0071 Motel Pool [11/11/06]

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Post by omegawoman »

We can research until we are blue in the face, but we are never going to find out what religion this is until Bree, or Gemma tell us. The religion is fictional! The creators are not going to piss off any real organizations that are out there by showing us fake ceremonies, kidnappings, and injections. This is entertainment, and although there are other aspects we can research to obtain valuable information, the religion will not be one of them.
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Post by omegawoman »

thejyav wrote:
spaciegirl wrote:Yeah...I'd love to, infact.
I knew I'd take some crap for the damn animals. Ok, in a "vlog" and theoretically/psychologically etc, I understand the stupid little things' importance, but if you were rushing in and out of your house after you just saw your parents being hauled off by a bunch of wackos...and you're throwing some clothes in a bag, trying to make sure you're not forgeting anything...and you're in a panic, you're worried, a lot of stuff is going through your mind etc., are you really gonna bring all your plushies with you?
Yes..yes.. I would..oh and transformers to..and a light saber....oh yea and a glow worm
I really miss my glow worm!
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Post by DontHaveAClue »

thejyav wrote: Yes..yes.. I would..oh and transformers to..and a light saber....oh yea and a glow worm
Hey! That's MY light saber, you little punk! I've been looking for it for ages! :evil:

(Here you're supposed to switch it on and say:"come and claim it", and I'm running away terrified.....)
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Post by thejyav »

spaciegirl wrote:
Reb wrote:The main thing that I started thinking about having watched this video is can daniel swim? he wasn't swiming in the video where he and bree went up to the lake/pond/creek place and bree seemed like she might be hinting that he couldn't when she wad cut off. Is just a thought. If he can't swim then that could deffinately come into play later maybe in the climax to the series which I assume will be some sort of face off between Bree and Daniel and the order.
I think that not enough attention is being payed to this Daniel not wanting to get in the water thing. Many of these other theories and clues seem like a stretch to me, but this SWIMMING ISSUE has come up twice now...and it's not the kind of thing that is unintentional or coincidental. The creators have purposely put in the script, two seperate times, that Daniel and water do not mix. If anything is a clue, that definately is.
could it be there really will be some Daniel Cassie tie inrevolving around the water?
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Post by Kasdeja »

Eh...the only tie between Cassie and water was CassieIsWatching...so I wouldn't take stock in that one, know what I mean?

*edit* er, I guess I didn't remember the swimming video...but...heck, I dunno.
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Post by thejyav »

Kasdeja wrote:Eh...the only tie between Cassie and water was CassieIsWatching...so I wouldn't take stock in that one, know what I mean?

*edit* er, I guess I didn't remember the swimming video...but...heck, I dunno.
yea i understand I just am saying what if the creators decide to go that way. There is something weird about Dan and the water I was just tossing that out as a possibility. though I realize its unlikely.

It would however be awesome if the creators started ripping of CIW..I mean can you get in trouble for ripping off something that ripped you off?
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Post by thejyav »

lonelygirl wrote:
spaciegirl wrote:
lonelygirl wrote: that's basically like saying you would leave your dog or other pets behind. for some people, their pets mean a lot to them. with bree, her stuffed animals mean a lot to her. too bad you're too close-minded to get that and accept that some people are different and have different personalities. bree may have been brainwashed by whatever org she's in but you've been brainwashed by our messed up society. :twisted:
Using great restraint I say to you:
Stuffed animals are not the same as dogs or other pets..they are stuffed pieces of fabric. I know that her stuffed animals are symbolic. I said that I understand their importance..but I still think that when you are in the midst of a crisis situation where you're very raw..very alive, very human, things like stuffed animals are not so important anymore. I just don't find it realistic that she would grab them. I realize that you have a different opinion, just like I realize that people have different personalities. I still think it's unrealistic. I still hate the stupid things. Get a grip. Don't tell me my mind is closed becuase I think her stuffed animals are annoying... that's just silly.
no, i think you're close-minded b/c you can't see how important they are to her. i never said dogs and stuffed animals are the same, but to her, she sees her stuffed animals almost as people so then they are very important to her. who cares if they're not important to you. are you in the video? geez, you're an idiot and that's an understatement. what part of that don't you understand? how do you put 2 and 2 together?
Lets just end this whole argument and say they are her security blanket ok...they make her feel safer whereever she is..they are something for her to cuddle with when she sleeps.
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Post by Kasdeja »

They make her feel safe...and it seems she's sort of reverted to a more childish Bree in a crisis situation...perhaps? Either way, arguing with spaciegirl is silly, I know from experience. :lol:
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

Those things are going to be the death of me, I swear. Good god, why is it still even being brought up? There's nothing to argue..just a difference of opinion. And, yes, arguing with me is silly...mainly because, in my mind, I always win...plus I never, EVER concede. I'd sooner die. :twisted::twisted::twisted:
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Post by Languorous Lass »

UpbeatMarshWiggle wrote:I've read the whole thread multiple times - I don't know that anyone's attempted to address the cumulative effect of all the things I mentioned on Bree's psyche, though.

I didn't mean to imply, though, that no one was thinking this through - and that isn't clear in my original post. Sorry about that to all who might read it that way.
Thanks, and sorry for jumping on you.
magesa wrote:
Languorous Lass wrote:
I don't know for sure. But my dad died when I was 12, and I reacted by pretending that nothing was happening and that everything was fine.
:cry: I'm sorry!
Thanks -- you're sweet. It was pretty awful, but it was a long time ago. I just mentioned it to underscore that Bree's behavior actually makes some sense in the circumstances.
spaciegirl wrote:arguing with me is silly...mainly because, in my mind, I always win...plus I never, EVER concede. I'd sooner die. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
spacie, you are the best. :lol: I love reading your posts.
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

So I don't know if anyone's noticed this yet (probably not since I always notice all the little details!) but why didn't Daniel swim? OH, and this was really subtle but did anyone think it was weird that Bree made sure to grab her stuffed animals? Just throwing that out there, let the discussion begin.

:twisted: :P :roll: :wink:
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Post by Kasdeja »

Daniel didn't swim in the Swimming video, either...I wonder if he's afraid of water or can't swim or something.
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

Kasdeja wrote:Daniel didn't swim in the Swimming video, either...I wonder if he's afraid of water or can't swim or something.
Nah, I'm sure it's not important. The stuffed animal thing prolly doesn't mean anything either. We should really start analyzing the songs AND I bet if we go back and check out Bree's eyebrows in all the vlogs we'll see secret messages braided in them. :wink:
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Post by Kasdeja »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Luv2Skydive wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:Daniel didn't swim in the Swimming video, either...I wonder if he's afraid of water or can't swim or something.
Nah, I'm sure it's not important. The stuffed animal thing prolly doesn't mean anything either. We should really start analyzing the songs AND I bet if we go back and check out Bree's eyebrows in all the vlogs we'll see secret messages braided in them. :wink:
Bree has really well-trimmed eyebrows.
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