0157-"Alex Is..."[3-17-07]

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Post by house »

I wonder which "parents" Alex was referring to.
As we know from Bree's circumstance, the male and female that she called "dad" and "mom" were really NOT her parents!

So, what if Jonas' biological parents are, indeed, alive? (Hence giving Alex the ability to honestly say, "Your parents are alive and happy...and probably don't remember you.") Jonas' bio parents would probably NOT remember him if he were spirited away as an infant to a set of Order Approved foster parents. And, it's completely possible that his foster parents went out on a boat and disappeared (or died), but his "real parents" are just baby making breeders being "kept", happily, on some order compound/commune.

One of the themes seems to be that children are raised by hands-off parents. Bree's Order Approved parents were pretty hands-off and unaffectionate. Daniel's parents are hands-off and remarkably unconcerned. Jonas was raised by a "nanny" (probably an "order approved nanny). Another theme seems to be that the children are abandoned/orphaned or otherwise forced to mature and become independent faster.

Anyway...enough of my rambling. Just wanted to point out that we shouldn't be all that surprised that Jonas' parents may not be dead. The "parents" who raised him might not actually be his parents.
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Post by DoktorBob »

I thought DB was in a trance when he went to go talk to Alex. Maybe he is still a bit brainwashed when Alex ordered DB to sit and shut up.

Guess Alex's comment on "more concerned about what will almost certainly come after me", means the Order is going to be more aggressive. After all, they only want Bree. They may harm DB/Jonas next time.
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Post by missmadness »

Human Ransom is now my second favorite video. The calm creepiness is what I really loved (kudos to the actors btw). And Fur Elise playing in the background just set it off. I love that beautiful, creepy song.

I did'nt read through the thread yet, but when she was taling about her photography did anyone think that maybe alex is the one who took the pictures of Daniel at the ceremony?

*goes off to read the rest of the thread*
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Post by itsmeforreal »

missmadness wrote: I did'nt read through the thread yet, but when she was taling about her photography did anyone think that maybe alex is the one who took the pictures of Daniel at the ceremony?
I don't think so...
I mean she said in this video, "I haven't clicked a frame since my 26th birthday party."
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Post by Jo_16_2 »

DoktorBob wrote:I thought DB was in a trance when he went to go talk to Alex. Maybe he is still a bit brainwashed when Alex ordered DB to sit and shut up.
not necessarily... dont forget that he was going well with alex, he just obeyed, because he believed in her innocence
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Post by Renegade »

Lurker wrote:As we know, they can't/won't kidnap Bree to do this. It goes against their protocol for dealing with her. They can kidnap or kill other people and use that to influence her, but they can't physically force her into the ceremony.
But they can show up at the house and say "Bree, do the ceremony!" over and over again.

Misty wrote:The thing that gets me though, is how could Jonas recognized Alex with Lucy in the video from Bree, but not recognize her in the photo when they were at the party, or when he edited his video. He must have known what Lucy looked like from tachyons video outing Gemma, so if he saw the Pic he would have known that lucy and Alex were together. And Bree only caught Lucy and not Alex, so It's not like you could really tell it was Alex from the Video.
He might have focused on Carla instead of some random picture on a shelf... :smt002
Onewen wrote:Good question...why would Jonas wait outside for a fun question/answer session?? 8) Unless Daniel made him....???
a) Everyone they know except for the three seems to be in the Order, and
b) it's his only chance to make sure the Order doesn't abduct Daniel...again.
...but as much as he wants to protect Daniel, he's not gonna walk right into the Order's arms. So he stays outside, secures the perimeter, and makes sure Alex doesn't try anything funny.
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:What i don't understand is why Alex says something is going to come after her..
I think that was ment in a chronological sense...like, first was Lucy, then was Gemma, then was shooting Bree's dad, then was abducting Daniel, then was Alex...and the next thing will be even worse.
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Post by watermelonhead »

You know what....

After all these recent events and seeing what kind of people get involved in this group.. i've decided--


Why? Because all the chicks are HOT!

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Post by mellie3204 »

watermelonhead wrote:You know what....

After all these recent events and seeing what kind of people get involved in this group.. i've decided--


Why? Because all the chicks are HOT!

::hops in car and drives to nearest Order Recruirtment Center::

you make me laff :lol:
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How'd Jonas post this anyway? Did she let Daniel go?

I think Alex posted it ,she WANTS Bree to see it...and I think Daniel is hypnotized again....
The difference between Bree and Sarah is this ....

Bree- Classicly Beautiful/sweet/ "pure"/Vogue

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Post by AM »

FyodorReader wrote:
AM wrote:Quoting my own post to address the symbolism behind Alex just suddenly giving up something she loved (photography)at the age of 26.

Remember Tachyon saying Alex had been fighting the order but then suddenly turned? I think that at age 26 Alex was brainwashed by the order and turned into one of them. So essentially she is not the same person that she was any more.
maybe i missed this but when did tachyon ever mention Alex?
Quoting Bree from her "Lucy?" video:

Tachyon thinks that scrapbook could mean something else. She thinks that Alex might have had something to do with those disappearances. She suspects that Alex might have been a part of the resistance at some point, but then betrayed them.
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immortal1 wrote:
Oh and for you Buffy fans 2 words, Teacher's Pet.
what was Spikes' creepy song,do you remember?
The difference between Bree and Sarah is this ....

Bree- Classicly Beautiful/sweet/ "pure"/Vogue

Sarah-Modern Day HOT/ naughty/"dirty"/Penthouse
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Post by plexplex »

maybe this has been discussed already....

But what happened to all their stuff? Jonas just took off out of there.... I don't think Daniel would've been inclined to stay and gather their stuff after Alex was done with her little speech.

wtf? Are we just supposed to write that off as movie magic? Or are they missing all their clothes and stuff?
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Post by longlostposter »

Good morning, everyone (or evening, or afternoon, as the case may be).

As is my modus operandi, I will post my first post without reading the pages, and then go back and read.

My first thought after viewing this was, wow, now Bree will have no idea where the boys are, and she is walking straight into the hands of the Order. Seems like it may be time to use a cellphone.

Secondly, it seems that Jonas is not Order; but on the off chance he is, this could be an elaborate ploy by the Order (with him involved) to get Bree alone.

Lastly, the vernal equinox draws ever closer. It's either Tuesday next, or the following one. I am convinced that this is important; as this is when some of Crowley's various religions celebrate the New Year, and thusly entails a ceremony of immense proportions (We know Crowley was big on ceremonies, especially the sex majik sort). Perhaps they meant for the fake ceremony (way back when) to get rid of Daniel, or, alternatively, just as practice, and there is really no free will involved. They could have been just toying with Bree until the proper time came. Maybe her parents will even be in attendance, or be part of the ceremony themselves.

Wha? Where are Jonas's parents? I don't think it makes sense for them to be Bree's actual parents because of the time frame, but what if Bree's natural parents and Jonas's natural parents were exchanged for some reason?

Ok, I'm going to go read now. Please excuse of some of this is repetition (which I'm sure it is).

ETA: To add greeting to those across the globe.
Last edited by longlostposter on Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Languorous Lass »

gigglingmonk wrote:I haven't seen this yet, and I've read through all the pages...ok, if
Alex is Jonas's aunt(um..duh), why did the Order need to search for his house? Wouldn't they have gone "hey, didn't we kidnap/take/whatever his parents? Lets look it up or ask Alex where his house is". To me, it seems as if the Order isn't a group to just look over small things like that. I mean, its not like they didn't have this whole list of people who were against the Order, two of which(although I guess not so much anymore) were his parents..you would think they would keep those things on file.
Well, we don't know that the Order was searching for his house. We were just speculating about that in previous vids.
house wrote:Jonas' bio parents would probably NOT remember him if he were spirited away as an infant to a set of Order Approved foster parents. . . .The "parents" who raised him might not actually be his parents.
Remember, though, that Bree specifically said that her dad said that "girls who show potential, at birth," are placed in "controlled homes" to see if, at puberty, they "develop the characteristics needed for the ceremony."

Despite our rampant speculations, so far we have absolutely no evidence that boys raised in the Order are needed for the ceremony. So there's no reason to think that Jonas was removed from the home of his natural parents.
Last edited by Languorous Lass on Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mellie3204 »

plexplex wrote:maybe this has been discussed already....

But what happened to all their stuff? Jonas just took off out of there.... I don't think Daniel would've been inclined to stay and gather their stuff after Alex was done with her little speech.

wtf? Are we just supposed to write that off as movie magic? Or are they missing all their clothes and stuff?
I was wondering this too... I think they just grabbed what they could stuff in their bags and went.

So, they no longer can stay at Jonus's, and they basically have nowhere to go? Will the order freeze Jonus's asset or make them disappear?

Maybe they all go to the training camp for a while?

The order have certainly made it clear they are not wnating to use brute force to just grab them and make them do whatever, every tactic has been to inspire despair and paranoia. Looks to me like they prefer to strip people of their options and power until they just give in... typical cultic behaviour. Convincing people they have no choice by removing their other options.
Jonas: I don't care, I don't care! Idon'tcareIdon'tcareIdon'tcare... I don't care. You can't come and I don't care.
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