0137- Jonas Sucks

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Post by longlostposter »

Biglancer01 wrote:
Supa Mario wrote:where it all started
the answer is before you
a subtle clue i drew

Where it all started? Bree's Bedroom
The answer is before you? Right infront of him is a copy of NAncy Drew's- "In the diary"
A subtle clue i Drew- Something she drew?

OK so in Bree's bedroom, in her diary, is a subtle clue she Drew?

Won't know until a few video's from now, because I doubt Daniel will get back to Bree's in the matter of a video or two.
In the Parallex thread, Oweniscool said that the note was written in the shape of a heart (by looking at it without actually reading it, but from afar). This could be the "subtle clue I drew". Is it referring to the heart on Jonas' car window?

This is what is meant:


Etc, until it comes to a point and looks like a heart. His post is on page 5 of the "Jonas Sucks" thread in Parallax.

EDIT: For some reason it didn't work with the space button.

Here is a link to the page it's posted on: http://lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewtopic ... 9&start=60
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Post by Languorous Lass »

Does it make any sense to rearrange the letters in the phrase "I Drew"? I'm not much on the puzzle-solving aspect, but I noticed that nobody has mentioned that possibility.

(And I still think that Jonas is with the Order.)
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Post by Ziola »

I Drew=Wierd?

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Post by Kasdeja »

The first post on this thread has a LOT more indepth puzzlework than what we are doing so far.

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Post by Lurker »

longlostposter wrote:My theory:
A watcher put the package in Jonas' car because something in those Nancy Drew books is going to trigger Daniel.
Why make a puzzle out of it if the objective was something so straightforward, though? If I wanted to trigger him, I'd just throw whatever the trigger is in front of him.
longlostposter wrote:Exactly my point, justanotherlonelygirl. Tachyon wouldn't do this.
It is her handwriting, though.
longlostposter wrote:In fact, in the parrellax (sp) thread, someone said that one of the Nancy Drew clues that Tachyon put a dot by was saying to never leave your car doors unlocked, you never know what someone could leave in it.
That doesn't necessarily mean she wouldn't take advantage of someone doing that, though. Especially in a situation where someone could leave the house they're staying in but most likely wouldn't leave their vehicle.
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Post by Kasdeja »

Never know what someone could leave in it...this time something from tachy...next time a homing device.
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Post by saralynn »

I <3 DBeast. He'll always be my favorite character, so this makes me happy.

Get to readin', boy! I can just pictured him curled up in bed reading Nancy Drew. D'awww.
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Post by Kasdeja »

saralynn wrote:I <3 DBeast. He'll always be my favorite character, so this makes me happy.

Get to readin', boy! I can just pictured him curled up in bed reading Nancy Drew. D'awww.
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Post by _K_lynn »

i didnt like this vid. i dont like the fact that daniel is in this frame of mind that is putting jonas against him. unless that is what the order also programmed him to do is to not like jonas and think he is using him or something.

daniel is being a cranky beast.

I also think along with the tachy heart thing. good observation and interesting... but why would she draw a heart?
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Post by iamcool »

so has it been solved yet? lol

and what was up with him sayin "i know its from T coz she left a card" without moving his lips?
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Post by EternalGoddess »

Yay, A clue from Tachy! I can't believe Danial is letting his jealousy get in the way of his judgment. And even if Jonas is starting to like Bree, he hasn't been trying to put the moves on her and the only thing he's really done is try to help Danial with his crush like most good friends do. The fact that he may be starting to like Bree, but still tried to push for Danial to go for it says a lot about his character.
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Post by Kasdeja »

Like I said..he feels like a third wheel and after the capture bit he feels he needs to redeem himself. Not everything has to revolve around jealousy and such.

Personally...I'm thinking Jonas is one of two things. He's either an operative with Tachy's side, watching or 'babysitting' bree...OR he's an operative for Op, babysitting Bree. Who else would he be calling on his cell?
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

Kasdeja wrote:Like I said..he feels like a third wheel and after the capture bit he feels he needs to redeem himself. Not everything has to revolve around jealousy and such.

Personally...I'm thinking Jonas is one of two things. He's either an operative with Tachy's side, watching or 'babysitting' bree...OR he's an operative for Op, babysitting Bree. Who else would he be calling on his cell?

He's never really used his cell phone before...at least they haven't mentioned it. And we ALWAYS see the Watchers using their cell phone...
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Post by Brucker »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
Brucker wrote:
abcdefg wrote: just noticed that it's not actually a haiku. the last line has 6 syllables.

which i'm sure isn't even remotely important, but still jumps out at me enough to bother me.
A very, very good point. Note also that the "haiku" has been copied down wrong here; the last line is "a subtle clue I Drew"

I think it's very significant that both the last words are capitalized. Of course, "Drew" refers to Nancy Drew. Does anyone remember what "i/I" stands for? Because I seem to recall, although I am not a follower of the ARG, that capital and lower-case i's were important in early Tachyon videos. My theory is that this is indeed a haiku, but the word "Drew" is not part of it, but rather part of the signature.
I haven't finished reading so someone probably already said this.. but maybe Drew is capitolized in reference to Nancy Drew.
Yeah... I said it in the post you quoted. :)

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Post by autumneternal »

I keep seeing people bring up the quote from one of the ND books that says something along the lines of never leaving your car doors unlocked because even if there's nothing of value in the car, you never know who could come along and place something not-so-wonderful in it.

Anyone think that, perhaps, this was a sarcastic move on Tachyon's part, maybe sending a bit of a warning to the Scooby Crew while also giving them part of a puzzle to wade through? It's a possibility I haven't seen anyone present yet on any of the boards.
Jonas is no Bruce Wayne, but he is a mild-mannered millionare with a secret identity.
He's HamsterMan, and his parents' bedroom is really the entrance to the HamsterCave.

The reference to Bruce Wayne and the hamster tags all make sense now!
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