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Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:15 pm
by TJ Marsh
who was the watcher Calling?

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:19 pm
by dustfairy
TJ Marsh wrote:
dustfairy wrote:My first post :D

been lurking for a long time but felt I had to throw this thought into the air.

When I saw the video my first thought was that the situation had been set up between the order and jonas to try to prove to bree that he was trustworthy and on her side.

Because they dont shoot him or try to kidnap him or just manhandle him.

Just throwing about random thoughts.

Welcome to the Forum!!!! :D

Thank you , Its nice to be here :D

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:24 pm
by bethy
robtomorrow wrote:I think any talk of there being a clear distinction between OpAphid and the Order is ridiculous, Lucy has been seen with both Gemma and the Deacons, Gemma has been caught talking with OpAphid.
You're still not getting it...

OpAPHID is a PART of The Order. Bree said so herself. We're not trying to keep the separate, really, we're trying to stress that there seem to be divisions within The Order. That doesn't mean they don't speak to each other.

Do we know how OpA is part of The Order? No...not yet. Perhaps OpA is a specific "level" of The Order?? OpA members are also Order Members.

It very possible that OpA is a specific level of attainment within the Order. Or a specific "focus group" within the Order...

For example, I belong to The Society for Technical Communication (STC). I'm also a member of a few of its' SIGs, or Special Interest Groups. There are separate dues for being a member of those groups, but one must be a member of STC in order to join the SIG. The SIGs are part of the STC, but have their own leadership. Once in a while the ideas of the SIG come in conflict with the general membership....especially when it comes to various different fields.

Or maybe it's similar to the degrees of Freemasonry? They're all freemasons...but of different levels.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:28 pm
by girlAnachronism
bethy wrote:
robtomorrow wrote:I think any talk of there being a clear distinction between OpAphid and the Order is ridiculous, Lucy has been seen with both Gemma and the Deacons, Gemma has been caught talking with OpAphid.
You're still not getting it...

OpAPHID is a PART of The Order. Bree said so herself. We're not trying to keep the separate, really, we're trying to stress that there seem to be divisions within The Order. That doesn't mean they don't speak to each other.

Do we know how OpA is part of The Order? No...not yet. Perhaps OpA is a specific "level" of The Order?? OpA members are also Order Members.

It very possible that OpA is a specific level of attainment within the Order. Or a specific "focus group" within the Order...

For example, I belong to The Society for Technical Communication (STC). I'm also a member of a few of its' SIGs, or Special Interest Groups. There are separate dues for being a member of those groups, but one must be a member of STC in order to join the SIG. The SIGs are part of the STC, but have their own leadership. Once in a while the ideas of the SIG come in conflict with the general membership....especially when it comes to various different fields.

Or maybe it's similar to the degrees of Freemasonry? They're all freemasons...but of different levels.
Please DROP IT. There's been way too many posts in this thread about this argument. We know OpAphid is connected to the Order. As is Lucy and the Deacons. Where the watchers come in is yet uncertain so arguing either side as fact is trivial.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:34 pm
by trainer101
I've posted this in "Plot Discussion" but I'll add it here. Hope it helps.
trainer101 wrote:From what we know it appears that:
· The Order is the all-encompassing, ‘Illuminati-like’ organization.
· OpAphid (Operation A.P.H.I.D.) is one arm of the Order - the enforcement arm - not the Order in its entirety.
· Oppy (the person) is the head of OpAphid (the division) - the name was given to her by Opheads.
· The Order of Denderah is the religious faction of the Order - kind of an entry level area where the lower level members have no idea what the upper levels are involved in. While the ‘Ceremony’ takes place at this level, it appears to have a serious impact at the higher levels.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:44 pm
by bethy
Please DROP IT. There's been way too many posts in this thread about this argument. We know OpAphid is connected to the Order. As is Lucy and the Deacons. Where the watchers come in is yet uncertain so arguing either side as fact is trivial.
Oh, good God. Chill out. 7-8 posts in a 14 page thread is an argument?

Rob clearly doesn't understand the concept, he's even said as much and his posts indicate it even more clearly. It's not an "argument" at all so stop pretending it is. I (and several others) have an idea about what's going on. It involves taking a different perspective. All I'm trying to do it to help Rob see the same perspective. It doesn't mean he or anyone else has to agree with me. I don't care. It's just an idea. I may very well be wrong. So what? Rob is the one who who thinks we are trying to make "a clear distinction between OpAphid and the Order" when it's actually the opposite of that. It's all a muddled mess...and we're trying to take what we see in the videos to try to find the distinction.

Good Grief. :roll: If you get it, fine. Don't jump on my case about it. Perhaps you should try helping to explain it for those that don't get it. And don't you dare tell me not to discuss ideas about where the Watchers come from. That's the entire POINT of these discuss the videos and the information contained therein. If you don't want to read my posts, feel free to ignore them. You won't hurt my feelings any. But there's no argument least, not until you decided to get up in my face Jonas-style. Don't assume you know who or what I'm trying to do and shut me down like that. You threw the first's a good thing I'm just talker, not a hitter.

Perhaps you should take your prissy attitude and direct it toward the unending questions about the screen cap in the you tube video and all the people who say they're too lazy to read the read to see that it's been answered 20 times already. Now THAT's annoying.

ETA: Thanks Trainer.

Okay, this post may be harsh sounding...but I'm leaving it at that. I don't take kindly to people assuming my intentions...especially when their assumptions are totally wrong. :roll:

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:07 pm
by ericski
this video establishes the futility of trying to attack the watchers. since the watchers are usually the only presence of the order the trio has detected, it shows that it is not so easy to "get at" the order. it also confirms the suspicion that jonas' house is not safe.
but we have transitioned from just running scared and running with purpose. hopefully.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:15 pm
by bethy
The question is, it necessary to run from the Watchers? I've never been fully convinced that The Watchers (the dudes in suits) have the same purpose as OpAPHID.

The Watchers themselves have never actually done anything...creepy? yes...but as I said last night, I get the Secret Service vibe from them.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:17 pm
by robtomorrow
bethy wrote:Rob clearly doesn't understand the concept, he's even said as much and his posts indicate it even more clearly. It's not an "argument" at all so stop pretending it is. I (and several others) have an idea about what's going on. It involves taking a different perspective. All I'm trying to do it to help Rob see the same perspective.
Well, I certainly appreciate your help in having me take the same perspective as you. :P
trainer101 wrote:I've posted this in "Plot Discussion" but I'll add it here. Hope it helps.
trainer101 wrote:From what we know it appears that:
· The Order is the all-encompassing, ‘Illuminati-like’ organization.
· OpAphid (Operation A.P.H.I.D.) is one arm of the Order - the enforcement arm - not the Order in its entirety.
· Oppy (the person) is the head of OpAphid (the division) - the name was given to her by Opheads.
· The Order of Denderah is the religious faction of the Order - kind of an entry level area where the lower level members have no idea what the upper levels are involved in. While the ‘Ceremony’ takes place at this level, it appears to have a serious impact at the higher levels.
Trainer... that is a nice simple way to expain it, although I think the creators owe you a lot for your efforts to fill in the holes.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:58 pm
by janesalteredstates
ericski wrote:this video establishes the futility of trying to attack the watchers. since the watchers are usually the only presence of the order the trio has detected, it shows that it is not so easy to "get at" the order. it also confirms the suspicion that jonas' house is not safe.
but we have transitioned from just running scared and running with purpose. hopefully.
I think it stresses that planning is key. They can't just "storm the castle" without a plan. Running up to some guy and punching him aint gonna get it done. You know?

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:01 pm
by girlAnachronism
robtomorrow wrote:
bethy wrote:Rob clearly doesn't understand the concept, he's even said as much and his posts indicate it even more clearly. It's not an "argument" at all so stop pretending it is. I (and several others) have an idea about what's going on. It involves taking a different perspective. All I'm trying to do it to help Rob see the same perspective.
Well, I certainly appreciate your help in having me take the same perspective as you. :P
TJ Marsh wrote:who was the watcher Calling?
That's an excellent point. I hadn't noticed that originally. I think he's just there to keep tabs on Bree and Tweedledee and Tweedledum. The phone call probably consisted of "Um, that Daniel kid is filming me...what should I do?" Too bad we couldn't get a phone number from him.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:09 pm
by PinkoLady
Klaatu wrote:I am just curious. Can anyone explain to me why Bree's picure appears as the thumbnail on YouTube for this episode butht he picture is part of some other episode?
Daniel said he did that before to get people to watch, because it was a particuarly important video-- I can't remember for which ones a did that for though, I think the one when she took Jonas' car and peaced out to meet her dad.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:10 pm
by Lurker
PinkoLady wrote:
Klaatu wrote:I am just curious. Can anyone explain to me why Bree's picure appears as the thumbnail on YouTube for this episode butht he picture is part of some other episode?
Daniel said he did that before to get people to watch, because it was a particuarly important video-- I can't remember for which ones a did that for though, I think the one when she took Jonas' car and peaced out to meet her dad.
The Creators have said they plan to start doing that for every video on YouTube since "it is clear to us that having an identifiable thumbnail and posting to the LG15 account is important to bringing in a larger viewership. This is important for the ongoing success of the show."

In this case it didn't have anything to do with Daniel or the story, really. The Creators also said that YouTube was going to stop being part of the LG15 universe from a suspension of disbelief standpoint, so things like thumbnails in the videos, YT post times, etc. would no longer be important.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:31 pm
by ericski
bethy wrote:The question is, it necessary to run from the Watchers? I've never been fully convinced that The Watchers (the dudes in suits) have the same purpose as OpAPHID.

The Watchers themselves have never actually done anything...creepy? yes...but as I said last night, I get the Secret Service vibe from them.
no, i always thought the watchers were simply watching bree. keeping tabs on her, for the order.
their presence is creepy, but no action (that we see).
running from them accomplishes getting off the orders actual radar, so to speak. it seems temporary at best.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:45 pm
by PinkoLady
Lurker wrote:
PinkoLady wrote:
Klaatu wrote:I am just curious. Can anyone explain to me why Bree's picure appears as the thumbnail on YouTube for this episode butht he picture is part of some other episode?
Daniel said he did that before to get people to watch, because it was a particuarly important video-- I can't remember for which ones a did that for though, I think the one when she took Jonas' car and peaced out to meet her dad.
The Creators have said they plan to start doing that for every video on YouTube since "it is clear to us that having an identifiable thumbnail and posting to the LG15 account is important to bringing in a larger viewership. This is important for the ongoing success of the show."

In this case it didn't have anything to do with Daniel or the story, really. The Creators also said that YouTube was going to stop being part of the LG15 universe from a suspension of disbelief standpoint, so things like thumbnails in the videos, YT post times, etc. would no longer be important.
Yeah, I wasn't sure what was up with it this time, I just remembered that Daniel had done that before. Good its cleared up that it doesn't really mean anything, though.