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Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:10 pm
by nobackspacebutton
livelongandprosper77 wrote:
Dee wrote:Someone is in the room in the corner. There is movement if you look at the video frame by frame. Maybe he is being forced to do the video and that is why he is acting strange.
That is exactly what i am thinking someone seems to be there because we already seen through an OpAphid video that Bree and Daniel's bedrooms were being filmed. So he must be under some kind of influence.
Okay. He looks up to the top right, his left, a lot...which might lead to the conclusion that what he is saying right then is a lie (following the speculation that looking to the left is a sign of lying). As for the shadow...I see a shadow of the lamp...not much else. And as for that big tall black thing...I don't know what it is...but its in the OpAphid video too...and its not a person.



Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:18 pm
by livelongandprosper77
Yep that is the OpAphid image... and yeah that black thing doesn't seem to really be anyone, however, by the way he speaks and looks you would think he is lieing or being directed by someone in the room. I am not really sure this whole situation is strange...

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:19 pm
by Kasdeja
I dunno...maybe he's been "talked to"...maybe he's just still being watched...

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:25 pm
by livelongandprosper77
hmm... interesting, yeah maybe he knows he is being watched so he is kind of hesitant about what he is saying which would explain the unsual behavior. Maybe he hasn't been converted to the darkside just yet. Let's hope for Bree's sake.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:28 pm
by LadyBugGirl
imogene2004 wrote:
kageyuki wrote:Being laid back is one thing. Your parents would still ask you how everything was going, right? They'd still try to inquire about you, even if just to make sure you're okay.

Daniel's parents didn't even seem to do that.
I think his parents being so "hands off" is needed for the plot. How else could he run around with Bree all this time without the police intervening? Plus, it shows why he became so attached to Bree and would just drop everything to help her out. She was the only one who seemed to care about him. His parents may be under the order's influence, but I don't think so. I think the creators were just giving us a logical explanation to all the questions we've had about his parents and how he can just take off unnoticed.

Exactly what I was thinking. It's an easy way for him to be able to get away with doing all of this in the first place (which is what was needed in order to advance the story).

Edit to add: Yay Kasdeja on the avatar...I hope you were the one that was requesting to have the dance as the avatar and if so I'm glad you finally got it! :)

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:32 pm
by redbear
His parents are obviously both on lithium!
Or else his mom is a robot, and his dad is so caught up in the LG15 phenomenon that he cant spare an instant to pay attention to his son. Wait, my sons name is Daniel...

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:24 pm
by Lurker
I just realized there was a perfectly clear image of the black thing way back in the "Order of Denderah" video. While we all know at this point that there was no one in the room with Daniel, it would have saved us the trouble of discussing it if one of us had looked sooner:


Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:42 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
LadyBugGirl wrote:
imogene2004 wrote:
kageyuki wrote:Being laid back is one thing. Your parents would still ask you how everything was going, right? They'd still try to inquire about you, even if just to make sure you're okay.

Daniel's parents didn't even seem to do that.
I think his parents being so "hands off" is needed for the plot. How else could he run around with Bree all this time without the police intervening? Plus, it shows why he became so attached to Bree and would just drop everything to help her out. She was the only one who seemed to care about him. His parents may be under the order's influence, but I don't think so. I think the creators were just giving us a logical explanation to all the questions we've had about his parents and how he can just take off unnoticed.

Exactly what I was thinking. It's an easy way for him to be able to get away with doing all of this in the first place (which is what was needed in order to advance the story).

Edit to add: Yay Kasdeja on the avatar...I hope you were the one that was requesting to have the dance as the avatar and if so I'm glad you finally got it! :)
Don't forget that Daniel is at least 18. His parents don't have much authority to dictate where he sleeps at night. After all, he was out at like 2 a.m. back in the early videos when Bree had to sneak out. It also provides the contrast between Bree and Daniel's lives. Bree's parents are a huge part of her life. His parents aren't just "laid back," though. They are neglectful. I know a few people whose parents are like that. My parents actually are kind of uninterested in my life too. But I think if I went "camping" for like a month and then came back all smelly and gross and lost my car, they'd notice.. and would not react positively. The reason I bring up my own family, is because of something that was said to me just last week. I know another girl who has parents that are a lot like mine, and she takes advantage of it. Despite a few flaws, I have brought myself up pretty well, unlike she, who has become a slutty alcoholic. Last week, my other friend and I were talking about something stupid she did that almost ended her life, and my friend told me that I am a good example of self control because my parents made little effort to influence my upbringing and therefore I had to "grow up" without a lot of parental guidance... however, I turned out to be a pretty decent person (so far :wink: ). SO, in conclusion, this shows Daniel's character. He isn't an irrational person. He COULD go out and join a gang and shoot up heroine, but he DOESN'T.

Furthermore, this shows how out-of-character some actions were. When he broke into Lucy's apartment, for example. That just shows how strongly he feels about Bree and how deep his concern was for her at the time.

Thus, I maintain faith in DanielBeast. He would never betray our Bree.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:05 pm
by redbear
JustAnotherLonelyGirl, I think that this video was made especially to show us what a great person you are. Hurray for not slutty or alcoholic JALG!

DB will come thru, I agree. Jonas is the bad guy.
And i bet he killed his nanny.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:34 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
redbear wrote:JustAnotherLonelyGirl, I think that this video was made especially to show us what a great person you are. Hurray for not slutty or alcoholic JALG!

DB will come thru, I agree. Jonas is the bad guy.
And i bet he killed his nanny.
Lol, I'm not sure whether to take that as a sarcastic insult or a sincere congrats.

BUT I TOTALLY AGREE. The nanny and his parents are definitely locked in that house somewhere.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:21 pm
by Languorous Lass
ViolinAddict wrote:[We are not asking him to save the world... but why would he let Bree eat leftover hot peppers from a sub sandwich out of the garbage if he could have bought HER a twinkie. If he was saving the money for an emergency he wouldn't have bought those things while he was still on the road... there could have still been an emergency.

But I don't see what he could have used that money for that would have been more useful than food.
Maybe he was afraid to use his ATM card while he was on the run with Bree, but once he was already going home, he just said, "WTF, they'll be able to find me anyway," and took out some cash.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:35 am
by AGuyNamedJoe

How cool am me!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:20 pm
by livelongandprosper77
Lurker wrote:I just realized there was a perfectly clear image of the black thing way back in the "Order of Denderah" video. While we all know at this point that there was no one in the room with Daniel, it would have saved us the trouble of discussing it if one of us had looked sooner:

Great image there Lurker why didn't i think to look back at some of Daniel's vids hmm.. oh well anyway i see that there is a guitar case there and the black thing but what really is that black thing another case for a bigger instrument, a big rolled up sleeping bag, or maybe a rolled up body? lol you did say we established no other "living" persons in the room ahha :wink:

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:55 pm
by twelfthofnever
The black thing could maybe be a keyboard in a case, or maybe a tent.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:55 pm
by aideen
It sort of looks like a surfboard bag/case thing, or one of those big hiing backpacks that fit everything you need? Dan does like hiking remember