0194 - "Let's Play Doctor" [05/18/07]

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Post by voyboy »

Lurker wrote:
robtomorrow wrote:
voyboy wrote:
I agree that they are there to move the plot along. And as much as some may not like it, other characters have to be created to continue the series if its going to be ongoing like a soap.
I for one was hoping that this wasn't going to be ongoing like a soap, I was sort of hoping that there was a ending/conclusion in the offering, where all the missing links are closed and everything finally makes sense.
Same here. That's really what it - and every other storyline in existence - needs. Unfortunately, on Mixed Media, the Creators have said they'd like to make it go on indefinitely, like "General Hospital." That obviously doesn't bode well. Perhaps they'll at least close up everything related to this storyline, give the characters closure, and then start over with a new cast.

Some have suggested that just resolving the ceremony matter and then moving on would be good enough. I disagree, though. If there's no closure for the characters then there's no closure/satisfaction for the audience either. The characters are what ultimately makes a story work or fail, and what an audience attaches itself to.
Oh don't get me wrong. they definitely need to Bree's story it all together, before moving onto the next storyline.
For sure!
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Post by ApotheosisAZ »

voyboy wrote:
Oh don't get me wrong. they definitely need to Bree's story it all together, before moving onto the next storyline.
For sure!
No pun intended, but I think that is a pipe dream, voy.

The fan base is dynamic; departing fans are replaced by new ones. They can't really afford to have a major disruption in the fan base.

Closing the storyline about The Ceremony would cause such a disruption. It wouldn't matter at this point how ingeniously The Creators did it. A large group of the fans will leave the moment they do it.

Thus, closure in this particular area of the story can only be done after KateModern takes off. They have to drag it out until then.
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Post by Cloud_ax »

ApotheosisAZ wrote: Thus, closure in this particular area of the story can only be done after KateModern takes off. They have to drag it out until then.
i would have to say if KateModern takes off. it could flop, we wont know till we see what they come up with.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Lurker wrote:
robtomorrow wrote:
voyboy wrote:
I agree that they are there to move the plot along. And as much as some may not like it, other characters have to be created to continue the series if its going to be ongoing like a soap.
I for one was hoping that this wasn't going to be ongoing like a soap, I was sort of hoping that there was a ending/conclusion in the offering, where all the missing links are closed and everything finally makes sense.
Same here. That's really what it - and every other storyline in existence - needs. Unfortunately, on Mixed Media, the Creators have said they'd like to make it go on indefinitely, like "General Hospital." That obviously doesn't bode well. Perhaps they'll at least close up everything related to this storyline, give the characters closure, and then start over with a new cast.

Some have suggested that just resolving the ceremony matter and then moving on would be good enough. I disagree, though. If there's no closure for the characters then there's no closure/satisfaction for the audience either. The characters are what ultimately makes a story work or fail, and what an audience attaches itself to.
I absolutely agreee. As much as I would miss the series, I would much rather an ending where everything fits together in the end rather than an ongoing series like a soap opera. Although I think they could continue the story with a whole new story arc after concluding this one. There could be a season finale or something, where everything would fit together. Then there could be a new season where they try to tackle new problems (finding Jonas's parents, etc). The Ceremony Arc could conclude without the series ending. It's getting ridiculous though, and it needs to conclude soon. I think the Creators are worried that they can't continue the series after the Ceremony Arc ends.
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Post by EternalGoddess »

I'm guessing that Julie didn't have the traits needed to do the ceremony and Bree does, so the Order now has their ceremony girl. :D Don't you just love twists?

I guess we're gonna get a major show down, huh?
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Post by Renegade »

EternalGoddess wrote:[...]
I guess we're gonna get a major show down, huh?
If they didn't bore us to death on the way, yes.
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Re: bree

Post by BlogGirl14 »

nowherepixie wrote:
BlogGirl14 wrote:They should've took Bree's file too
Would Bree's file be in a hospital in Texas? :?
oh, right...maybe she was born there. I mean she WAS adopted.
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Post by sack36 »

lostgamer wrote:what is the newgrops name jdb dose not work any more.

how about (std from a bj)
sorry could not help it
so what order of laters should we do
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Post by TheeBerean »

Good video.... it deserves a Revver ad click at the end.

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Post by sack36 »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
Lurker wrote:
robtomorrow wrote: I for one was hoping that this wasn't going to be ongoing like a soap, I was sort of hoping that there was a ending/conclusion in the offering, where all the missing links are closed and everything finally makes sense.
Same here. That's really what it - and every other storyline in existence - needs. Unfortunately, on Mixed Media, the Creators have said they'd like to make it go on indefinitely, like "General Hospital." That obviously doesn't bode well. Perhaps they'll at least close up everything related to this storyline, give the characters closure, and then start over with a new cast.

Some have suggested that just resolving the ceremony matter and then moving on would be good enough. I disagree, though. If there's no closure for the characters then there's no closure/satisfaction for the audience either. The characters are what ultimately makes a story work or fail, and what an audience attaches itself to.
I absolutely agreee. As much as I would miss the series, I would much rather an ending where everything fits together in the end rather than an ongoing series like a soap opera. Although I think they could continue the story with a whole new story arc after concluding this one. There could be a season finale or something, where everything would fit together. Then there could be a new season where they try to tackle new problems (finding Jonas's parents, etc). The Ceremony Arc could conclude without the series ending. It's getting ridiculous though, and it needs to conclude soon. I think the Creators are worried that they can't continue the series after the Ceremony Arc ends.
Sorry for the continuation of such a long set of quotes, but I just have to put in my two cents. A story arc can end in real life (which this is supposed to mimic) but the story isn't the life. In real life things just aren't tidy. Are you saying, that you'd rather continue in the old manner of story telling where all is tidy and the protagonist dusts off his hands at the end and says, "Well, that's that!"

I think they should come up with a new paradigm. Perhaps a serialized overlapping arc series. One problem crops up in the middle of the last and as soon as the first is solved, the protagonists are being pulled to begin the next. Or even while one is being finished the heros have already begun work on the new problem. It would be much more realistic than the stop-start of regular story telling.
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Re: bree

Post by Shades of [Grey] »

BlogGirl14 wrote:
nowherepixie wrote:
BlogGirl14 wrote:They should've took Bree's file too
Would Bree's file be in a hospital in Texas? :?
oh, right...maybe she was born there. I mean she WAS adopted.
Then they need to get Taylor to use her mad computer hacking skills to see if they can't find that information.

Post by Lurker »

sack36 wrote:I think they should come up with a new paradigm. Perhaps a serialized overlapping arc series. One problem crops up in the middle of the last and as soon as the first is solved, the protagonists are being pulled to begin the next. Or even while one is being finished the heros have already begun work on the new problem. It would be much more realistic than the stop-start of regular story telling.
I think at a certain point there needs to at least be a resolution of the characters' issues, such that when there's the final fade-out, you feel like you know how things are going to go for them (preferably that they're going to be okay), even if they're heading off to deal with a new problem. Kind of like the last episode of "Angel," only with things looking positive instead of bleak (it fit the tone and theme of "Angel," but I don't think it would this).

Also, to be honest, in terms of what's realistic, I think at a certain point it would be unrealistic if they didn't run out of wild scenarios to involve themselves in. You'd think they'd just have to go back to living normal lives eventually, assuming the Order didn't just kill them outright - which is probably the most realistic thing, and would have happened a while ago in Jonas and Daniel's case.
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Post by kismetologist »

i think it would totally possible for the storyline we are focusing on now--the ceremony--to end, and for a new storyline to be introduced. I've been thinking for awhile that it would be great if, at the completion of the ceremony (or whatever they decide to do) Jonas sees a man who he thinks is his father. My vision of this has had Bree being held in a sort of hospital, a place where necessary experiments are performed. And that this place is a detention center of sorts for test subjects and hey, maybe even members of the resistance who have "disappeared"? i mean, that's just what i've been picturing.

moving on to the story arc of jonas trying to find his parents can be done while not quite ending the ceremony's story. maybe she goes through with it but we still don't know WHY it's done? That can be revealed over time while the characters are pursuing the answer to other questions.

Post by Lurker »

I think the issue is that they're afraid to resolve the ceremony matter, because many in the audience may then feel like they can stop watching, yet they also know that there's only so long you can do bait and switch with an audience before they tire of humoring the writers. One need only take a brief stroll around the forum to see that many here (I don't know what the case is with casual viewers on YouTube or Revver) are at the burnout stage on caring about the ceremony.

The introduction of the new characters has renewed the interest of a lot of us, but for many folks, waiting for the ceremony seems to be at the "please me or I'll stop letting you tease me" stage.
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Post by Shaneener »

I think they should end the ceremony arc, and soon. This is getting tiresome.

After that arc is done, they can move onto Jonas finding his parents. When that's done, they can move on and yadda yadda yadda.

Keep going until the actors end their contract.
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