Oh don't get me wrong. they definitely need to Bree's story it all together, before moving onto the next storyline.Lurker wrote:Same here. That's really what it - and every other storyline in existence - needs. Unfortunately, on Mixed Media, the Creators have said they'd like to make it go on indefinitely, like "General Hospital." That obviously doesn't bode well. Perhaps they'll at least close up everything related to this storyline, give the characters closure, and then start over with a new cast.robtomorrow wrote:I for one was hoping that this wasn't going to be ongoing like a soap, I was sort of hoping that there was a ending/conclusion in the offering, where all the missing links are closed and everything finally makes sense.voyboy wrote:
I agree that they are there to move the plot along. And as much as some may not like it, other characters have to be created to continue the series if its going to be ongoing like a soap.
Some have suggested that just resolving the ceremony matter and then moving on would be good enough. I disagree, though. If there's no closure for the characters then there's no closure/satisfaction for the audience either. The characters are what ultimately makes a story work or fail, and what an audience attaches itself to.
For sure!