as what is mentioned there... Horrible stuff, just horrible...

If anyone wants to read it for info you have that choice but i am not sure you wanna get some of that info in your head. Might be hard to get it out.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:00 am
by ViolinAddict
livelongandprosper77 wrote:Urr umm... okay i think i got the jist of the overall deal i read most of the first parts before i started getting too creeped out to read further. Wow the pictures also man that is messed up stuff. I am starting to think the Order seems nice after reading that....I just hope the Order is not planning to do anything as demonic as what is mentioned there... Horrible stuff, just horrible...

If anyone wants to read it for info you have that choice but i am not sure you wanna get some of that info in your head. Might be hard to get it out.
Yeah... tried to warn you. Feel free to blame me for your nightmares

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:42 am
by essie
Beckers wrote:what about tach? could that be bree's sister?
Maybe Bree's "Mom" Had tach and then abandoned her for Bree or like their mom's switched children. And (just a theory here) maybe Gemma's parents got jealous that Bree was going to be a chosen one. So that is why Gemma was being "shot" by Brother and Brother is actually the brother of Mr. Bree. And so to get revenge for betraying Bree....... Or I don't know ..I don't think I make any sense. And maybe this is what Bree found out so she's mad at her mom.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 10:14 am
by nakita
spaciegirlreturn wrote:Lord Balto wrote:I can't help seeing here an element of the Quizatz Haderach in Dune, the multigenerational managing of a bloodline to produce the "expected one." In Dune, too, the final result was supposed to be female. There is a precedent for this in mainstream religions. It's the principle of matriarchy, and its justification is fairly obvious. It's not always obvious if a man's son was actually his biological child, but a woman's daughter is always her biological daughter, unless the local priesthood invents some weird notion of impregnation by an invisible deity.
Though I refuse to discuss Dune in any way shape or form, I'm glad you commented becuase you're absolutely right and this helped me solidify some things I think I had been abstractly thinking about as well.
Plus...I think a lot of people forget about things like the Cult of Mary in Catholocism which is considered a "mainstream" thing (Catholocism that is). Mary's importance in several different cultures/ groups is equal to or greater than that of Jesus. In our culture, for oh-so-many reasons, I think we're inclined to assume that men are regarded as more important.
As a practicing Catholic, I have to go off-topic for a minute to point out that Mary is NOT considered to be above God or Jesus in the Catholic Church, and anyone who tells you so is wrong. She's very important to us (God chose her to give birth to Jesus), but not above Jesus or God.
I'm not trying to start a debate here, just stating a fact.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:04 am
by nakita
EEVEE wrote:I just wanted to add about that moving thing. Is there anything to do with the fact that the places she moved to she always just stayed at each place for 2 years?
"i was born in America and then I moved to New Zealand when I was eight........ When I was ten we visited the Northern Territory of Australia....... And then, when I was twelve, we moved to England......So we lived in England for two years and then we moved to America.."
EEh it's probably just a funny coincidence.
In "How my parents met" Bree says that her mom was two years younger than her dad... and isn't Daniel 2 years older than Bree? I think he is, because he wants to go to college, so he must be 18, but Bree says in her first vlog that she is 16... hmmm

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:05 am
by itsmeforreal
Okay, so I haven't read through all the posts yet, but I got pretty far. The one theory I didn't see so far in my reading is the one I was thinking from the begining of this video.
What if Bree's Mom and Dad, the ones we know... Are her real parents, but according to her "religion" babys are given to whoever they worship, and so mentally, To her parents, Bree isn't there daughter, but rather the daughter of whoever it is that they worship...
/sleepless blathering.
*slinks back to second life where she belongs, waiting for cassie* haha
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:25 am
by Lord Balto
nakita wrote:spaciegirlreturn wrote:Lord Balto wrote:I can't help seeing here an element of the Quizatz Haderach in Dune, the multigenerational managing of a bloodline to produce the "expected one." In Dune, too, the final result was supposed to be female. There is a precedent for this in mainstream religions. It's the principle of matriarchy, and its justification is fairly obvious. It's not always obvious if a man's son was actually his biological child, but a woman's daughter is always her biological daughter, unless the local priesthood invents some weird notion of impregnation by an invisible deity.
Though I refuse to discuss Dune in any way shape or form, I'm glad you commented becuase you're absolutely right and this helped me solidify some things I think I had been abstractly thinking about as well.
Plus...I think a lot of people forget about things like the Cult of Mary in Catholocism which is considered a "mainstream" thing (Catholocism that is). Mary's importance in several different cultures/ groups is equal to or greater than that of Jesus. In our culture, for oh-so-many reasons, I think we're inclined to assume that men are regarded as more important.
As a practicing Catholic, I have to go off-topic for a minute to point out that Mary is NOT considered to be above God or Jesus in the Catholic Church, and anyone who tells you so is wrong. She's very important to us (God chose her to give birth to Jesus), but not above Jesus or God.
I'm not trying to start a debate here, just stating a fact.
No one said that. What they did say was that there are officially heretical elements, specifically Maryolatry, that go back to Goddess worship. This topic was brought up because it was assumed by some that Bree, a female, couldn't be the object of the Order's selection/breeding program. The response was that there are elements, even in mainstream religion, that point toward matriarchal succession of kingship. Remember, Jesus was supposed by some to be king of the Jews, a hereditary position. My specific response was that there is an apocryphal Book of Mary that goes so far as to describe Mary's virgin birth accompanied by angels.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:32 am
by Broken Kid
Lord Balto wrote:The response was that there are elements, even in mainstream religion, that point toward matriarchal succession of kingship. Remember, Jesus was supposed by some to be king of the Jews, a hereditary position. My specific response was that there is an apocryphal Book of Mary that goes so far as to describe Mary's virgin birth accompanied by angels.
I know this is off-topic, but Roman Catholics believe in and celebrate the Immaculate Conception as one of its holy days. Growing up, I always thought this was the immaculate conception of Jesus, but it actually means Mary was immaculately conceived (confusingly enough this doesn't mean she wasn't created the natural way). This is how Roman Catholics explain that she did not have original sin and thus was able to give birth to Jesus.
Click here for more info.
I find it people have said, many areas (specifically South America) don't worship Mary, per se, but lend significantly more credence to her than most Catholics.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:42 am
by nakita
Lord Balto wrote:nakita wrote:spaciegirlreturn wrote:
Though I refuse to discuss Dune in any way shape or form, I'm glad you commented becuase you're absolutely right and this helped me solidify some things I think I had been abstractly thinking about as well.
Plus...I think a lot of people forget about things like the Cult of Mary in Catholocism which is considered a "mainstream" thing (Catholocism that is). Mary's importance in several different cultures/ groups is equal to or greater than that of Jesus. In our culture, for oh-so-many reasons, I think we're inclined to assume that men are regarded as more important.
As a practicing Catholic, I have to go off-topic for a minute to point out that Mary is NOT considered to be above God or Jesus in the Catholic Church, and anyone who tells you so is wrong. She's very important to us (God chose her to give birth to Jesus), but not above Jesus or God.
I'm not trying to start a debate here, just stating a fact.
No one said that. What they did say was that there are officially heretical elements, specifically Maryolatry, that go back to Goddess worship. This topic was brought up because it was assumed by some that Bree, a female, couldn't be the object of the Order's selection/breeding program. The response was that there are elements, even in mainstream religion, that point toward matriarchal succession of kingship. Remember, Jesus was supposed by some to be king of the Jews, a hereditary position. My specific response was that there is an apocryphal Book of Mary that goes so far as to describe Mary's virgin birth accompanied by angels.
I read the part in bold, and just wanted to point out that the Catholic Church is not one of those cultural groups.
Every Catholic knows about Mary's Immaculate Conception. The day we celebrate it is a day of holy obligation.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:47 am
by Lord Balto
itsmeforreal wrote:Okay, so I haven't read through all the posts yet, but I got pretty far. The one theory I didn't see so far in my reading is the one I was thinking from the begining of this video.
What if Bree's Mom and Dad, the ones we know... Are her real parents, but according to her "religion" babys are given to whoever they worship, and so mentally, To her parents, Bree isn't there daughter, but rather the daughter of whoever it is that they worship...
/sleepless blathering.
*slinks back to second life where she belongs, waiting for cassie* haha
This is an interesting point, though it may go way beyond anything the "creators" are actually thinking.
In Egyptian religion, which Bree's religion seems to intersect, somewhere somehow, the king or "pharaoh" (great house) is believed to be the son of Amun-Ra, a double deity that includes Ra, the Sun god, and Amun, the city god of Thebes. How he gets to be the god's son is not terribly clear from surviving documents, but it must have been something akin to the "discovery" of Moses in his little ark of reeds floating down the river. This type of ceremony may possibly be distantly related to that of baptism. In essense, the child is born, then "killed" by order of the king, but secretly "rescued" by the pharaoh's daughter and placed in a little wooden boat and floated down the Nile, then discovered by her, upon which she proclaims him the son of Amun-Ra and brings him into the royal household. This all parallels the early life of Moses.
I didn't realise the immaculate conception of Mary was official doctrine (I'm not a Catholic). It sounds to me like somebody wanted to make doubly certain there was no way to pass the kingship along the male line. Yet there are two separate genealogies in Matthew and Luke that give his descent, on the male line, from David, one from Solomon and one from Solomon's brother.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:09 pm
by lonelygirl
ok, wow, some crazy stuff has been happening over the holidays. can't believe it. poor bree.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:11 pm
by lonelygirl
Flautapantera wrote:So Bree's adopted? I wonder who her real parents are and if this will play a role in the storyline later on.
Great video, though! I feel that Bree really opened up and that she seemed to be talking "to" us rather than "at" us.
Just b/c her dad isn't her real dad doesn't necessarily mean she was adopted. maybe she was kidnapped as a baby or something.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:51 pm
by lonelygirl
bethy wrote:My husband just watched the video and his first reaction was, "They're not talking about that weird French cult that wants to clone people are they?"
He's talking about the Raelian Movement...and they refer to Creators (Elohim) on their website.
Thisis creepy....funny...but creepy....from their website:
The messages dictated to Rael explain that life on Earth is not the result of random evolution, nor the work of a supernatural 'God'. It is a deliberate creation, using DNA, by a scientifically advanced people who made human beings literally "in their image" -- what one can call "scientific creationism." References to these scientists and their work, as well as to their symbol of infinity, can be found in the ancient texts of many cultures.
ETA: Beckers actually posted the same little excerpt back on December 20th about the infinity symbol. It didn't go anywhere, but I wanted to give credit:
I know this is weird...but I've always felt that Beckers knows a lot more about the project than the rest of us.

that sounds plausible because the place her dad works for uses the infinity symbol and bree said her dad specializes in ribosomes.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:30 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
nakita wrote:I read the part in bold, and just wanted to point out that the Catholic Church is not one of those cultural groups.
Every Catholic knows about Mary's Immaculate Conception. It is one of two days in the entire year when we are actually recquired to go to Church (it becomes non-optional)
I didn't say it was the Catholic church as a whole. Like BK said, it's mostly in South America...and it's kind of tricky to talk about because the groups I'm refering to..well, their religious beliefs are so ingrained into their culture, it's hard to say if the Mary worship is neccessarily religious or cultural.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:32 pm
by nakita
Lord Balto wrote:I didn't realise the immaculate conception of Mary was official doctrine (I'm not a Catholic). It sounds to me like somebody wanted to make doubly certain there was no way to pass the kingship along the male line. Yet there are two separate genealogies in Matthew and Luke that give his descent, on the male line, from David, one from Solomon and one from Solomon's brother.
I don't quite understand what you're talking about with the kingship line, as Jesus was never officialy a king... the Jews never had a Jewish king during Jesus' time they were under Roman occupation...but, since this is not the right place to discuss that...
This all started because someone was discussing how Mary is important in some Christian religions (i.e. the Catholic Church), and she is a woman (d'uh). It's just proof that woman can still be respected within an ancient and tradition-based relgion. Bree's mom is a woman (double d'uh), so might she hold a higher role than most men in her religion? (for the record, Catholics have more respect for Mary due to the fact that God saw her fit to give birth to His son, not because she was a woman)