0146 "On The Road Again" [03/05/07]

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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

honeybee627 wrote:Also, Happy Birthday, Loretta! I keep meaning to say hi to you because I work at BU and I saw that you are headed up here next year. Congratulations! PM me if you need any info!
Thanks so much! Hey that's really cool! What do you do there?
sweetie55 wrote:Happy Birthday to you JALG!
Thank you darling! :D
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Post by totoro2454 »

Dunno if this was mentioned here, but I think it's a cute little coincidence that Drew Avery (Bree's dad as named by Nikki B) 's initials appear on the "Order in the Modern Empire" thing: D.T.A. (T could be Tex, for Tex Avery).

Just something fun.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

totoro2454 wrote:Dunno if this was mentioned here, but I think it's a cute little coincidence that Drew Avery (Bree's dad as named by Nikki B) 's initials appear on the "Order in the Modern Empire" thing: D.T.A. (T could be Tex, for Tex Avery).

Just something fun.
lol, I thought that the Order Manuscript was by Jonas's dad.. that's weird.
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Post by freakish »

how does nikki b know brees dads name
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Post by Ziola »

heh...its a made up name. A bunch of people on the forum were bent that his memorial video said "R.I.P Bree's Dad", so they started a campaign to name him. Suggestions were made and Drew Avery was the winner.
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Post by freakish »

lol good stuff..drew avery is so random.

im pretty sure that im 100% right about the ceremonys purpose being to resurrect a god.
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Post by kristenjane »

sodvest wrote:
lonelygirl wrote:wow, they just skipped a huge chunk of what happened between bree, daniel, and jonas before this road trip.
:( THANK YOU!! I was *so* annoyed that they just jumped right into Jonas-is-okay-again-and-we-have-this-new-info land. I mean, there was all this tension, Bree was all on edge (even though she was wrong), Jonas was pissed and had this new big info that no one (not even him) knew what it was. They left us with this cliff-hanger.... and theeeennnn.....
squat :evil: !!! They coulda done *SO* much with that! I mean, I know that its not tv, but come on guys!!
I know. I was disappointed we didnt get to see what was in the room. Or we didnt get to see them find the booklet thing. That would have added another episode easily and the Creators could have made us really happy with so many new videos.
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Post by jeezy »

freakish wrote:lol good stuff..drew avery is so random.

im pretty sure that im 100% right about the ceremonys purpose being to resurrect a god.
Wait... I wasn't here for this whole thing... can you explain your conclusion...? It kindda makes sense maybe that's why she is so important...
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Post by omegawoman »

michiev wrote:
nobackspacebutton wrote:I think I'm the first to point this out..I just mentioned it in the plot discussion...but...

If you went away on a trip, out of the country-----would you leave your backdoor unlocked??

How did Jonas know to get in..was it left unlocked for him..?

I was wondering the same thing. and i even posted it and someone said that people leave their doors unlocked sometimes.
Jonas took the keys with him when he left, but not the car. Keys would get him back in the house.
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Post by kjones »

omegawoman wrote:
michiev wrote:
nobackspacebutton wrote:I think I'm the first to point this out..I just mentioned it in the plot discussion...but...

If you went away on a trip, out of the country-----would you leave your backdoor unlocked??

How did Jonas know to get in..was it left unlocked for him..?

I was wondering the same thing. and i even posted it and someone said that people leave their doors unlocked sometimes.
Jonas took the keys with him when he left, but not the car. Keys would get him back in the house.
But he took the keys from the cabin with him when he left. Not the keys to his aunt's house.
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Post by jeezy »

kjones wrote:
omegawoman wrote:
michiev wrote:
I was wondering the same thing. and i even posted it and someone said that people leave their doors unlocked sometimes.
Jonas took the keys with him when he left, but not the car. Keys would get him back in the house.
But he took the keys from the cabin with him when he left. Not the keys to his aunt's house.
I don't think everyone is talking about the same keys lol but yeah... I doubt he broke in... it's not that easy... not even to take the screen out of the windotw...
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Post by kjones »

jeezy wrote:
kjones wrote:
omegawoman wrote: Jonas took the keys with him when he left, but not the car. Keys would get him back in the house.
But he took the keys from the cabin with him when he left. Not the keys to his aunt's house.
I don't think everyone is talking about the same keys lol but yeah... I doubt he broke in... it's not that easy... not even to take the screen out of the windotw...

aahhh it's not that hard lol. I used to do it all the time when I forgot my keys.
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Post by jeezy »

kjones wrote:
jeezy wrote:
kjones wrote: But he took the keys from the cabin with him when he left. Not the keys to his aunt's house.
I don't think everyone is talking about the same keys lol but yeah... I doubt he broke in... it's not that easy... not even to take the screen out of the window...

aahhh it's not that hard lol. I used to do it all the time when I forgot my keys.
God I don't know anymore! haha
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Post by looking4answers »

I don't know about anyone else, but I found Jonas really annoying. After about 2 mins i wanted to slap him and tell him to grow up. Like sure he is right for being mad at Bree for what she did, but he was just being too immature. Ugh!
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Post by parakeet100 »

freakish wrote:lol good stuff..drew avery is so random.

im pretty sure that im 100% right about the ceremonys purpose being to resurrect a god.
Wouldn't Drew be short for Andrew?
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