Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:maybe he was threatened into coercing Bree to do it, and in a desperate plea to let Bree know it was "no good", he acted in a way WAY different from who he is. they might have seen something weird, thus the spliced nature of the vid.
stardust711 wrote:good idea! they don't know his personality as well as bree or jonas so maybe the way he was acting would not seem weird to them...but to us and to bree it certainly does/would
That's my point how could they not know his personality? The whole idea of Watchers implies they are observant. In these types of vids the prisoner does try to signal the outside that they are being influenced but it's usually something subtle like blinking. How slick would it have been if he blinked "no good" in morse code?
LadyBugGirl wrote:
Did he say her dad wasn't dead?? Did I miss something?
yea go read it in the LGpedia. i had to because i didn't believe my ears either
All it says is, "That thing with your dad, it's just a big misunderstanding. He actually wanted that to happen. Don't you want all of this to be worth something?"
It doesn't say he isn't dead it just said he wanted that and that she should want it to mean something (I assumed he meant that she should want his death to mean something).
We can always hope that her dad didn't die but unless I'm missing something I don't think Daniel said he was still alive.
I guess i'm just assuming or wanting it to be true!!!
2) Daniel talked that way on purpose to let Bree and Jonas know something was wrong.
I'm leaning more towards option #1, because how could Op not know how Daniel normally acts? I think she's too smart to let Daniel get a message in the video.
And I think she had Daniel talk like that on purpose as kind of a "Haha, I got Daniel and he says what I want. Suckers!"
Also! I don't really expect Cassie to make a sudden appearance again... in the video Daniel said "She'd want you to do the ceremony too.". He doesn't say "She WANTS you do to the ceremony too". He said "She would..." and I took that to mean "If she was still around she'd want you to the ceremony.
If Cassie does show up I hope it's not itscassie. :p I have a feeling the creators would read the boards enough to know that itscassie isn't as popular as cassieiswatching used to be.
This isn't OpAphid trying to get on Bree's level. This is Op showing the extent of power she and the Order has.
This isn't OpAphid trying to make it look like Daniel is having the best of times and wanting Bree to come along. If it was like that, the video would be much more natural. Not so freaky and off-putting.
Seriously, is Bree going to watch this and think "Oh, Daniel is having a jolly good time. I would like to join him. Maybe I can get some ice cream too! I think I'll invite Jonas!"
Of course not. She'll watch this and think the same thing the rest of us are thinking: "Oh God, what the hell is going on?" Throw in some more expletives and exclamations as you see fit.
OpAphid is basically showing off the power she has over people. She's saying, "Look what I've done to your friend. Imagine what I can do to you."
This is also a hint of a serious threat to Daniel's life. They aren't going to stop at just brainwashing Daniel. Until Bree chooses to do the ceremony, things are going to get much, much worse for him.
About the Cassie reference: notice how he doesn't say anything new about Cassie. He just rearranges what was previously said about her, throwing in a statement that she would want Bree to do the ceremony as well.
On a completely non-analytical note, I might have some nightmares about this one tonight. The whole "We have Daniel" thing really really really creeped me out.
Daniel does look different too. He seems bulked up. In the shots where he's leaning back a bit and more of his upper body is visible, he looks heavier and more muscular in the shoulder area. Something about his hair, too, I think -- they've fixed it different.
Maybe Daniel has an evil twin working for the order.
wow.. the merging has happened. the video came out earlier that I thought it would, but the card-number-predicters ... congratulations.
I'm pretty sure that Daniel wasn't really saying that. He was probably forced to say it or something. He spoke differently as well. he was talkin' all ganster-like and stuff, ya know.. now off to read the transcript.
consideration wrote:On a completely non-analytical note, I might have some nightmares about this one tonight. The whole "We have Daniel" thing really really really creeped me out.
Heh, I enjoyed reading your ideas! I liked the dialogue..."Oh, Daniel is having a jolly good time! cream!"
And no kidding with the "We have Daniel" quote!! *shivers* That was...interesting....
Vice President of the Owen Fan Club
You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
Flautapantera wrote:
Heh, I enjoyed reading your ideas! I liked the dialogue..."Oh, Daniel is having a jolly good time! cream!"
Thanks, I love LG15, but posting on the forum kinda scares me, which is why this will make it my grand third time. Lol.
janejane26 wrote:
Also! I don't really expect Cassie to make a sudden appearance again... in the video Daniel said "She'd want you to do the ceremony too.". He doesn't say "She WANTS you do to the ceremony too". He said "She would..." and I took that to mean "If she was still around she'd want you to the ceremony.
I think this is a really good point. He does imply that Cassie isn't with us anymore (dead).
Daniel talked that way on purpose to let Bree and Jonas know something was wrong.
That can't be...simply because this isn't a "Daniel video" at all. This is an OpAPHID video from start to finish. The symbol, the sound, the reversed's all OpAPHID.
get over it. you dont need to watch any op videos for this to make sense.
Well, maybe...maybe not. A knowledge of the OpAPHID videos (and the game itself) actually sheds a LOT of light on the series story.
The interesting part? Why is OpAPHID so concerned with Bree completing the ceremony? Remember...Gemma was working for OpAPHID. People not familiar with the details of the ARG might not realize that.