Page 14 of 27
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:25 am
by Ravensnow27
There were two cars that pulled up I'm pretty sure, and WOW Jonas and a gun? I cant even talk about it right now. I wish Bree woulda said more, its like she knew this was coming she was too calm, maybe she and Jonas discussed it. I'm surprised Bree didn't flip out when Jonas pointed it at DB. Iwant to stay and totally go over this whole vid but I'm off to the BEACH, thats gonna be weird.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:29 am
by Sami
Alex - The Perfect Bitch
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:34 am
by Chlowee
I KNEW something was up!! She wwas wearing ALL BLACK! I knew the clothes was very significant....
da eff is up with that gun!?!?! haha I KNEW HE HAD A GLOCK IN THERE!!! Jonas is GANGSTA.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:40 am
by SallyMarie
I thought it was a great movie. Lots to think about.
It is interesting to watch which interests take priority for Jonas and Daniel.
Jonas immediately thinks of Bree, gets ultra protective, and tells her to run to the beach (someone earlier said that he should have told her to go into the car, but Alex was there. He was trying to get Bree away from the turncoat).
Daniel seems more concerned with Alex then he is for Bree. We see him look in Bree’s direction, and then turn his attention toward Alex. When Jonas is freaking out, Daniel is trying to talk softly with her, and tries to shield her from her nephew.
I thought “I don’t have a choice” was an important line. On Daniel’s spying footage, we hear Alex say “It’s a violation of free will”. It seems she having several confrontations with “free will”.
When the troop is walking back to the car, something about the way Alex looked in her shades reminded me of Lucy, and then there she shows up.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:43 am
by VeiwerZane
Im pritty sure this is all linking to Maddison all the evidence on that subject is summerised here ... 57&start=0
I originaly asumed bree wasnt there but seaming as everyone seams to asume she was filming i suppose its possible she was unavailable for filming. Also LGpedia claims lucy can be seen twice around 2:00 and 2:22 couldnt get a propper glimps ill take a look on previous pages to cheak theres a screen shot
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:44 am
by Chlowee
could it be they want alex to do the ceremony instead?
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:52 am
by mellie3204
Sami wrote:Alex - The Perfect Bitch
Darn it! I was SOOO gonna use that - you stole my thunder!

. Definately true, too (I don't want to say I told you so, but...!)
lonelygirl wrote:I'm so sick of all these damn videos popping up and we have to figure out whether they're canon or not.
I think that is what the creatortrons want though, isn't it? An interactive series incorporating fan characters and spinoff, an organic kind of interactive storytelling? That's as much a part of the ARG as any 'official' one. Thankfully you can take it or leave as is your whim, and catch up later is something goes cannon. I think it works/will work well.
Chelseyrl wrote:I think Bree knew about the gun... but I don't get the "You alright?" thing.
I had this feeling too. There was no "OMG Jonas what are you doing? Stop!" (in Bree voice). Kinda felt like she knew. And Jonas is amazing for jumping in to defense like that: they had 2 kidnappings, been drugged, and terrorised, and stalked... a little protection is in order here.
ericski wrote:8. there is another skywalker
Awesome quote usage
Well kiddies, we have a new turn in the plot!
I think this is a great development from a story point of view, if it's true there's another girl now (I'm not going into any M.A. speculation, let's just wait and see on that score). This means the TAAG can finally stop running and hopefully start going on the offensive, start being a bit more proactive instead of reactive. I don't think Bree would just walk away if she thinks there someone out there just like her who might be in danger.
Exciting times my friends.
Creators, I think I can safely say you rocked our world with this one. I know a lot of ideas used in vids and plot are taken from the forum speculations (which is very cool and interactive), but then BAM, unimagined plot twist to throw us completely! I love it.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 10:01 am
by betz28
I LOVED it ...I LOVED it!!!
When Alex mentioned they have a new girl....Maddy was the first to pop in my head!
Great video...very unexpected at the end....did i mention I LOVED it?
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 10:04 am
by Sami
mellie3204 wrote:Sami wrote:Alex - The Perfect Bitch
Darn it! I was SOOO gonna use that - you stole my thunder!

. Definately true, too (I don't want to say I told you so, but...!)

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 10:07 am
by Marilee
Wow, great video. I have to say I like how the titles aren't so explanatory anymore. It definitely made the shock value skyrocket!
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 10:14 am
by krmurr87
ok WOW go get drunk for the night and look what happens!! so i'm only on 11 of 14 so far but my opinion is that there has GOT to be some resolution w/ tachyon, maybe they other girl is her and she will end up dead thus putting a closure on that part of the story instead of just pretending she never exsisted (ahem *cough* *cough*)
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 10:55 am
by marlasinger
Are we sure that Bree was even supposed to be in that video? Is it possible that someone else was filming, ostensibly? I can imagine the creators making sure that her voice was in it if it had to be.
When Alex turns to the camera and says "they don't need you Bree" she could have been talking to the camera, not to the person. She was looking straight into the camera.
Just a thought. I'm not sure who on earth could be filming, other than Bree, but I can only imagine that the creators would have taken the time to have proper voiceovers - it's not hard to do. Let's see where this goes, shall we?
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:02 am
by sweetie55
This vid rocked my socks! As soon as I saw Alex wearing all black I was all, "she isn't kosher" and behold that action took place! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:03 am
by kellylen
marlasinger wrote:Are we sure that Bree was even supposed to be in that video? Is it possible that someone else was filming, ostensibly? I can imagine the creators making sure that her voice was in it if it had to be.
When Alex turns to the camera and says "they don't need you Bree" she could have been talking to the camera, not to the person. She was looking straight into the camera.
Just a thought. I'm not sure who on earth could be filming, other than Bree, but I can only imagine that the creators would have taken the time to have proper voiceovers - it's not hard to do. Let's see where this goes, shall we?
bree said oh god when the black car pulled up.
and usually kevin films. and they pretend its the char
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:05 am
by Hippie
Oh dear...
Im still drunk from last night, so i didnt read 1 word of this whole thread, im such an ass arent I...
well I see the creators thought it was a good idea to bring in the gun many of us asked why they didnt have... ME PERSONALLY, after the whole "free will" thing, im not exactly sure why... I dont know where things can go with "free will" SHE DOESNT WANT TO DO THE DAMN THING... so she wont and the gun will do nothing but get people in trouble.... if you want to get jonas or daniel off the show, this is 1 way to do it, shot or arrested, other than that, I DONT GET WHY... sorry, I mean, I know there are crazy factions of the order, but when the base will kill the crazy people, Im just lost now, there are many holes in this story, but this is the 1st one that is getting under my skin, or maybe this ils resonating from the OpA/tachy announcement...