Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:38 pm
new video soon i hope. 

Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
Meh hopes that too!Iris2009 wrote:new video soon i hope.
I think there will be.aeryolol wrote:Meh hopes that too!Iris2009 wrote:new video soon i hope.
Okay, forgive me, I haven't read this all the way through, so I'm probably repeating a bunch of stuff. I liked this quote, though, I totally agree.Lola wrote:This is nowhere near ending. The stakes are just being set. Up until now Bree hasn't been in danger because the Order needs her to choose to do the ceremony of her own free will. It's easy for her to say she will do the ceremony now in order to save her friend but she doesn't yet know what the consequences of the ceremony are. Her own death would be tragic but it could be something even worse. Seems like she's going to be facing a terrible dilemma soon that's going to force her to take action and grow in interesting ways.
Lmao thats funnyaeryolol wrote:When it starts lagging, we will know.
And we'll wait for hours if need be... one video had something like 600 comments before the video actually was viewable, just from people waiting... and waiting... and waiting... I came about 10 minutes before it went up, it was pretty funny actually!HoorayForMeImMakingOut wrote:Lmao thats funnyaeryolol wrote:When it starts lagging, we will know.
whitetigress53 wrote:I'm just wondering how she can do the ceremony without going through all her preparations...shots, diet, etc. Which means she couldn't do it ASAP.
But I really hope she finds a way not to go through with it and still get Daniel back! She can't do just wouldn't be right.
*back to lurking*
I have to argue with this a little bit. Mr. Bree died pretty much out of the blue. We saw it (kinda) and there was nothing she could have done about it, and once done, it was DONE. She can't raise the dead (we think).EternalGoddess wrote:Bree better have something planned and this vid was just a way to trick the order into compromising their possision. If not then I will be so irritated I will almost be pissed. The whole series has been Bree running away from the Order and no matter what happened she kept running. And for the series to end like this would be dumb. I mean, come on, her father got shot and she was still dodging them, but Danial makes one lousy vid and suddenly she wants to do the ceremony. Her father didn't deserve to die and yet she sat back and did nothing, but Danial is probably sitting back drinking orange slurpies and now she wants to trade herself off. Nuh uh, I don't think so! She and Jonas HAVE to have something planned.
Wisi Girl wrote: It is absolutely impossible for Bree to do the ceremony now because it would require her to begin the strict preperations all over again! Why do they still want her? It is as if the preperations are secondary to something far more crucial for the ceremony....She hasn't been on a diet or taking any shots. She hasn't been practicing her enoquien. Plus, we are not completely certain if she is a virgin.
Great observations, SharpI. I totally agree.SharpI wrote: Mr. Bree died pretty much out of the blue. We saw it (kinda) and there was nothing she could have done about it, and once done, it was DONE. She can't raise the dead (we think).
Daniel, however, is not a done deal. It's possible that she can get him out.
Also, Mr. Bree and Daniel are different people, relationship-wise. Mr. Bree got Bree into this, whereas Bree got Daniel into it. So a much different picture for Bree, responsibility-wise.
That said, I do hope that Bree has a plan. I don't think it involves Jonas, I think it's something that Bree has developed herself based on her knowledge of the ceremony (plus some info she got from Mr. Bree, possibly). Her asking to "do the ceremony quickly" factors into it somehow. Under normal circumstances, wouldn't she want to stall?