I clicked on that, it gave me a bunch of filled in info - username/password and stuff, then when I got to the next page, it says "disconnected" after a bunch of things. It won't reconnect. No wonder I never use IRC!
onsweetavenue: "G for Gemma? Are you writing us from hell? Does Satan have wifi?"
deagol wrote:I just tried watching again. I think I counted 18 or 19 blacks, and 3 or 4 long segments without any blacks. Damn, it's so tough to watch.
I got 19 black segments....and if you pay attention, you can hear noise in the background of the final segment. Noise over the music, that is...
It's official!! I'm getting married September 28, 2007!!
The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th were 2 seconds.
The 6th and second 7th were 3 seconds.
The 8th, 9th, and 10th were 4 seconds.
The 11th, 12th, and 13th were 3 seconds.
The 14th, 15th, and 16th were 2 seconds.
The 17th was 13 seconds.
The 18th as 10 seconds.
I think...
The noise at the end sounded to me like someone picking up the camera and turning it off.
edit: Also at the end, it kinda sounds like the camera isn't outside anymore. Like a air condition maybe? something like that. I didn't hear it during the shooting though I guess the music could have been drowning it out.
edit again: nevermind
Last edited by hollyxmas on Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
RIP Maddy and Adam
I miss the normal not with the HoO Bree.